Jewel of the Seas---Nov 11,2007



Hi Cindy......Final payment is due sept 5pm......

Enjoy your day.......sorry,Im a dog person and dont have much experience with cats.......good luck with that!!


Good morning, all:
Quick post as I need to leave for work....just checking in.
Kathy- hope all went well with moving your dgtr..
Kate- what a time with Alistair...they never really leave us, do they? Bless his heart, how is his ankle?
Cindy- can't help with the cat dept., either! Kate can....

Got to go...


Morning guys, Cindy I don't think you will ever get the cats to accept one another especially if yours is a male, as they are territorial.

I think the chef may make it to work today. His ankle is still swollen but he has it bandaged up and since this is a new job, he had better show up.

Hope your day went well yesterday Kathy. I am also off to work. They have persuaded me to do at least three days a week when I am in town..... Oh well it's cruising money. (tu)

See you later.


Hi all..........

Sorry i didnt report in last night...anyway, we did 2 trips with both cars loaded and got most of it into the storage center.....Lauren is coming up later to spend the night or 2..........she has off till Friday and she'll have more room here than staying at her dads apartment in Tampa........

Kate-how old is Alistair?? Did you say(I cant look back at old posts) where he is now working?? are the cats getting along???

Martha-----are you getting this gruesome HOT weather too?? Our heat index has been 105 every day........its horrible..


I've had some good success with the two cats! I search the internet and read to rub my cat's face with a clean cloth and then rub the new cat's face with the same cloth...and just a short time later they passed each other on the stairs without a sideways glance! I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it for myself. Kate. they are both young females....

Heat?! It was well over 80 here before it was even 11 am today! We had a huge storm yesterday and tons of rain which has now translated into the worst humidity imaginable...and the circle will continue today...more storms, more humidity, more heat!

Even though I missed my children terribly when they went out on their own, I love my empty nest. I also love when they come to visit, but must admit I also love the quietness once they go home. I am fortunate though that I can talk with them both just about every day, either by phone or by internet and webcam...

Thanks for the info (again) about final payment, Kathy. I put a post-it up so I won't have to ask again...



[quote copnlpn2]

Even though I missed my children terribly when they went out on their own, I love my empty nest. I also love when they come to visit, but must admit I also love the quietness once they go home. I am fortunate though that I can talk with them both just about every day, either by phone or by internet and webcam...

Cindy[/quote]Im with you 100,not make that 1000%!!!:)P)


Good morning:
Kathy- the heat here is horrible! It is supposed to be 102 today and I don't even want to think of the heat index...last night when I got off work and 8 pm it was still 90...takes your breath away!
Cindy- glad you got your cat situation worked out!
Kate- glad to hear Alistair will be able to work at his new job!

Have to meet my sister for lunch today. She's in town and this is the only day off I have when she is here...



Just a quickie as my DS wants to get on the PC. Just when I do.:)P)

Cindy that is amazing about the cats. Wonder what happened.

Martha, I hope you enjoyed your lunch today. How nice to have your sister close. I would love that. I seem to have spent my entire life away from my family, except of course for Alan, Lindsey and Alistair, but it would have been so nice to have sister, Aunt or Mother close by. I think I miss that more as I get older. But now I am getting maudlin.:help

Our heat index was also 105 today, more like the Texas weather we are used to at this time of the year.

Kathy, Alistair is 23 coming on 24 at Thanksgiving. He starts school in September doing a Diploma course as " Sous Chef De Cuisine" He is working at the Hilton Hotel at Post Oak as a 2nd Chef just to earn some money, but it is not challenging him as they do not cook. Everything is prepared and brought in..He does not like that.
Time for bed.

See you guys tomorrow.


Wow were up late.....hey,Lauren is 22 and will be 23 Nov Alistair single?? I wouldnt mind having a chef in the family too...:lol BTW...Hells Kitchen is now having tryouts for next year....heck,if a nanny can get that far.just think how far a sous chef can get.....I know some of them were......

Good job on the cat training Cindy.........I see another job title on your resume.....

How was lunch Martha?? Wish I had family around here........hardly have any anywhere.......

Happy Friday all.......


Wah~Wah~~:( Had to cancel the EN today.......unexpected truck was either Dennis drives and goes to work or we go play for 4 days......It WAS a hard choice...;)


[size=large]HELLO!!![/size] [size=medium]HELLO!![/size] [size=small]HELLO!![/size] [size=x-small]HELLO!![/size]

Anyone out there????=huh


Kathy, you had to cancel the cruise? Oh I feel for you. We were out all day yesterday getting these new vehicles. It seems to take all day and just as we were about to get all the signing done the A/C went out so we had to wait around. Then Al left a window open and our AC is about burned out trying to cool the house back down. :help

See you Tomorrow.


Good morning, all:
Whew- I am pretty tired...hard w/e and this heat doesn't help! I leave work at 8:30 pm and it is still 90+ outside....
Kate- Lee wants to know how much luggage your new car holds!!:lol
What a good idea about Alistair trying out for Hell's Kitchen or even Top Chef:chef
Kathy- so sorry to hear you had to cancel your cruise...:( We're taking it cruise by cruise, but definitely have the final payment for the's nice to dream, though...

Have to go finish my coffee and check in on the other roll call thread..



Glad to see you ladies posting.........

Why does it take all day to get a new car?? They always say it will be a short time,but never works out that way,does it?? I think they wear you down and you do whatever it takes to get outta there........anyway, g/l with the new car.......

I know Martha....we always have cruises booked cuz they seem like a super deal.......but of course,sometimes reality sets in and we cant do all the ones we want........But I cant wait for the JW!!

HKs finale tonite......(tu)


Good morning Kathy and Martha,

Kathy, I know what a hard decision that must have been for you, but at least we have the Jewel to look forward to. I can hardly wait to see you guys again. I know we are going to have a lot of fun. We have such a great group.

It's been very slow going with the PC CC group. There are a few who seem very nice, perhaps it will change when we meet up. I had suggested getting together for dinner and so far we only have a few takers.

However we are looking forward to it and to having a relaxing time. (getting rested up enough to meet you guys!)

A/C is working again TG It was horrible last night trying to sleep.

Alan has gone off in his new car this morning, I am having day off. I thought I would have to wait all day for the a/c guys so now I will do a few errands that I never got done Saturday.

See you later.


I hate buying new cars...ugh!:X Last time we went, it was my car, but the salesmen would always talk to Lee...he told them it was for me and they totally ignored so mad at 1 place, I turned around and got back into the car and said come couldn't believe I did that...just left the guy with his mouth open!::eek:

Glad to hear you got your ac fixed, Kate..have a good day off.



What is it with car dealers thinking its all up to the men?? This is 2007,not 1955......jeez..........

Sorry your PC roll call is not as much fun as ours......some are like that.......and some are worse!!

Just looked at that place Tom is going to in Costa Maya........$32 and all you can drink.......sounds good to me..........what a great adult place..;)


Kathy- I've been researching most of the day....but I think we will pass on the Maya Palms Resort...round trip cab is approx.$40 for 3...then the $32 pp, then the $20 lobster TAIL lunch, then Tom just said something about $10 more for unlimited drinks...which totals to $ 164 for 2 people, and that's before tipping---guess it's Majahual or hang out at the pool again for us!



I haven't really looked at it closely. I am still concentrating on the PC.
I was glad to see Rock won tonight. I thought Bonnie was a bit flaky.

ac up and running tonight it feels soooooooooo good. We should have a better sleep tonight.

Martha, I can just see you walking out of the dealership. Hot blooded redhead. You go girl..............

I would be the same.

Later guys I got to get some sleep.........