Jewel of the Seas---Nov 11,2007



Glad you had such a wonderful time, Kathy. I love NYC. So much to do and see. I never get bored going there!!

I agree with Kathy, Kate. I would not rush into anything just because it's what Alan have to want it, also. He seems to be trying to push you to do things his way. Have you gotten a lawyer yet? I hate to see him try to take advantage of you. I am glad you have the cruise to look forward was the tea party?

I have an awful cough and ST.....must have picked it up at work.



The tea party was very nice. We even had a letter from the Queen. My friend that I took was tickled pink by the whole event.
The only problem was yesterday I had a very weepy day. One of the ladies who was there organizes the Houston G&S Society and she came up to me and said I haven't heard from your husband yet. I had to tell her, and then the guy who cuts my grass and I found myself in tears again. But he was very kind and he told me don't worry if I have to I will cut it for free. He was stunned. He said he thought my husband was such I nice guy. I told him I did too.

So sorry you have another cough Martha. I am sure working in a hospital it is very easy to pick up all kinds of infections. Its probably one of the worst places to work.


Hi ladies!!

I can relate, Kate to the crying..............I remember being in Publix and the manager asked how I was.just in general.....he was Laurens old boss..........well, I was in the middle of the store and started bubbling and saying I needed a job and told him my husband left me.......he was very nice and walked me out to my car and gave me tissue................I feel like a never know when you will lose it...........heck,its still a shocker that you thought would never this day, whenever I see him,he asks how Im doing and if everything is ok.....

....Darn,wish we all lived near one another...

Sorry you feel yucky Martha....


Morning Ladies,

Yeah Kathy, I wished we lived nearer too. What you described is exactly how I feel. I hate it when you Iose it. It does make you feel stupid. I need to get that book DR. I did read a few of the posts yesterday and it made me feel more cheerful. In fact I was going to email him I had been very busy all weekend and that he could come round to the house tonight to pick up the data he wants, but that I would be out and he could just get it himself from inside the front door. Except I am not so sure its a good idea to invite him into the house when I am not there. Maybe I will just FedEx him the stuff.

How are you feeling today Martha? I hope that cough has not developed. I hate it when I get a cough. It always goes into bronchitis. Take care of yourself. You are always thinking of everyone else.

Work today and the salsa lessons tonight. Except I was the worst there I thought. It's all in the head, not the feet.

Have a great day girls.


Still feeling bad and this is my long week!! :eek:

Kate- I am so sorry this is happening. I wish we were closer. If you ever get a chance, you are always welcome here! Lee is also concerned about you. He asks me all the time how you are doing.

We have been getting T-storms all weekend, but rain is good. We are still in a drought; it just cuts into my computer time!!

Have a good day!


Right behind all of you this am....:wave

Keep reading those boards,Kate and post your will help putting it down and getting others point of views on it.........I wouldnt let him in the house...............but if you do,dont forget,the red sheets and the new sexy bathrobe.......hahahahahah

Martha------we are probably getting the same storms........they have been horrible,but the rain is so welcome..........I was able to shut off the sprinkler system..

Later !!


Thank you both for being behind me. I wanted to post on the DB boards thats why I tried to register. Now I can't get on at all at home and I can't take the time at its not possible to get other viewpoints.

I feel like running away and never coming back. But thanks you again for all the support, and tell Lee thanks as well.


I might take you up on that. Closing down for the night as I am leaving work. Take care girls


Poor its Lee's turn to play nurse..........

Feel Better.......

Thinking of you today,Kate.........


What has happened to Martha? I hope she is alright.

Just to let you know I am doing OK today. I think it must be all the prayers as I have not shed a tear. My sister has all the nuns in England praying for me and candles lite all over the church. So I am very thankful for all your good wishes. I will survive. Going to the Gym after work for my two miles.

Did pretty well at Salsal last night. The group wants us to go to a club on Saturday but when I looked it up it sadi it was a Gay bar " The Copa" I think it was be highly amusing to let Alan know I have taken up dancing Salsa at a Gay Bar :lol

I will check back tomorrow. Will have my pc looked at at the weekend and may have to buy another, or maybe I will just get a laptop.


Good morning,.,,,,,,,,,,,I see Martha's on too:wave feeling better?? I sure hope so......

Kate--glad to hear you got thru yesterday ok.......I was thinking of about that Gay salsa class ::eek: ........ and Alan might think he turned you off of men...........hahaha Bet its fun though.....


Good morning, Kate and Kathy-
Kate- I am so glad you had a good day yesterday. I was thinking of you, also. Gay salsa classes, huh?????

Kathy- I am feeling some better, thanks, but this cough is awful! Gets me short of breath. Throat not as bad, though. BTW, how is Lauren doing? Was her GYN able to do the thyroid tests? Meant to ask the other day, sorry... How is the truck? Have y'all decided to get another one or keep that one?

Have a good day..


Ever since the doctor took her off the calcium,she has been fine..........all her tests came back normal....

Still debating the do we buy another truck or not.........


Kathy- I am SO glad tests all were normal and she is feeling better!! I bet you can sleep better!:thumb

Lee and I are seriously thinking of signing up for MY Time Dining for the PC.....we have not had the best of tablemates when we cruise without y' fact, some have been pretty bad. Your thoughts, please.


I think I would like anytime dining.......some hate it,some love it........if you dont want that,why not a table for 2?? thats what we get when its just us................on the SS next week, we're just eating in the WJ.......

Storms a coming...GTG!