I am sorry girls, I guess I am going on a bit too much. Don't want to be a pain in the a$$. I know you are all there for me. Women are so much stronger than men. I just want to have this all go away and get on with my life.
The potty training can be a tough time. You are right for them to get started with Aubrey. I am sure it would help if her big sister could use the big potty as well. I guess the only consolation is it does happen one day. Hang in there Martha, they need your wisdom and knowledge.
Kathy, if I get any kind of a decent settlement I am going to make the trip over to see you and we will go and see Martha together.
The potty training can be a tough time. You are right for them to get started with Aubrey. I am sure it would help if her big sister could use the big potty as well. I guess the only consolation is it does happen one day. Hang in there Martha, they need your wisdom and knowledge.
Kathy, if I get any kind of a decent settlement I am going to make the trip over to see you and we will go and see Martha together.