Jewel of the Seas---Nov 11,2007



I am sorry girls, I guess I am going on a bit too much. Don't want to be a pain in the a$$. I know you are all there for me. Women are so much stronger than men. I just want to have this all go away and get on with my life.

The potty training can be a tough time. You are right for them to get started with Aubrey. I am sure it would help if her big sister could use the big potty as well. I guess the only consolation is it does happen one day. Hang in there Martha, they need your wisdom and knowledge.

Kathy, if I get any kind of a decent settlement I am going to make the trip over to see you and we will go and see Martha together.


Kate- that's what friends are for and you are definitely NOT a PITA!



Hey girls, do you watch the GemsTV channel. I have to confess to watching it the past few months and ordering from it. Of course I will probably have to pay for it, but I sure enjoyed doing it..............

My poor Eddie is shedding his coat. ....There is fur all over the place. I have never seen him do this in the 15 years we have had him. That is why I thought there was something wrong. But they are still telling me his glucose level is too high and so is his creatin or whatever. Hell I don't even know what mine is but I have to worry about the's OK though because as you rightly say Martha, I love him. He has been my constant companion for all the days and nights I have spent alone, while Alan was traveling.

Got to really get down to concentrating on the VY cruise. I have organized two private tours with a family from the UK who have 5 in their party. I added my 3 and together we can split the cost of tours in Florence and Naples, well not actually Naples we are actually going down the Almalfi Coast to Almalfi, Postitano, Ravello, and Sorrento. So far I have not got anything for Rome and am in two minds about whether to even go into Rome for 1 day. Seems to be too much to take in, in a day. I think I would rather come back and do a land tour and spend more time there. We will see. I might be persuaded by folks on the ship if they are looking to share. Part of the problem is my SIS and BIL cannot afford to do many tours. but as they are in their 80's ( although very spritely) Bernard tends to get lost and I am concerned that if I don't make sure they are with me I can see the ship sail without them. Consequently I am paying for all the tours to be sure they are with me. I don't mind a bit as it is what I have been working for, but I also want to get good value for my hard earned money.

Time for bed. Nite nite.


Ok Kate.......shut the tv off and go to shopping tonite.........

we all are on late tonite,arent we?/



Off for an oil change...........why do I make early appts??? STUPID me..........oh well, back later...


Kate- Does Eddie have diabetes? That's what a high glucose could mean. Just wondering?????
I think it is so nice of you to help out with your sister and BIL so they get to enjoy everything. Not many would do that. I envy you going to the Amalfi Coast and Positano. Take plenty of pictures. That is somewhere we REALLY want to see.

What do you girls have for television? We have Time Warner Cable but am looking at Direct TV and Dish. What do you use and do you like it? The good and bad, please.

Lee is having his treatment. We may go see Momma Mia! later if he is up to it. Sometimes he gets wiped out, so we will see.



Hope Lee is doing ok after his treatment(for what??) ,Martha.......

We have Cox Cable............Dennis would like the Dish,but I like cable.......I have it on the tv and for my puter.........We had a dish years ago and it seemed whenever we had a storm it would go out.........but I know alot of people like it........


He has to have monthly intravenous infusions of a medication to help his rheumatoid arthritis stay in check. Otherwise, he can't get out of bed. It's to help prevent flares. It's sure better than nothing!! Sometimes he has trouble just getting up in the am. I can't imagine how he would be if he wasn't able to be on it. It's strong stuff....makes him immunocompromised so he has to be careful who he is around. Catches pneumonia and bronchitis easily. I think it's affecting his lungs, but what's the tradeoff.

Actually going to see Mama Mia! in a little while. Said he's up for it.


Well, we just got back from Mamma Mia! It was great; but you are right, Pierce Brosnan REALLY cannot sing!! But who cares when he takes off his shirt at the end!! Lee said it was a chick flick, but I told him Dennis sat thru it so shush!! He said he could see us as Tanya, Rosie and Donna.

Hope you have a great w/e!



I am so glad that Lee felt up to going with you to see Mama Mia even if it was a chick flick. I agree who care if pierce Brosnan can sing or not, he looks good. I also love Colin Firth. One of the girls I work with has to have an infusion every month or so for her RA. She gets to a point where she just has to go in. I am not sure what drugs get used but it seems to help her a lot. I am so glad that Lee is able to get that treatment. Tell him hello for me.

I think Eddie does have diabetes. They kind of said that they want to test for it, but I may have to wait till I come back . I have so little time with everything else going on. He also seems to have some kidney problems and they think he may need to be hydrated once a week, an have a change of diet. I have to find out what this will cost me as I may have to figure it into my monthly expenses. I am not ready to lose him yet, he has been my constant companion, especially the past few months.

Kathy, I have Direct-TV, but you are right, during a storm I tend to lose the picture. This can be a little frustrating if you are in the middle of something. Get your oil change done?...................


I LOVE as Donna,Rosie and Tanya!! Dang..we need to go on a Halloween cruise and dress up.............hahahaha

Yup,got the oil,fun,

Poor Lee having to go thru all that,but it that is what it takes to help it,so be it............tell him hi and that Dennis loved MM(hahaha).....dont think he did.......

Poor Eddie.......we love our animals so much we sacrifice for them,dont we?? To me,money is no object.....if I cant afford it,I wouldnt hesistate to make payment arrangement...........I know there is a limit,but where do we draw the line?


Morning, seems to be something wrong with the print on my PC. It's like some of the letters are only half printed. I hope its not going to out on me. maybe I just need to reboot it.

I know what you mean about our animals Kathy. I had to go and pick up some more medication for Eddie and also some prescription food because of his kidneys. I can see it is going to get expensive but as you say he has to have it.

Going to make a run to Macy's this afternoon for a browse. Then come home and have a dip in the pool

What are you all up to today?


Kate- it's my w/e to work and after Lee's treatment, he usually has to rest. He did too much on Friday after his treatment and was in pain all day yesterday. How was Macy's? My favorite place!!

Kathy- is Dennis home? Lee says hi back at ya!!

Have to run............. have a good day!!



Yea Dennis is home(till later today)....hes busy spraying the yard for ticks......we have found about 5 on Holly in the past few months......while not an infestation,one is too many!! Hate those things.......

Have to get to I'll catch you all later,,,,,,,


For some strange reason it wouldn't let me sign in today? I had to reset the password.

Kathy I hope you get rid of those little creepy things soon. Good job Dennis is home to deal with it. I am planning to go to the gym later and also to water aerobics.

It is so hot here. The only place to cool down is in the pool Hope you have a good day.


Good morning, girls; time to rise and shine! :wave

Same old, same old here- nothing new to report.

Just thought I would check in.............


Yea,sometimes not much to say,but nothing wrong with saying good morning to good friends!!
