Marc, I didn't know anyone still owned pastel suits...
Seriously, the outfit you described should fit the bill for informals. No tie required, but sport coat or suit coat is.
I have no idea why I feel disorganized about packing this time. I usually throw everything into suitcases about 1 hour before we leave the house, and I used to pack to two! Everytime I walk through the house, I think of something else that needs to be packed. Since it seems to be bugging me, I've started "piles" upstairs and downstairs to gather the things together,. hopefully both "piles" will fit when I actually pull out suitcases!
Our weather in NOVA is actually the same as you predicted, Marc. We are supposed to be in rain Saturday morning, but close to 70. If we have the 70 and the sky clears, we may be able to be at the Navigation pool for sailaway afterall. Keep your fingers crossed, and bring a jacket!