Miscellaneous(part 3....or is it 4?)

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OH, I am in mourning.:( I was getting so upset about the Gator game that I drank a whole bottle of wine! Now I have the whole gang here for dinner, so it's time for more wine. Hee Hee!!! Bert's getting roasted chicken from Sam's. I already have potatoes with garlic & olive oil in the oven. Also fixed tomatoes with oil & basil and will make broccoli and cauliflower to complete the meal. Dang ... I feed these guys too good. No wonder they keep coming back!:cool:


You sure do................do you ever throw them anything like hot dogs and chips???=huh


Good Morning all, That might by the trick. Just tell them the hotdogs are in the frig and the buns and a bag of chips are on the counter. See what happens.

Heading out to Church. Back later.....


Good morning..............

been out already...........now home for the day(yea, we'll see).............Im gonna smoke salmon,eggplant and squash on the smoker........been soaking the salmon in a brine overnight(thats what the recipe calls for).....hope it turns out ok............

Dennis has to cut the grass and then we'll just chill by the pool...........................

Hope everyone has a super Sunday...........


Ok, I see San and Paul BOTH stopped by last night to read..........whats the matter?? Nothing to say?? Cat got your tongue???????:p


Wow, you guys, you can't sneak on here anymore......we can see you:lol

PH, the Jewel did dock at Black Falcon yesterday, contrary to what someone reported on CC. There was another ship in port also. No change in itinerary has been announced for her, just for Explorer, with Explorer doing an overnight in Quebec City - that's a win, win situation for sure.

Pat, my sympathies.....must not have been a happy place on Somerset Circle yesterday. It was close, though.

It's still raining here, although all the weathermen said it would stop by 11 a.m. Guess Mother Nature didn't know she had a time line!

Off to do some shopping to replace stuff I left in the London hotel room. Still can't figure out how I left it, must have been a brain freeze.

Have a nice Sunday!



wow,an overnight in Quebec.....how nice............................

You left stuff in your room?? You're such a seasoned traveller..........how did you do that?? Bill distract you??:lol


Good afternoon. Ran out of time to post yesterday, so just read and moved on.

Went to Watsonville yesterday to install a 2 meter radio in our Enclave. Had lots of help from Joseph.

Still hot here.....mid nineties.

Cleaned the Enclave this morning and installed a tire stop in the garage so that Nancy can park it properly.


Oh San, are you saying that Nancy has trouble parking? If so, you may be in big trouble........

Hi to everyone else.... Back later.....


First chance I've had to get on the computer all day. It's been a zoo around here!!! For the record - Even when I make hot dogs, the gang likes them. I just can't win. Dinner turned out great last night. They ate everything!
Today Missy and Jimmy did the prep work on the job they were to do this weekend. They decided with the home owner to wait until next weekend to do the actual curbing. You know what that means ... I'll have to feed them again all next weekend!!!:cool: They even made a request for what they want - paella! I've made it before, so that's not a problem. The problem is the $$$$ all the seafood costs! Guess I'll let Bert handle that part.
Missy & Jim left around 5:30. They were no sooner out the door when G&K showed up with the kids. What am I doing wrong????? They stayed for a while, but went home for dinner. They'll be here tomorrow, so they didn't want to wear out their welcome ... Yeah, right!
Bert's off to get us Philly cheese steak sandwiches at Publix. He's also picking up some of the fixings for the paella.
Finally a new Desperate Housewives tonight. It feels like forever since the last new show.



I didnt like DHs last night AT ALL!! What happened in the last 5 years?? Started watching Brothers and Sisters and went to bed............Ill watch it later.........

Of course,I watched TAR................

Busy morning but just wanted to say hi...........Ill be back on later to chat some more.........


They certainly did leave a lot out of last night's DH. Not sure where they are trying to go this season. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

It's a nice QUIET morning around here. After the craziness of the weekend, I'm glad to have a break. Of course, I'll have the MMs here tonight, but at least I'll have most of the day to enjoy.

Time to get some stuff done around here, including washing the tile floor. After the gang was here, they made a mess of the floor, including spilling soda. I've washed that area 4 times already and it is still sticky!:X


PQ - When you get a chance, can you send the the address for Risk Management. I got the new insurance form (UGH! on the benefits!!:X), but I don't have the address to send the form back too. With all the company here over the weekend, someone threw the envelope out which I figure had the address. Thanks!


Afternoon all, Carl had an appointment with the foot doctor, then went to get a haircut, then to Meijer's and then to Skyline Chili for lunch and then to Krogers. Oh yes, had to get gas also..... How could I forget that.....

And my back is killing me again..... Think I'm gonna have to call the doctor for a shot.

Breeze, have fun.... They may eat the hotdogs when you fix them, but think of how cheap they are compared to all the other stuff.......... I still say, leave the hotdogs,buns and chips on the counter and point them in the right direction and let them fix them.......


The scary part, Marcia, is that they will fix them! As long as they don't have to pay for it, they'll eat anything ... and everything!

I think you're overdoing things, young lady. You need to slow down or that back of yours is going to give you even more trouble.


Hi all..............

I agree with BB.Marcia................you need to stop and smell the roses............. take a break.............I know its not in you,but you need to...........

I grilled burgers for lunch and put squash,onions and peppers in foil and stuck that on the grill...............pretty tasty

Heres the risk management addy:
1105 SW 7th Road
Ocala, Florida 34471

Finished watching Brothers and Sisters..............it was better than DHs.....................Dancing with the Stars tonite.........like it but wouldnt matter to me if I missed an episode or two..................


I think Bill and Rita need to rest up for their next big cruise.....

You all have a good evening........


Must have been my DH, as I wasn't home at 4 p.m.

Did someone get voted off DWS last week? We were at a seminar and I didn't see what happened.
I hope Cloris Leachman stays for a while, just for the comic relief.

Have a good night all.

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