Miscellaneous Plus [3445]



You got that right! I just try to keep my halo hidden most of the time!;)

By the way, I haven't called TA yet.


Hello All!! Lot's of "Hi's" going on here today!! :wave

Nice here today. NO WIND and mild temps.

Well, ya know what I did this morning?? I'll tell you!!

I took all the BUSINESS CARDS that I had in this tiny little plastic basket in the desk drawer in the kitchen and put them all in catagory order and then in Alphabetical order!! Then I made up TABS so I wouldn't have to look through all of them everytime I needed one.
What a pain in the butt job. I use to have them in plastic sleeves, but that was even worse when you wanted to add another one. This should work for awhile!!

Can we say TOO MUCH TIME on my HANDS!! :lol

Have a good day everyone. I'm off to find another FUN project!! Hee Hee.


Ph, I saw that coupon for the AOS & have an email off to Rita, gotta love saving money........:D
Now I need to go back & see what other coupons were on there, I was so excited about seeing ours I didn't even look at the others. I sure do like the fact they are good thru Sept. now instead of just 1 month at a time...

BB, did you make that call yet?


Break time............been sitting outside reading......came in to call vet......need him to take a look at Holly....and was very surprised to hear they are open 4th of July...guess cuz they are affliated with Petsmart and its ok..........now Dennis can go with me before he leaves for the Keys that afternoon..........

BB---we're wating.....come on now,this is gonna be the spring time group cruise..........you know you wanna go.....


PH: Just what's wrong with Holly?? :(

Ashley, Art and Jill are out Geo-Caching right now.
Eric and I are going to go to the Township Recreation center to use the pool!

Life is GOOD!!

Later all........

:wave Hi FrDave or Kathi?? Join in on the conversation some time!!


K2-looks like Holly has some little infection.......nothing major,but just want it checked out.....doesnt cost me anything to bring them in to the vet since Im on a wellness plan for them...........


PH: That's a neat to have "wellness program" for animals. I remember all too well how expensive it was when we had our dog. Yikes, one time it got up to $450.00 right before a trip to Florida. Thanks goodness she started to get better. Our dear friends, Mike/Elaine took care of her while we were gone. She didn't want the little dog to go to the Doggie Hotel. Friends like that are hard to find!!

Had a good time with the kids. After swimming Eric ate like a pig. Very unusal for him. The water at the pool must have made him hungry!!

I'm off to check the other board and lay on the couch.

Nice to hear that you GALS are saving money on all these cruises. Good for you!!


Shhhhhhhhhh everyone is sleeping in today! =sleep

Here's yet another JUMPER from a ship. Sad story on this one.

I'll let you all sleep in and come back later!! :girly


K2, I only "wish" I was sleeping in.....felt sorry for the "brat cat" last night & let him in the house. It was really storming bad...course he had to sleep with me and everytime I moved, he moved. I tossed his butt back outside this morning!!!

Ph, hope everything is ok with Holli. I didn't know you could get a wellness plan for animals.....

BB, we're still waiting..........:D

san, any big plans with the family for the 4th??


And just which "BRAT" cat is this Kasey??? Is it one of your cats that lives on the porch or pool enclosure area or a STRAY?? (God forbid that you take in strays for the night and let them SLEEP with you) Hee Hee.........just had to add that little tid-bit!! :girly

I'm off to the Veggie market and grocery store. Need some FOOD in this house!! Actually, milk, bread, peanut butter.....just essential stuff!! :chef

Think I'll make a Quiche today! Have some friends coming over to see the flowers around the house and that would be nice to serve with fruit.

Later all.......


KC you feel sorry for every cat.... I think they should put a sign uotside yuor home.. free to a good cat :loveya

PH hope all is well with your puppy.....
We had to get up ear;y take angel to the doggie spa she is staying in the presidential suite ohh laaa laaa
Monster cat is over at my parents following my dad around like a puppy dog and enjoying the screened porch....
We are going to see transformers then home to pack and to pick up last minute refills on my kids allergy meds (whenever we go to alabama they kick in) we are leaving early tomorrow so I don't thnk i wil be on much Girls dont; count me in on your lunch just yest i thougth it was teh 13th but it is teh 12th rigth??? I will check back on later inthe week prob saturday to see let you know if I will make it Honestly I don not even know what day that is we were planning on coming home tuesday .....
Have a happy and safe 4th everyone...


ruttie, the 12th is Thurs.....hope you can make it. Have a safe trip!

K2, it was Bandit,aka Brat Cat! And knock on wood, no more strays... and I plan on keeping it that way!!


Morning, gang! Never got a chance to get back here yesterday. Once again Missy came over to hang out with me. Isn't that sweet? I'm going to miss her daily visits when she goes back to work. Later the MMs came for supper. Missy brought the boys over too. I had made a huge pan of peppers, onions & sausage. The sandwiches were yummy. Am I making you all hungry yet?:D

PH & KC - Stop bugging me about the cruise! Here's the deal ... IF we decide to do it, I'll wait until we're on EN next month to book it, so I get shipboard credit. The C&A coupon is good through Sept., so I'll still be able to use it. I figured out that IF we book it, we can get a balcony for a very reasonable price with all the discounts. Then IFI cash in 50,000 royal points, I get a $500. discount off the total price. Sounds good to me! So now you both need to leave me alone until next month!!!:p

Not sure what we're doing today. Bert wants to go over to Universal to get our annual passes and then to the movies. I'm not really in the mood, so I hope I can talk him out of it.

By the way, I read B's review. Some people just have no life!!!!

PH - I hope your puppy is feeling better. Good thing you have that wellness plan.


Well BB, "IF" you book it we will look forward to cruising with you......:D

Ph, make sure BB get's an appt. with the LA.......if it's still Verlie tell her I said Hi, she was a sweethart!


Okay just waiting on COMPANY that are LATE!! I just hope they make it before dinner!! Hee Hee. Michalene has only one eye and still drives and is out buying stuff for our Birthday Bash at our HALL this Saturday. We have about 120 people paid up to come and have dinner and dancing and fun drinking!!
Now the reason she may be late is she TAKES FOREVER to drive around shopping. ::eek: I just would never be able to sit in the passenger seat and let her drive! Yikes that would scare the crap out of me.

Kasey.......I remember Bandit. Nice of you to let him/her/IT/ come in with you. Hope it didn't bring in any ANTS! Hee Hee!

I made some Sangria for us to drink. I used my Package of stuff I bought one year at the Columbian Resturant in Sarasota. IT's GOOD. I need to try and order some more of that stuff.

BB: Did you say they have one of those out your way?? If so buy some of that powder stuff in a little box and try it. Add some Pino Noir Red wine and water and cut up oranges, little pieces of apple, lime and lemons and stir. Add some extra Volka to give it even more of a KICK!! (tu) I added more water to the powder mix too. It just looked too strong with only what they said on the PKG. Takes just like the stuff they serve.

Later all........ Maybe you shouldn't add the VODKA.....I can feel that and all I had was a sip.


k2, that must be some company you are expecting if you are hitting the sauce already......

woo-wee.. just got an invite from the boss for a cook out tommorrow night... chicken & ribs, works for me! No booze though, this is the pastor's son boss..... oh well & we're all going to shoot off fireworks so no booze is probably a good idea.......


Good morning, I've been gone, Huh?

Sunday, the kids hosted my birthday party down in Gilroy....had a great time and some great gifts. Got home late in the evening, just in time to see Ice Road Truckers at 11 PM. It's kind of like The Deadliest Catch....a series about taking freight up the Ice Road to the DeBeers Diamond Mines north of Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories......it'll make you guys cold if you watch it....exciting for me though.

Yesterday I was down in Gilroy most of the day helping John with shelves in his garage etc. ....it's pretty organized in there now.....looks good.

Tomorrow, we go to Watsonville for a family get together .....fireworks are legal down there.


Hi San!:wave I was wondering where you were off to. Glad you had a nice birthday celebration down in Gilroy. Sounds like you've been keeping yourself busy.
I love Ice Road Truckers! Funny you should mention it. While on the Sterling Saturday, I told Dennis that if he ever gets tired of driving in Florida, I had the PERFECT job for him - IRT!!! I cannot imagine for the life of me working in those temps and driving over all those frozen lakes. That's downright scary! I wonder how long this series will be on. It is something to watch now that the Deadliest Catch is over for the season.

I was planning to head for the Grill with Missy, but that's going to have to wait a bit. Looks like a bad t-storm is getting ready to move in. Better shut down the computer until it passes.