Miscellaneous Plus [3445]



[size=small]Can't seem to get on the other boards right now. Has anyone else had the same problem today??

Had little Ashley over here for awhile and she only COUGHED once or twice. But when she did I could hear stuff WAY DOWN inside her chest.
Dr took a swab to see if it was STREP or not. Gave her Prescription for Zithromicin! She'll be find in a few days with that stuff.

Had to re-make a new batch of Cookie Dough. The stuff I made last night was just NOT RIGHT. Can't imagine what the LLEH I did wrong!! I need them to be really good since I'm taking them to the girls at the Orthodontists office for Valentines Day. Can't wait to decorate them.

Kasey: Hope all is well with the Kitties. WISH YOU SUCCESS ON YOUR 'JUNK SALE'!! (tu)X( Hope you make enough money to pay for your next cruise!!


san, I'd guess there are physical changes inside that occur fairly soon, but since they didn't charge me extra, I wasn't about to question their "expertise"!:)P)

k2, kitties seem to be fine, wish I'd had this done sooner though, I could have put them in the sale too. Oh well, what's 2 more mouths to feed.
Glad Ashley has some med's for her cough. Guess I am gonna break down & go to the Dr. monday. The cough is deep in my chest now too so it's probably time. I don't feel bad though, so it feels like a waste of money...

Ph, hard to believe it was just last week we were in Orlando!!! How's your cold doing?? Don't be like me, go to the Dr. now it seems to hang on forever if you don't

BB, sounds to me like you have more social life than me, heck I haven't played Bingo in years! I really outta move to a retirement community!


OMG - What has happened to BB? BINGO? Say it isn't so!

kasey - hope the kitties are fine
K2 -hope Ashley is fine
pq - glad you found your passport. Wouldn't want you to be "illegal"
san - love those onboard credits. We paid more than you for our stock, but I think we have received it back in onboard credits. Love that we can also use it on Celebrity.
ph - you have mail
anyone else....have a nice evening...time to get off the puter.



I know Rita....its true(about BB and bingo),but I didnt want to bring it up......hopefully,it is just temporary..=huh

KC-I am feeling each and every day........start coughing some at night,but nothing to keep me up all night.......stopped taking the meds during the day........I think all the fresh air in the house helps................

Thanks for all that info Rita........

Nite all......................


Kasey: Maybe you could put a SIGN out during the SALE saying you have some Kitties that have been FIXED and are ready to go in a few weeks or so. Somebody might actually come back for one of them!!

Good luck with the SALE!! And YES.....it's WAY past time for you to get some Antibiotics!! Next vaction in the Carribbean you need to buy some Z-Paks!!

I'm already washing throw rugs and getting a head start on cleaning this place up. Used my NEW RUG SHAMPOO machine on the rugs that don't go into the washing machine. It worked great!!

Having friends over tomorrow for dinner and then they're teaching us how to play somekind of Domino game!!

Have a fun Sat & Sunday everyone!


Ok, gang, lighten up on the going to BINGO. This is not your mother's BINGO by any means. We probably do more laughing then playing BINGO. There's about 25 of us, including Missy & Kris, that go each month. My friend won the first 2 games last night - gift certificate to our restaurant and a bottle of wine. Like I said - not your mother's BINGO!

K2 - Once and for all ... I DO NOT LIVE IN A RETIREMENT COMMUNITY!!! Take me out and shoot me before that would ever happen!

Time to check on Justin. He's been too quiet for too long!


:X PH!

OK, BB, loosen the underwear, it's too tight:D. You know K2 gets things mixed up sometimes.......but she really means well.

I need booking numbers!

Rainy day here.....well, showers.


San - You've got mail!

Trying to decide what to have for dinner tonight. It'll actually just be us for a change!!! YIPPY!!!!!! Let's see ... romantic candle lit dinner ... bottle of fine wine ... Looking across the table at scrubby ... POP! There goes that idea!!!!::eek: Back to the drawing board ...


BB - glad to hear it's not your grandmothers BINGO! At Vero the prizes are $4 and maybe $9, if you're lucky, but THAT'S a retirement community!
I know what you mean by take me out and shoot me!

We are heading for Carraba's tonight. Found one on the North Shore a few weeks ago (Kevin and Jamie actually found it and told us about it). Wish it were a bit closer, but at least it's in state!

Received a C & A coupon in the mail for our Legend trip in Feb 2008. Now we'll have to see if they take it....only says it has to be booked by March 31, 07, and we booked it when we were onboard Jewel. Also booked a 2 nite pre-cruise at a Santo Domingo hotel. Bill was there in the service, and has wanted to go back, but it will be hard sailing on a ship with no CL. Maybe it'll be refurbished by them and one will be added. I can always hope.

Off to grocery shop (how thrilling is my life). See you all later.



Listen Chick....beauty is way more than skin deep......but, if is bothers you that much, put a bag over his head and buy him dinner.

You guys all talk about Carraba's...what kind of restaurant is it?

Where's PH, where's Kc, where's K2?


Good morning.

The rain has let up some. We had a really heavy rain storm yesterday, so we went down to Santa Cruz to look at the Pacific. Then we had dinner at a really nice fish restaurant in Moss Landing. The trip over the Santa Cruz Mountains was a little treacherous, with flooding on the free way. Nice afternoon and evening.


You never were on my list, PH, I was only kidding because you were sucking up to L:)D