Ph, glad you had a nice lunch with the kids, it's nice that you & the ex get along.
Bb, hope the tax news isn't to bad, guess you'll just have to get Bert out doing more curbing jobs if it is!
I can see why you let the cleaning lady go, she sounded like a real winner!
ruttie, the boss's mom went on a Costa cruise last fall. She was with a group & they didn't much care for it. Again, no real details other than the crew didn't speak very good english or seem very friendly.
san, well give "bob" my regards & tell him he's looking good sinch his trim!
Well, it's looking like contestant #2 is not interested. Haven't heard from him since Wed. I'm starting to get a complex here....
And I'm not to sure about #3, I let him call me last night on my new cell phone & he talked for 79 MINUTES!!! Sheesh, I thought me ear was gonna fall off. He wants to call me again Sat. I said ok, but that was before I realized he used up so many of my minutes. I've got one of the pay as you go phones. Guess I'll just take the call & then ask if I can call him back on my work cell.
STarting to get dark looking, we are under a tornado watch till 9.
Had an email from Dell this morning, my computer shipped yesterday, so at least it's on the way!