Miscellaneous Plus (part 2) [6415]



Morning........kinda quiet around here....

Rainy day here today.....already started....

Back later..


Gee sounds like I need to do the "dog food" diet, maybe that would help me drop a few pounds....

Ph, sun is shinning here.....for now anyhow.....

san, I know I was shocked when I got the email too.....I always thought Bert & BB had such a good thing going....guess it just goes to show you never know....


Good morning.

I think it shocked us all, Kc.....I just wish K2 hadn't blabbed about it on the FL thread.

What mess, PH? Besides....bean started it with the foreigner comment. She seems like a nice lady though. It was kind of exciting over there for a while.....not like a few weeks ago.



I'm getting out of here to go Berry picking.

I managed to PISS OFF some Yellow Jackets that were building inside the wall in the corner of our Garage!! I kept seeing these bees flying back and forth into this corner where Art keeps his ladder leaned up against the wall and then I sprayed in that area with the HORNET SPRAY stuff and yikes........they started coming out and trying to get back in and I kept spraying until the whole can was empty. They're really TICKED OFF BIG TIME.

I'm going to buy a FEW more cans of the Hornet Spray on the way home. Meanwhile........I'm getting out of Dodge while I'm still in one piece!!

Got my tires rotated early this morning and filled with that NEW AIR that's suppose to stay in the tire longer. Can't remember what they call it. Anyways, it was all free because I had bought the tires there last year.

Have a fun day and I'll be back. Going for Raspberries this time. Alone.......Art is doing some electrical favor for this friend of his that owns a bunch of Apartment buildings. Just paid 1.5 million for a newer complex not far from our house. He's so laid back you'd never think he had it "all together" enough to operate buildings like that. Goes to show you ..........ya just never can read a book by it's cover!!



Notice how someone is avoiding to talk about her blabbing....hmmm.no wonder BB isnt posting anymore...:(


Im wondering myself...but I think it takes alot to tick her off.......she has Jersey attitude!


BB: Trust me .........I had NOTHING to do with all that GOSSIP SAN started. It's all his fault. COME BACK kiddo!! We love you. REALLY.

Didn't get any Raspberries today. The lady said it was slim picking so I just drove another 20 mins down the road and went Blueberry Picking again. They freeze great and we need tons for those LONG MICHIGAN WINTERS.

I'm on my own over here for dinner. Art went on his Tues night bike ride with the club.

PH: I'll mix up a batch of Long Island Ice Tea and we'll get drunk on here ......anyone else care to join us?? :)o


evening everyone.. i think i misses something but i am not sure what???!!! Is everyone ok?? teh gang all happy?? I thougth everyone was joking they are right???
Kc nice to see you back...
Ph is hubby gone all week or just short runs???
Pq you are working now right?? do you get anytine off or are you 12 month?
WE OFFICIALLY go back on the 13th but i am going in tomorrow to do some owrk and since i am in charge of business parnters i like to get thepaperwork done and get everything signed and what everyone is doing mapped out before school starts..oneof teh most succesful partnerships is our wednesday dinners we have 4 businesses that donate a protion of their sales on their selected wednesday to our school beef o bradys, tijuana flats, domioes, and quiznos.. it works out good we put it on teh master calendar and our famnilies all "plan" to eat out on wednesdays it is an easy way to donate moeny to teh school whiel getting something in return..
Opps well i thought i would be able to be on longer but the boys are asking to use the laptop..
Richard had a root canal today so he is sleeping (i guess they hurt??? I would notknow i have never even had a cavity)
HAs anyone been watching Big brother after dark;;; It is actually giot a neet stry line about a father, daughter that have been estranged and our trying topatch it up..
ok really got to go know I am getting the mommie whine now..
have a great night..


For the record,all this talk of BB and Bert is just a joke.........couldnt be further from the truth..........

I know some of you got a bit convinced it was for real...........its not..............


[quote PH8]Im wondering myself...but I think it takes alot to tick her off.......she has Jersey attitude![/quote]

Wasn't BB headed to NC to see her son?

ruttie, can't believe you are getting ready for back to school...hardly seems like you've been off at all.....


Thanks PH ;)
Ruttie-I'm a 12 month employee, so yep, I'm working. I have to take vacation during winter break, but can take the balance of my vacation when I choose. I think teachers report 8/16, students 8/20.
No storms today, but humid out.
Been picking the tomatos everyday. Starting to get tomatoed out.
Been thinking of cancelling our May cruise (Southern Caribbean) and doing a land vacation in St. Martin. We keep going back and forth.
Gosh, the FL thread has been pretty active lately with a lot of new posters. Going to check it out. Have a good evening



I thought BB was leaving end of this week,but maybe you're right KC..would explain her absence.......

PQ-we always say we want to do a land trip too......one of the Caribbean islands or Mexico.......but somehow cruises always win out...

Headed to dog park this am..........

back later,


Good Morning GANG!

It's going to be a HOT one over here today. And if it rains later it will be HUMID and MUGGY again for sure.

Got a few errands to run early. Enjoy your day All!!

KC, PQ, GM......have a good HUMP DAY at work.


Jeez ... Spend a couple of days off the boards and look what I come back to find!::eek: San - You are like an old washer woman spreading untrue gossip. Haven't had a chance to check the other board to see what damage was done over there. And for the record - WE ARE NOT SPLITTING UP!!

It's just been a crazy couple of days with lots of running around getting ready to head for NC tomorrow. Plus yesterday we had Emily for the afternoon as she got sick at day care. Oh yeah ... I've also been reading Harry Potter.:lol

Sounds like everyone has been keeping busy and enjoying the weather (K2). We've had lots of rain and t-storms which is really making the grass grow. If lawn guys don't get here soon, they're going to need a bushwacker to get through! They will definitely be making hay!!

Much as I'd like to stick around right now, I better get going. I have a long list of things I want and need to do before tomorrow. I'll try to get back when I need a break.


Forgot to tell you who is planning to move. It's Laurie & Ron! They're putting their house on the market shortly and are planning to move to North Carolina near his brother. Then Missy and Jimmy plan to head that way in another year or so. That will only leave K&G here. I'm already figuring there will be no more of those crazy Christmas Eve mob scenes here, so Bert & I can go on Christmas cruises!!!!!:D


BB, and not to mention all the money you will save from cooking for the MM.......

So are you & Bert going to build a summer house in NC or just spend a month with each kid once they all get there?:D


Any chance that Grandma and Grandpa will be MOVING to No Carolina too?? I'd actually move there myself. The Winters aren't half as bad as ours here. My niece lives there and loves it.

BB......good to hear that you're doing okay and that you were just busy and that's what kept you away.

SAN.........she let you off really easy for all those rumors!! :girly


i see a vacation house in the future for BB & Bert
Ph I knew the stuff about BB was fpr fun but i was just getting a strange vibe the past few days must just be me and the fact that ihave nothing to do for a whole week the boys have made me promise that we are staying home, no movies, no shopping, no parks just home, and grammas,... I guess they have spoken so i will let them enjoy there vacation. for a week at least.. i have lots of workshops to go to stqrting next week.. i even think i have one neAR FLORIDA, anyone know of any decent hotels near the campus???
Hey I have been wanting to charter a cruise around the carribean islands for a few years my sister in law does it everyyear woth a group of friends... they swear it is better and actually cheaper than a cruise oncethey divide teh coast among couples.. If anyone is interested in doing it let me know..richard and i are really easy to get along with....
ok well i better go my housekeeper came a day early so I am on teh laptop while teh boys are swimming.. we have had toget our swimmming in early because of all the afternoon storms.. so now i am gonna hop in it gives me an excuse to wash my hair...
have a great day....


Good morning.
Doctor gave me muscle relaxants for my back pain yesterday. Feels a little better, but it still hurts if I sit down wrong.

OK K2, I'll take responsibility for the rumor about BB on this board, but you have to take responsibility for the ones on CC.......I never said a thing about it over there. So BB, see, K2 is the bad guy this time. And I am a little :angel

Are you thinking about moving to NC, BB? I'll miss you if you do;)