Miscellaneous Plus (part 2) [6415]



Hey guess who got STUNG by the Yellow Jacket Bee's 4 times today!! NOPE.....not me....ARtie!! He had his hand up on the roof where one of the brackets that holds up the awning is drilled into the roof and all of a sudden he felt something picking his finger. Then he saw the BEES!! ::eek: He sprayed the hole and then got a stick and pulled out a huge NEST!! YUK!! His finger has 4 white spots on it and is a little swollen and itches. If that was me I'd be in the hospital on OXYGEN!!

The rain storm managed to go RIGHT AROUND our area. Darn we could really use some rain bad here!

BB: It's ALL SANs fault......I'm innocent!! :girly

Get this.......Art just came in and told me a Pigeon was staring at him from the roof edge!! It had a band on it's leg. One of you sending messages the old fashion way by pigeon carrier?? Internet is much faster ya know!! Anyways, he couldn't get the message off his banded leg because it flew away. :D


hi all.

Glad all is well BB.........so when do you plan on moving?? I see it happening.........most of your family there plus your best friends...

Speaking of moving,hows the house marketing coming San???

Poor Art.....but that hurt like a sonab**ch......what home remedy did you fix him up with,K2??

A sailboat around the islands would be right up Dennis alley,Ruttie.....me?? Im not too sure.he likes real sailing.........I like real cruising..heheh


Me move to NC? Not a chance. They get that "W" word there - WINTER!!!! I'll be content to just visit and mooch off my kids a couple of times a year. It's going to be payback time!!:)D

K2 & San - I think you're both equally to blame for starting those rumors and I'll get you both back when you least expect it. You can count on it!!!:)P)

K2 - Sorry to hear about Art being stung. Did he put mud on the stings right away? That always helps with yellow jacket stings. Bert used to get stung all the time when he would cut the hedges when we lived in NJ.

San - So how's the back doing, old man? God is punishing you for the things you said while I was away from the boards, you know.

Packing is just about finished and I just have to wrap the box with the highchair that we're bringing north for the new baby. It'll be months before they need it, but it was on their "wish list". Nice grandmother that I am, I scratched that off the list.

We're planning to be out of here around 5:30 tomorrow, so it's going to be early to bed for me tonight. Guess I better find something for dinner now and then relax in front of the TV until I'm tired.

Play nice while I'm gone and I better not see or hear any new rumors from the troublemakers around here. We should get home late Monday, so I'll check in on Tuesday. See ya ...


My back is getting slowly better.....That was so thoughtful, wonderful and so very klind that you asked about me.. I hope you are doing very well. Did you and Bert get back together? [only a "yes" or "no" answer allowed].


SAN: I see you're really SUCKING UP TO BB right now. Don't bother......she won't be back until Tuesday. We can do all kinds of DAMAGE by then. (tu) :D And just before she gets back we'll post a lot of really NICE STUFF and she'll never be the wiser. That is unless our "other friend" PH spills the beans on us!! Can't trust her or that Skinny SSA Kasey either!! :D

PQ.....now I think we could trust her.....at least until we meet her in person!! Hee Hee.

Ruttie: I think your "Boys" are much smarter than you are. They know enough to WANT to stay HOME for a change!! :lol

BB: Not sure if you'll be on here again, but I didn't have to put anything on Art's BEE STINGS......he must have tough skin, because even the white little marks are gone. He says it itches every so often, but doesn't bother him at all.

SAN: So WHAT'S the NAME of the prescription the DOC gave you to use?? Want to see if it's anything Art was given when he had his back pain. Glad you went to the Doctors as soon as you did. SMART MOVE for a change!!

Nite all.......


Morning all........

I am up and dressed and its not even 8 o'clock!!! How about that??

Actually, had to so I can go get my car and return the rental......

HIYA KC!! :wave

Back later...


Bye, BB, have a great trip!!

K2, glad the stings didn't bother Art to much.....I know the wasp's we have down here can be really nasty.....

Ph, your car still in the shop?

San, glad the back is feeling better, now quit moving furntiture for a while & it will stay that way!!

ruttie, smart boys you've got there!


:wave Good Morning GANG!!

Hi there Kasey, just missed your post and PH's this morning. Now aren't we just the perfect 3-some!! Hee Hee.

I'm going to go and get dressed and head over to the GYM and try and work out a little. And I mean just a little. I'm sore from trimming all those shrubs the other day and want to try and work out some stiffness in my shoulder-Blades!! Thought I'd also get into the Hot Jacuzzi/whirlpool thingy next to the swimming pool.

The new addition is totally done on the Rec/Center and it's just beautiful. Amazing how they can add a entire building and if you didn't know it was there before you couldn't tell at all. Of course, the "OLD" building is only 3 years old, so that helped.

Kasey.....have a QUICK DAY over there at work. One more day and then you have your weekend to look forward to. Bet it was a LONG WEEK for you since you didn't have any holidays or vacation days off!! :(

SAN: Hope your back is getting better. You better cool your jets and let that thing heal. Back surgery is NO FuN.......just ask Artie.

Later all.


Hey Ph, missed your post earlier.....hope the car looks good as new when you pick it up.


My car is nice and squeaky clean.......only thing missing is the JEEP emblem on the front....there was a mixup,so they have ordered it....I'll go back when they call........said it would only take a minute or two to put it back on.....

Dont strain anything K2.......Im headed to the treadmill in a few mins........gotta get a grip..........Dennis and I weighed in yesterday.......if in one week, we dont lose 5 pounds(each) ,that person has to put $5 in the money jar.....we're setting a weekly goal and we both figured we could drop 5 pounds the first week......after that, he may continue at 5,but not me.....takes longer.....we have also been putting in one dollar for every glass of wine or beer we drink....$2 for hard alcohol....now we really dont drink that much(or so it seems),but it seems to be adding up....

KC-did ya read about the new Sonic by me?? Its all brick and looks great....said all Sonics would be converted over to that look within the next few years...this new one opens up next week..


Ph, guess who's doing the plumbing on that new sonic's.......:D
You'd think they'd give us a coupon or something for a free burger...

Nice that the place washes your car & everything...


k2 yikes yellow jackets can be brutal hope his hand is ok today..
Ph I like sailing too but i was not really thinkin gof a sailboat i was thinking of a yacht, free drinks, private chef, personal excursion planner, private sunsets.... my sister in law says it is between 10,000 & 20,000 for the week but divided up by 4 couples is not really that bad for once in a life time
San hoep your back is doing better pain meds help, hydorcodone, percocet, but the best back med is called SOMA make sure you ask for it if you did not get it it does wonders when you are trying to get confy and sleep...
BB have a great trip.
Wish we had a sonic i love their slushys..
got to go just got bac from the dentist fo rteh boys cleanings, now they are swimming.. no swimming for me for a week i went yesterday to the skin doctor and i had a spot/biopsy removed from my back so i have 6 stithes.. right where my bra strap goes.. so i cannot wait to get home and get my bra off.... (sorry san)
have agreat day....


KC-I know.I saw the SP trucks there in the beginning.....you should get some free coupons.......

No swimming Ruttie which also means no sun,Im sure.....behave yourself.......

Now a yacht would be nice.......


No one posting all day???

Right now,I see FD and Ruttie.........FD is no doubt reading my posts HER,arent ya,FD??;)

So Ruttie.did ya behave yourself today??

I just realized I had my post count cut in half plus my Charter membership taken away from me(on the OTHER site).......guess it was part of my punishment...so ridiculous.if it wasnt for my friends,I wouldnt bother.........


[size=small]Hi GANG! Long day today. Glad it's almost over. The 15 min rain we had earlier cooled things down rather nicely. It'll be good sleeping tonight if NO ONE burns a fire!! :cool:

Ruttie: I hope your BACK heals okay for you. I think you need to be more careful about getting SUNSCREEN ALL over you from now on. Have the kids SPRAY the stuff on your back for you and try to stay in the shade as much as you can. I know it's hard, but you don't want them picking and stitching you up anymore. FEEL BETTER kiddo.

I only see Ruttie on here right now.

Found Art a new pair of shoes tonight. He had to get some because of his HORRIBLE HAMMER TOE problem on his left foot. His toe was killing him in his dress shoes he has at home. Sure glad we found some that had a bigger toe area.

Okay, I'm off to see WHAT'S NOT on TV tonight. This time of the year is horrible for TV shows.

All you WORKING FOLK have a fantastic TGIF tomorrow.

Later........:wave =sleep


Morning all.........

You're right K2.crappy tv in the summer.........I did watch two shows this week that I sorta liked......Singing Bee and Dont forget the Lyrics.......basically the same idea for both songs.....they get to hear the beginning of a song, then the contestant has to finish the lyrics.....pretty good....I like to see if I know them too.......

Oil change day today......but thats not till 2.........

Its Friday so that means pay bills day,but I dont feel like doing that right now........

Dennis is home for a bit so we may go somewhere.........but not till after exercising!!(and I am talking treadmill here,folks)


Suuuure Ph, that's a good story, stick to it!;)
Would you feel more like paying some of my bills?? I'd be happy to send a couple your way if you'd like.......

Got the Vet coming again Tues. I swear it's always something....now Bandit is losing his hair. I noticed the other day his fur was all matted & knotted, which is odd cause he isn't a long hair cat. Last night I went to comb him & try to get the matts out & his hair was coming out in CHUNKS! I figured that can't be normal.... poor baby.

ruttie, ditto what everyone else said about staying out of the sun...not that you are listening to us or anything......

Karen ordered us salads from Big Apple for lunch today......I really wanted their baked ziti but I need to drop a few pounds too so decided to be good.....

San, you've been kind of quiet lately, you doing ok?



WOW.......did we ever get the THUNDER BOOMERS last night. Got some rain too. FINALLY. It's SUNNY and MUGGY out there right now. BUT......we're suppose to get even MORE NOISEY THUNDER later tonight.

Had to change the date of our going to the Outside Play from tonight to tomorrow because of the possible rain coming.

PH......have a fun day EXERCISING with Dennis. They say it does take off a FEW CALARIES!! Hee Hee. :daisy

KC: Nice that you're having a Free lunch today. Always a plus.

Out of here for now.

SAN......hope your BACK is getting better. But it takes a long time to calm down those muscles. Ya gotta admit between moving and doing all the stuff for your kids the last few MONTHS and then all that painting you kind of asked for trouble. Take it easy for awhile. PAIN isn't fun at our age........or even YOUR AGE!! Hee Hee.