Hey guess who got STUNG by the Yellow Jacket Bee's 4 times today!! NOPE.....not me....ARtie!! He had his hand up on the roof where one of the brackets that holds up the awning is drilled into the roof and all of a sudden he felt something picking his finger. Then he saw the BEES!! : He sprayed the hole and then got a stick and pulled out a huge NEST!! YUK!! His finger has 4 white spots on it and is a little swollen and itches. If that was me I'd be in the hospital on OXYGEN!!
The rain storm managed to go RIGHT AROUND our area. Darn we could really use some rain bad here!
BB: It's ALL SANs fault......I'm innocent!! :girly
Get this.......Art just came in and told me a Pigeon was staring at him from the roof edge!! It had a band on it's leg. One of you sending messages the old fashion way by pigeon carrier?? Internet is much faster ya know!! Anyways, he couldn't get the message off his banded leg because it flew away.
The rain storm managed to go RIGHT AROUND our area. Darn we could really use some rain bad here!
BB: It's ALL SANs fault......I'm innocent!! :girly
Get this.......Art just came in and told me a Pigeon was staring at him from the roof edge!! It had a band on it's leg. One of you sending messages the old fashion way by pigeon carrier?? Internet is much faster ya know!! Anyways, he couldn't get the message off his banded leg because it flew away.