Miscellaneous Plus (part 2) [6415]



Hi Guys thank you so much for teh b day wishes...
Ph happy B day to you!!!!
Been busy I am posting at work EWwwwwww Shokkkerrrr I will prob be able t do it once then the fire wall will pick it up.....but oh wellit was worth it to say Happy B day to PH.....
Wish i did not have to work but I am done done done with everything!!! even have my plans doen through October (in pencil just in case....:)
Got to go before i get "flagged Ohhhhh I am soo scared......what are they gonna do withhold my pay:cool:


OHHHHHHHHH.........Ruttie is being bad.........naughty,naughty....hope you dont get caught...


Hi all........

Wound up cancelling the ac guy.....who was SUPPOSED to be here between 9 and 1......I called him at noon to make sure.........he told me he was on the other side of town.......no way would he make it here by 1......so I told him to reschedule cuz we needed to go out to Sams,Cracker Barrel and Freightliner........I suggested he should come back on Thursday early cuz the air handler is in the attic and it is gonna be GRUESOME up there later in the day..........so ,now he will be here between 7 and 8am!!dennis better be home......Im gonna have to get up by 6 if hes not........

Going back to Tampa tomorrow to help lauren move her stuff outta storage and into her apartment........how come all the men in her life(her dad,Dennis) are working???Oh well, she has the day off and needs help so Im it.....did I mention not only did she move outta 3rd floor apartment.shes moving into another one on the 3rd floor.....

We just bought her a TV......she wanted a smaller one so it wouldnt take up much room on her desk..got her a 15in flat screen(not plasmaa) with built in DVD.........she doesnt know we go it yet.....said she was gonna buy one.......we left her big bulky 19 in one in the last place.......couldnt carry it..

Oh well, enough about me.............what is everyone else doing?? BB--perm.....K2-swimming.........KC-working.....so is GM and Ruttie......San--what are you up to???


A very happy birthday to PH and Ruttie. Hope you are both doing something special this evening.

Slept in again this morning.

Going to do some light work on the house this afternoon. I've been on the phone all morning with the Realtor and my brother who just returned from two weeks in China. He had a really good time and saw lots of very interesting things.....even the Terra Cota Soldiers. Beijing was very smoggy, Shanghai was gorgeous. Sick of Chinese food though.


No plans for me...........except to wake up Dennis at 10 so he can go to work.....

China must have been interesting......even though I have no desire to go there.......not my cup of tea ;) (Chinese tea,get it?--heheh)....I would like to do the LG cruise that goes to Dubai....I would think that would be one interesting city.......but on that cruise you go to Mumbai too and after watching TAR,no thanks....then again, that would be one very expensive cruise to begin with..

We are thinking of 2009......would love to go to NoEurope...


Happy Birthday to PH and Ruttie.

Glad to see everyone busy today. Teachers reported today, but we're still busy as bees. I've been told it will be like this until September. I will definitely need the cruise by then.

Ruttie - I went out about 5 am and was able to see the meteorites the other night. Saw about 10-15 in the 10 minutes I was out there, so pretty good.

Haven't made it to Brusters for Brandy's sundae, thought she was sundae deprived, so crushed up one of her doggie snacks, did a small scoop of vanilla frozen yogurt, rolled in the crumb and there you go...she didn't have any complaints.:D

PH-Our Fox channel freezes and stops all the time. It's a real pain. Especially last night. Didn't unfreeze until after the big moment. Bummer

Well, going to check out the other threads. Some real crazy people on the Carnival thread, keep posting as "other posters", setting up screen names close to the originals and just obscene, rude, etc. They don't last long before they get poofed, but it's happening all the time now.

Not as nice as this board :)


[quote powderqn]
Haven't made it to Brusters for Brandy's sundae, thought she was sundae deprived, so crushed up one of her doggie snacks, did a small scoop of vanilla frozen yogurt, rolled in the crumb and there you go...she didn't have any complaints.:D[/quote]

Hey PQ, why am I getting this mental picture of cat poop in a litter box? Sorry, I know you meant well. Angeline goes back to work next week.....the students the week after.

Took it easy again today......just put earthquake straps around the water heater. I had one before, but I put two on which is what is required. Home inspector comes on Friday.


PH & Ruttie
Hope you both had a wonderful birthday!!!

[size=small]Kasey...one of each...go girl!!!
PH....did you get to see the door open on HK? That is really early for a repairman. Hope he shows up. Be careful tomorrow helping Lauren. Nice that you bought her a new TV. Good mom!!! Noticed you only have 2 cruises. Are you trying to tell me something?
BB...1st hockey game is 10/19 in Trenton, and we have buses rolling!!! The "Road Warriors" are ready to rock n' roll.
Ruttie...you sure are one fast worker having everything done the second day.
San....great that you slept in, you need that rest. Hope you didn't overdo it today. Sounds like your brother had a great trip to China.
PQ...sounds like an awful thread on Carnival. Do they post in all the threads or just on the roll call?
Have to get to bed. See you all soon.[/size]



Up early so I can get an early start before the afternoon heat and rain rolls in.......

NO GM.......still the same cruises,just putting only 2 countdowns,,,dont want to be "showy"..and no,didnt see the door open....but it started up again when Rock was getting hugs so i knew he won..

Triple storms out there....Hawaii,Texas and maybe us next week.....keeping an close eye out........

Really need to go..........

Back later...


[size=small]Good Morning GANG!!

Busy day yesterday with my friend her Grandkids and mine! We had a great time.

I'm was absolutely beat last night!!

SAN: I cracked up at your post about the "Earthquake" straps and then remembered where you live!! Sounds like your Brother had a really nice trip. Does he live far from you??

Ruttie & PH: Hope you had a good Birthday!!

PQ: Hope all your hard work paid off and all the "Kiddies" have someone in the room to teach them in a few weeks!!


Kasey: I read your post about the boss and his wife going on their cruise and taking the "Boyfriend"! Had to laugh until I figured out "HE" must be for their daughter and not Karen!! Hee Hee.

Okay, I need to go and read the other thread and then get some coffee!! [/size]


K2 - Sounds like a fun day for you grandmas. I ended up watching Justin yesterday for a while when he went swimming too. Best part was I could do it from the bar at the Grill!! Bet you can't do that at your pool!!!!!:lol
I don't think PQ has to worry about anyone teaching the kiddies ... She isn't a teacher.

Not much going on here today. I still need to get out and get some new stuff for our cruise next week. Also keeping an eye on the tropics. It would be just my luck for Dean to mess things up!

PH - Saw where Marion County had a severe t-storm warning yesterday. Did it hit your area? Most of what I could see was that it was where we used to live on the west side of the county.

San - That must have been an interesting trip your brother was on. Not sure I'd want to go to China though. Bet their Chinese food is different from what we get in the US.
Kris emailed me earlier that Gary may be going to Australia for 2 weeks late Sept. or early Oct. Now that's one long plane flight!

PQ - What a good puppy mom you are to make that doggie treat! I bet Brandy loved it.


Good morning.

My brother went on a tour run by the University of California, Berkley, so it was fully escorted with experienced people. Trip of a lifetime for him, he was really excited when he was talking to me about it. He lives about 15 miles from me in Mountain View.

Watsonville this evening. Stopping in Gilroy to have dinner with John and Angelia.


Home and exhausted.......

Got it all moved..............outta the storage center(2 trips with both cars) and UP 3 flights of stairs.........NO elevators in this complex.........it was really busy with everyone moving in.......

Left Lauren to unpack her stuff so i could get home.........just in time too......we just had a mini hurricane go thru(nothing major yesterday BB-)-

I know my inlaws are probably glad they are not going on the EN now.......I know they would be a nervous wreck........no one knows for sure yet where its going............

Thats about all............Im too tired and just wanna chill awhile...


Glad that you got the moving stuff done, PH. I feel like I have been moving stuff for nine months solid now.....between Angeline, John and our own stuff it seems like it has been non stop.

On our way to Watsonville in a few minutes.....will stop in Gilroy and have dinner with John and Angelia.

Realtor took pictures today for posting on MLS.


Good Evening - no rain or storm over here:( We can use a little rain...or we'll have to water tomorrow.

Got our docs today for the September cruise. Although you can download the e-docs, there's something special about receiving them in the mail.

San-her treat did look like a little kitty roll - except her doggie snack was green not grey (like the litter):D

New teacher orientation (for first year teachers) had about 200-225 teachers; have about 50 teaching positions still open. Hey, BB, are you sure you don't want to come back. :D

It seems like the counterfeit posters are on the "regular" board, not on the roll calls. Real strange. Sure the moderators will get it under control

Well, going to work out on the gazelle (tony little) and check the other thread...have a good evening


San...is that the water heater and inspection at your San Jose house? Give Mr Joseph a hug, and say hi to John & Angelia.
PH....I've been watching the storms in the Atlentic & Pacific, but didn't know about the one in Texas.
K2....not quite yet for Hockey, but soon!!!
Have a good day tomorrow and see you later.[/size]


GM: Good to hear we can still HOLD OFF on Hockey!!

Just got back (10:35 pm) from driving 40 minutes to Jills' house to drop off Miss Ashleys' GAME BOY stuff. She had it hidden behind the couch pillow to keep it from her brother while they were over our house and we both missed it when we looked around to make sure they didn't forget something. WHAT A GOOD GRANDMA TO DRIVE THAT OUT TO HER!! " More like CRAZY". She's going to go visit her friend in Kalamazoo tomorrow (3 1/2 hrs away in the car) and I know she could use it on the way.

SAN: Hope you have a good visit with Joseph and the kids. Good chance to see the progress on the NEW HOUSE too! Hope SOMEBODY is taking pictures!! Nice that the Realtor got the pictures taken for the MLS listing. So which real estate company are you going with........the BIG YELLOW Century 21 sign or the White Coldwall Banker?? Those seem to be the biggies around here lately.

You all have a FUN DAY tomorrow!!

PQ: That's a lot of teachers that you still need to find. :help



Up early cuz the ac guy will be here between 7 and 8..............OH, what time is it now?????? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Since Dennis is home,I already took the dogs for a walk while it is not even sunny out...........

yea GM.......Erin is pounding TX today............

PQ--I just bet BB would LOVE to go back to teach.......(yea,when he!! freezes over).........

You are a good grandma K2.....dont worry,I bet they take care of you and pick out a special "home" for you later..

We wanna see pics San..........tell us when its up..//

Almost end of the week KC and Ruttie....


Is it Friday yet?? I am soooo ready for the weekend!!

Going over to Merritt Island on Sat with Jane & Barb...our stepsister has a beauty shop there & we are getting our hair done..well Jane & Barb are, I haven't decided yet if I'm gonna have anything done or not...since it's free guess I should....

san, have fun with Joseph...looking forward to seeing your house online too..

Ph, hope the A/C guy shows up today....we never got any rain last night & very little the night before.. I need to get with the neighbor girl..she has been mowing every week & it really hasn't needed it.. easy $$

K2..such a good grandmom, I would have been mean & not taken it..

Pq, do the buses make a trial run or something?? I saw school buses driving around this morning....thought school started monday?

ok..back to work for me...later


You dont need your grass cut every week??? Wow....ours needs it twice a week now..........

Yup, buses do a trial run to see how long it takes them to do the route....

Still no ac guy......Im getting pi$$ed and I usually have patience..........

Gonna call him now...