Miscellaneous Plus (part 2) [6415]



OK....maybe we all need a timeout.....I don't want to get all caught up in this kind of stuff right now.

So, I am going to go where all you nice people go to post....that means all of you.

If someone wants to report back to others, I think it's chidish.....however, I have done my share of sending Emails about others....it has been kind of fun at times:D Hee, Hee.....especially about K2 and that little affair she was having;)

Went down to Gilroy last night for Chili's with Matthew, Patti, Joseph, John and Angelia. Ended up at A,A & T's afterwards as they had just returned from British Columbia. I needed that....felt good.


K2 was having an affair??? Somebody OBVIOUSLY forgot to include ME in That Email loop!!!::eek:

K2, hope it dries out for you guys soon....at least it isn't that other 4 letter word..ya know the one that start's with "S" and ends in "W"......


Oh yea, snow!Nice try Kc......we all know it was you that started the eMail storm about K2's affair.......and to think it was with someone on CC....that was a shocker! I wonder if she will ever figure out that we all knew about her little secret.


san, oh yeah, that's right it was me...I forgot about that one, I thought you meant she had ANOTHER fling.....and yeah,she's a little slow but she catches on eventually.....


[size=small]WOW........just one thing I need to know about this "AFFAIR" ......DID I HAVE FUN and was he CUTE!! :loveya[/size]

And I want you all to know I'm NOT SLOW at ALL. I just don't want to look smarter than you all the time!! SO THERE!

SAN: Glad the family and you could get together. Pretty soon you'll be doing those Monday Moocher dinners when you move into the new house. I think you could all save money by taking turns since you'll all live so close to each other!! Start making a schedule up.

RAIN is MUCH better than SNOW!!

So SAN ......is this YOUR Forum of choice to post on?? Just thought I'd ask.

Later........I have a Blueberry Buckle in the oven that needs to be checked on.


Well, he wasn't my type, but I guess he appealed to you, K2.....he was the one with the amputated leg, right?

I guess C-A is it K2.....my heart isn't in CC right now....maybe that will change in the future.

As far as looking smarter than the rest of us.....I don't think that you have anything to worry about......well, on second thought, maybe with BB you do:D


look i don't care where we go.. I am just a third wheel no matter anyway since i hardly get on and always talk about me me meheck maybe I really am the one everyone is running from!!!! I guess i can;t take a hint.. I use to love cc but the flroida thread got to be a bit much and even though I occasionally drop by teh bunny thread (have been dropping by for what 4 yrs now) anyway I just dont feel p[art of the group becasue i cant stop in every day so when i do i feel like i am intruding and that no one really cares..Its all about teh relationships and soe of you guys have too much invested to let this happen... BUt i know most of you guys on here and hope to meet k2 PQ San and Gm some day... I LOve a few on the other thread also thats why i sometimes stop in..... BUt I honestly dont; have time to post to 2 so i have stayed mostly here......If everyone goes to teh new board I will go there or if they stay here so be it..... If others are lurking i don't care....ANd if they are i hope they have read this becasue I don;t want anyone to have hurt feelings ......


[quote sanjoseca]As far as looking smarter than the rest of us.....I don't think that you have anything to worry about......well, on second thought, maybe with BB you do:D[/quote]

Now just a d*mn minute there, San!!!! What have I done to you lately? I've been soooo nice ... It's been killing me. Then just when my back is turned, you go and stab me in the back with that remark! I am sooo hurt.:( I'm going to slink away into a corner and sulk. I wonder how long I can hold my breath:S Guess I'm going to find out!

Time to find out if I'm getting the MMs tonight for dinner. It would be nice to know, wouldn't it? Hate to make dinner and then have nobody show up!


hey tsop the arguing about who is smatrer itis obvious by the spekllin in my posts that I am far superior to all of you:king
Note**** when i typed this adn was about to hit send it was all spelled surrprisingly correct so i actually had to go and retype this message who would of thought the one time i type everything correct....


[quote Breeze]

Now just a d*mn minute there, San!!!! What have I done to you lately? I've been soooo nice ... It's been killing me. Then just when my back is turned, you go and stab me in the back with that remark! I am sooo hurt.:( I'm going to slink away into a corner and sulk. I wonder how long I can hold my breath:S Guess I'm going to find out![/quote]

OK, I'll be back later to tell you when you can exhale, BB...hang in there, I need to run some errands.

And Ruttie.....you've been gone for quite some time.....you doin' the same as K2? BTW, I don't think for a minute that you retyped that messy, jumbled, atrocious post....you need to invest in a "spell checker" for your brain:D See BB, she knows how to spell after 50+ years of going to school.

No, no, no......don't exhale yet, BB.


Well......I for one hope that our GROUP doesn't disband. I love all of you too much to see that happen.

I don't care if BUSH has his FBI Lurking around this board or CC board it just doesn't "BUG" me at all. It's just not as important as everyone's friendship. Besides I don't really give a damn what I say about anyone to begin with on here, because I'd tell them the same thing to their faces. I'm just like that. If I have something REALLY SPECIAL to say about ANYONE I'll just do a private e-mail.

So with that said I hope that PH will understand and come back here. Hate to lose a friend over a silly Forum Board. I'll continue to post here and when I can I'll post to the other board. Just depends on if I have something to say. HEE HEE ......like I would EVER be SPEECHLESS!! NOt a chance.

Making dinner right now so I have to run. Be good to each other and remember we can ALL USE the LOVE and PRAYERS on here from our group at one time or another.

((((((((( BIG GROUP HUG ))))))))))))

NOw PH get your skinny butt back on here.....you too Kasey!! :daisy


[quote Kathie-K2]If I have something REALLY SPECIAL to say about ANYONE I'll just do a private e-mail. [/quote]

Huh, I never got one of those private EMails=huh Now I feel very lonely and left out.

And PH and Kc......we need pictures of those skinny *sses.


OK BB, it's been over thirty minutes......you can start breathing again. Did anyone ever tell you that you don't look good when you turn blue?


SAN POSTED: Oh for heaven's sake.....GROW UP and get yourself pulled together already. I don't have time to fly over and clean the snot and droll off your face from you crying. And NANCY has better things to do......like spending your money on the new house!! ;)

Dinner was good. Eggplant parmacian (sp??) with chicken on top!!

It finally STOPPED RAINING......so I'm off to go for a walk around the block a few times. I also have made a pledge to myself to NOT EAT after 7:00 pm. YIKES it's going to get really bitchy over here later on.

Hey did you all see that the "QUEEN of MEAN" died today at 87 yrs old. Never liked that Bi*ch!!



[quote Kathie-K2]SAN POSTED: Oh for heaven's sake.....GROW UP and get yourself pulled together already. I don't have time to fly over and clean the snot and droll off your face from you crying. And NANCY has better things to do......like spending your money on the new house!! ;)


Well geez, that certainly made me feel a lot better:cool: Sometimes your compassion and personality over whelm me


Yeah.....I know I can be just sooooo sweet! Hee Hee!! :loveya

Just got Jill a "PIN Number" for the Ford Plan. She's getting herself a new Ford Edge. The little brat won't tell me what color she got until she comes over with it! Not nice to mess with Mom like that.

Off to EBAY to see if there's anything new up for sale in stuff I'm looking for!!


Just remember....whatever bad things jill does to you, she learned from you.....it's coming back to haunt you Hee, Hee, Hee You don't deal with no very well, huh? Take a laxative tonight....it'll help you out.


[size=small]K2...Don't know that I'd want to rent out my house inless it were to someone I knew. Doesn't matter, all I have to rent out is my couch!!! From what we all heard, you had a lot of fun, and he was a real cutie!!! You're not slow, it's the Serbian time that gets you in trouble. Wish it would stop raining here.
San....glad you got to spend last night with your kids, grandson and granddog. Makes you feel good allright. I'll never tell about K2's affair!!!
kasey....let's see, starts with an "S" and ends in a "w"!!! Oh, it's SNOW K2!!!
Ruttie....you are not an intruder or a third wheel. We all care about you on here, and on the CC board, or wherever you want to post. We are interested in you and how you are doing, and how the boys are doing. Please post somewhere whenever you can.
BB....did you have dinner guests? How long can you hold your breath?

[quote ruttie]hey tsop the arguing about who is smatrer itis obvious by the spekllin in my posts that I am far superior to all of you:king
Note**** when i typed this adn was about to hit send it was all spelled surrprisingly correct so i actually had to go and retype this message who would of thought the one time i type everything correct....[/quote]

[size=small]Too funny Ruttie!!!
Now you can all see why I have a hard time posting on 2 boards. It's 12:15AM, and I have to get up at 6AM. Time to go to bed!!![/size]


[quote ruttie]hey tsop the arguing about who is smatrer itis obvious by the spekllin in my posts that I am far superior to all of you:king
Note**** when i typed this adn was about to hit send it was all spelled surrprisingly correct so i actually had to go and retype this message who would of thought the one time i type everything correct....[/quote]

Ya know I suspected this all along.....the typo's are really your desperate measure to fit in with the rest of us right??:D

BB, sorry to hear about Missy's car...what a pain to have to go thru all that hassle when they know darn good & well that car will probably never show up. Did she get the locks all changed on the house?? That would freak me out more than anything.....

san, no pictures of my @ss skinny or otherwise..and for the record K2 needs glasses cause it is anything but skinny......

Gm, hope you slept fast last night.....11 more months till retirement??