Actually I thought I'd just "auction" off a cruise with Kasey on Ebay! I ought to do pretty good don't ya think??:girly And I have until July 1st to come up with the 2nd person, could be quite interesting!
[size=small]Okay Kasey.......hope you don't get one of those BIG BEAR type club members to bid on your Auction!! Can't remember what the name of that group was that turned so many people OFF on a cruise recently!! DUH......if you know what I mean!! :couple
They finally had to SALT the Freeways and main roads today because the rain from last night FROZE!! : Times like this Art has to LOVE the fact that he didn't have to drive to work slipping and sliding all the way!!
I'm busy with getting things ready for tomorrows party. Be back at my next BREAK!!
SAN: Heard on the news temps got into the LOW 20's over by you all. Brrrrrrr. They even opened up special shelters for the homeless. Stay warm buddy.[/size]
This board is getting to be as hard to get on as the other one!
Got a turkey in the oven and the smell is driving me nuts already. To think it'll be another 3 hours before we get to eat it!!! We have either 5 or 8 coming for dinner. Depends on whether the MMs happen to show up unannounced. Otherwise it will just be Missy, Jimmy and the boys, plus a friend of theirs who is here for the weekend.
Beautiful day here. It's about 75 outside with the sun shining brightly. Ya gotta love winter in Florida!!!!
I agree BB..we sat outside tonite and I noticed most of the neighbors did too.....................just gotta love FL...heck,I was in shorts and it was in the upper 70s.............NICE!!
[size=small]Okay you two.......put a LID ON IT about it being so nice already!!
Man can anyone say TIRED.........that's me. Next time it's my turn to host this "Anderson" get together I'm opting for taking them all out to dinner. It might even be cheaper!!
Off to bed ......finally.
SAN: CAT got your tongue lately or are you just busy with that garage wiring?? Miss ya buddy.[/size]
Finally got on here.............between the two boards,it is getting harder and harder to get on.............
Ok K2...............we wont tell you anymore how nice it is,even if it is 80 degrees today.........................but dont feel bad,its really cloudy........
This board is getting as bad as, if not worse, then the other one to get on!:X Very frustrating to say the least.
K2 - How's the ice storm going? I hope you still have power. We promise to stop talking about how nice our weather is her in the Sunshine State. I'll just say that even if there were SEVENTY states, I'm sure we'd be in the top TWO for great temps!P)
Okay trying to tell me that it's 72[sup]o[/sup] over there??? I can READ BETWEEN the LINES girl!! Us Northerners we're born yesterday ya know!! :girly
We're under a ICE STORM ALERT right now at 11:30 pm.Sunday. I can hear the Ice hitting the window as I'm typing!!
Just glad I don't have to drive in this mess tomorrow. I'll never get my Passport Applications into the Post Office if this continues!!
NIte........I'M SOOOO TIRED TONIGHT. All this work for a NO GO PARTY has worn me out.
Didn't San say he would be away for 3-4 days? I seem to remember that from last week sometime.
K2 - You said, "Us Northerners we're born yesterday ya know!!" And that's why we love you around here!:girly
Laurie comes home from the hospital today, but I think I'll wait until tomorrow to go visit again. You never know what time they will decide to release you from the hospital, so Laurie said she'd rather have the company tomorrow when I can visit the whole day!!!
I mentioned it early last week, but I guess you forgot. Thursday evening we drove up to Catson City, Nevada for a weekend getaway. Angeline, Anthony and Trousers went also. We got back last night after stopping in Dublin to have dinner with John and Angelia.
It's beem very cold here...into the twenties over night. Nevada and the Sierra Nevada was even colder....below zero when we crossed over Thursday evening.
After gambling for a while in the casinos, I walked away with one extra dollar and got a free beer....pretty good for me.
Below zero????????? Now that is cold.............welcome home..........Hey, the trivia winner on Regis today was from Dublin,CA......Regis didnt even know where that was...IMAGINE that!!haha
Welcome back, San! :wave Wow ... a dollar and a free beer! You certainly jumped up into the WHALE catagory in a hurry!!!!! Ha Ha!!!!
Talk about freezing your SSA off!: Below zero temps? Temps in the 20s? No thanks! I'll take our weather anytime. Heck, it's warm enough here to get a sunburn on that place referred to as "where the sun don't shine"!!! Sorry K2, but I just had to say that.
Sounds like you all had a fun weekend getaway though and that's the main thing, right?
We spent Friday walking around Truckee and going up into the Sierra. Got both trucks stuck on a deserted side road that hadn't been plowed. Using tow straps and a comealong, we got them both unstuck pretty quickly.
Saturday, we went to Lake Tahoe and walked around the town of Stateline. It was cold walking around, but we had the clothes for it, so were OK.
Hi San & Welcome Home!!! Sorry we didn't remember you were going away for the weekend, but isn't it nice to know we missed you??:loveya
Anyhow, you can disregard the email I sent ya too! Nice going in the casino, anytime I can walk away with money I'm happy!!
Hey you Floridians can talk about the WARM,HOT, SUNNY weather all you want.......I really don't mind. It makes me feel warmer over here.
BB: Good catch on that one sentence I posted! Hee Hee.
SAN: Glad you had a good time. Now have you seen a Financial Planner for that $1.00 you won?? :lol
I'm out of here for now. Waiting for the SNOW to start over here later on. The ice was actually pretty on the trees. We didn't have any trouble on the roads ........of course we didn't leave the house until Noon!!
I don't have to see the finacial planner unless I win $2, so, no, I didn't consult him.
Just got back from the San Jose Auto show with my friend Jerry. Not as big as San Francisco and certainly nothing like the Detroit one.
Thanks for thinking of me, Kc...I got your Email.
I think you will really like the Jewel, PH....we've had good times on her. Maybe you will get to meet Captain MacDonald....he's a nice guy....from Canada.
(td) Took forever to get on here at 9:25 pm. Really SLOW.
That's all we hear about on TV during the News is Auto Show this, and Auto Show that........they do show some REALLY FINE cars though. Not sure if we're going to bother to go this year.
We want to go to the Science Museum and see the HUMAN BODY show that's going on. It's REAL bodies that have been preserved somehow to show different parts. Such as the brain and the nerves and the heart and the valves. They are full skeletons and they say it's not for the light at heart or children under 13 yrs old. They had pictures in the papers last week and it looked fantastic. All really neat lighting and some are behind plastic so you can't even THINK of touching them. I'll let you know if we go what it was like.
KC, FD, GM have a great day tomorrow.
NAV: KEEP PACKING kiddo. And remember LESS is's a vacation not a permanant MOVE!!
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