Matthew and I each have a tent, Anthony has a GM tent that fits in the back of his pickup for him and T....John slept on the back of the ATV trailer with a blue tarp strung over it to keep the Friday night rain off him. We all have sleeping bags and put cargo blankets over them for the extra warmth. We kept a camp fire going just about 24 hours a day. John was a little cold, but the rest of us were fine.
We're supposed to get rain here tomorrow.
Down to Watsonville tonight for babysitting Clem. You know, Trousers is a lot more fun to look after than this little guy right now....hope he gets a little more lively as time goes by...he's really boring laying there eating, pooping, wailing and sleeping. Trousers is a laugh a minute with his antics.
Apparently when T got home on Monday night he was exhausted...he just wanted to go up stairs and sleep....then when the little bastards started ringing the door bell for Halloween he would come flying down the stairs barking away....when they left, he went back upstairs until the door bell rang again...same routine...he was getting really PO'd at the interruptions....he's usually so good natured....guess he did this about six or eight times....he just wanted his sleep, poor guy. He wore his Halloween bandana all weekend.
Look after yourself, Marcia. Get better K2. Planning for early retiremnet is good Kc.