Not what Pucci and I expected


Staff Captain
Good gosh, Shipmaven. I am so sorry that you had to endure such pain, and from such a horrible person. Thankfully, that is over with and now it is on to rehabilitation....good luck!!!


Safety Officer
Oh Mary Ann................I'm so sorry to hear this! The most important thing is that you get better!! I know you miss Pucci and he misses you, but you are in the best place to get better fast. Love to you and scritches to Pucci.


Food and Beverage Manager- Special Contributor
Sorry to hear about the sadistic specialist, Mary Ann, but glad to hear about the PT.
Now... how about a big moose with giant horns? Just make sure the specialist and the moose are in the same room and lock the door (from the outside...). :bbbat:



Food and Beverage Manager- Special Contributor
Erik, can Mary Ann pick where the moose installs his horns???

Yes, of course! Let's just make sure the moose is well-trained!
I'll use a rasp to make the horns really sharp! :biggrin:

I'll be very happy to direct the operation.

BTW, dinner tonight was Swedish meatballs but I don't think any moose gave up their lives...

I hope they followed the "true" Swedish meatball recipe (which is a separate one for each mom over here). No moose needed, but it would have given it some more "punch".



Staff Captain
The Middle East Plague and Pestilence Company is telling me that fleas are back ordered now, so they have offered me a Pest of the Day option. Today will be deer ticks, Thursday will be roaches, and Friday will be a large shoebox full of Oklahoma chiggers, all delivered to the wound specialist's office. A smaller box of each will be delievered to the nurse, of course. I'm trying to work out a sweet deal on Anopheles mosquitoes....all guaranteed to carry Plasmodium falciparum...none of the cheap stuff, as they deserve only the best of the worst!


Senior Flea Coller Tester
The Middle East Plague and Pestilence Company is telling me that fleas are back ordered now, so they have offered me a Pest of the Day option. Today will be deer ticks, Thursday will be roaches, and Friday will be a large shoebox full of Oklahoma chiggers, all delivered to the wound specialist's office. A smaller box of each will be delievered to the nurse, of course. I'm trying to work out a sweet deal on Anopheles mosquitoes....all guaranteed to carry Plasmodium falciparum...none of the cheap stuff, as they deserve only the best of the worst!

Jacquie, can I go in on that deal with you?

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist

This was a FULL day today, and I was only helped back into bed a few minutes ago. I'm wiped out.

I was taken to the wound specialist this morning - 9:15am appointment. Although it's not my style, I'll hurl every expletive deleted I can think of (or that anyone can contribute) against him. He (unfortunately) has an excellent reputation in his field - but I'd like to tell him where to go and how quickly to get there. He has the personality of a coiled rattlesnake and the gentleness of a hippo walking over you. Even though I had taken a pain pill, cutting the packings off hurt like the dickens. He complained that the Ace bandage should have been further down on my foot, so I had no qualms telling him and his nurse that no one (doctors, nurses) could reach him - the way he had it wrapped was cutting off the circulation and they HAD to take action. He and his nurse said no one ever called - at which point I asked them to explain why I couldn't get through either. Silence. Since it had been ten days, he decided the staples could be removed. The pain was horrendous. I asked if they couldn't at least spray the area with Lidocaine to ease the pain. No. And they continued the torture. I was livid. I've had staples removed previously on my knees. Nothing ever remotely approached this.

On a happier note, I had my first PT and OT sessions today - several hours worth. They could not have been nicer! Yes, I'm sore but it's to be expected. The hospital-type bed feels comfy on my back!

I hate rude specialists -- and have had a couple myself.

Keep up the good work in PT and OT!!


Staff Captain
I know what you mean the ent doctor I was seeing called me yesterday just to tell me he had no report to give me after the needle biopsy I have changed doctors and have appointment next thur. I will hang up on the first doctor if he calls again they send him a notice that he was off my case.

Cruise cutie

Staff Captain
A Medical Degree does not confer, kindness, gentle hands, charm, or empathy..they need to be instilled by another source...and sad to say it's common that as the education level goes up in MD's.... the wisdom to be a humane practitioner goes to Hell in a handbasket...I have told many a MD off... inasmuch as I bust my butt to help all the MD's.. in 33 years as a nurse I could care less how wonderful you may think you are.!!!!!.. and it's a fact the jerks suffer down the road as your reputation suffers in " Nurse Underground"!!!hehehe...
PONY up as a caregiver!!!Bad Karma is Bad Karma....and it's amazing what happens when Nasty MD's are Patients...LOL....what goes around.....XXOO Mary Ann.....Joanne..


Senior Flea Coller Tester
ha ha, Joanne, I LOVE that nurses "pay back" bad MD's when they are patients. God Bless all of you that watch over all of us.

Mele Ana, thinking of you today and hoping you feel a bit better each day.


Environmental Compliance Officer

Mary Ann,

It is a shame when one doctor can ruin your day. He reminds me of the 1991 movie with William HUrt "The Doctor". He was a surgeon who had no bed side manner at all and no compassion to his patients UNTIL he came down with cancer. Then he saw what it was like to be treated by doctors who where like him. He sure changed his tune after he got well. Not wishing your doctor cancer but maybe a slight fall to have to have staples put in his skin to know what it is like.

Our prayers keep continuning for you and Pucci. Get well soon.

Sending big hugs your way.


Staff Captain
That was a phenomenal movie and I feel it should be required viewing at least yearly by every medical practitioner. I guess I must have missed the particular class that teaches medical people of any variety how to act like they're better than anyone else. I certainly don't tolerate attitudes like that in my Medical Technology students! It's the main reason why many, but not all doctors, are not respected by those of us, Nurses, Med Techs, Respiratory Therapists, Nurses Aides, Physical Therapists, and any others who work with them. So sad! We all have a job to do, so let's just do it.


1st Officer - Navigation
Community Sponsor
Mary Ann, sounds like you might be on the way to recovery pretty quick. Sooner the better in order to get away from Dr. Insensitive. Maybe you could call him all the expletives in Spanish. It wouldn't be so obvious. How about a yoga class. We work on balance in our class. I also wear a bracelet called IRenew. Supposed to help keep you from falling down. Don't know how much is psychological but haven't fallen for a long time now. I could send you one if you like. Take care and have a speedy recovery.


Staff Captain
we have not heard anything from Mary Ann I hope they are keeping her busy with pt and that she will able to go home soon


Forever Remembered
Sorry I've been very quiet the past few few days. I'm missing Pucci terribly and my spirits have been very low. I don't know yet what lies ahead for my knee. Each weekday, the dressing is changed. There is dead skin around the wound so I'm guessing cosmetic surgery will be required (skin grafting). Haven't replaced my "former" wound specialist yet. My doctor is trying to contact the specialist I saw during the summer, and I believe this rehab facility had a specialist who makes rounds in Tuesdays.

This past week, I've been doing PT and OT daily - except today - and I've lost 5 lbs. (yeay). Some of my strength has returned but I'm nowhere near "normal". YET I'm grateful for any improvement.

I just now received some wonderfully uplifting news in email - PizzaBoy won the GOLD MEDAL in his Special Olympics Division. What fantastic news. WAY TO GO, MY FRIEND!!!!

So that's about it for now.

Thank you for your continued concern. I'll try to do better in checking in.