Thank you, Judi, and Friends. I'm in the office to be sure I'm caught up on things, then Jean will pick me up again and take her to her home. It's back to no driving for me. :madd:
I am frustrated and angry beyond tears. I never regained much strength in my legs after my knee replacement surgeries. I missed stepping up a curb onto the sidewalk Monday evening, tripped and fell on both knees, with the brunt on my left knee. It burst open. My right knee is badly bruised. I won't describe the bloody scene, but spent the evening (with my friends) in an ER instead of going to the Andre Rieu concert. On the laughable side, I was in an OB/GYN ER.:whistle:
Yes, I was in tears as I cancelled my upcoming cruise that I had booked two years ago.
Thank you for your kind words and prayers. My ortho surgeon warned me the pain will get worse before it gets better, and this will be a long road to recovery. I did a very nasty job on my knee. I'm on heavy doses of antibiotic (that my stomach hates) in the hope that no infection sets in, especially in the prosthetic(s). Now starts a whole series of doctors' appointments - Primary Physician, Orthopedic Surgeon, Wound Specialist (I hope I won't require hyperbaric treatments or surgery).
I'll check in as I can - it's difficult for me to get up from a chair which is why I'm not logging in for now from Jean's.
I'll try to behave if Maw behaves.
Love to you all
Mary Ann