Prayer Request for Charles (Captain Weather)


Forever Remembered
Charles' family and I thank you.

Here's the latest...

The doctor said they are going to keep Charles sedated for the next 24-48 hours. His leg was swollen so they didn’t go in to operate, they just put these metal bars on the outside for now. In 5-7 days when the swelling goes down they will have to go into the leg and put metal in (probably pins). So for now he is doing OK on the ventilator. His family won’t know much until tomorrow or Wednesday (depending on how long he stays sedated). No phone in his ICU room and can’t receive flowers there. Only "Mrs. Charles" and his son can call the nurse for updates (even his daughter can’t call).

It looks like it was an accident. It was foggy this morning in Bloomfield and an older man turned and hit Charles while he was crossing. He said he didn’t see him.

Your continued prayers will be appreciated.

Mary Ann


1st Officer - Navigation
I am stunned!!! Sending tons of good, healing thoughts to Charles and BIG HUGS to his FAMILY!!! Also hugs to Donna.....this is still so fresh for you.

Mary Ann.......thanks for the sad news and the update.



1st Officer - Navigation
Community Sponsor
Thanks for the update. Prayers continue.


Staff Captain
What a horrible thing for Charles and his family! Donna, I also thought of you when I read about this. Hugs are headed your way, also. The furkids and Joey also said to send Charles (the Open House scritcher) get well chirps, woofs, and tail wags and hope he gets better fast. Leon and I are sending prayers and good wishes. Thanks, Mary Ann, for letting us know about him.


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
OMG what a SHOCK to come home too...thanks Mary Ann for the updates and our heart felt prayers and thoughts go out for Charles and his whole family.


Staff Captain
Thank you for the updates, ShipMaven. Charles has been on my mind all day. Prayers continue.


Awaiting results of mental evaluation
OMG. Just got in to wurk and first access to the Net since I got off this morning. How terrible. Here's hoping for an uneventful recovery and rapid healing.

Mama Duck, :thankyou: For getting this news out and the updates ...


Staff Captain
Hoping this morning finds good health coming back to Charles. Hang in there, Charles, we are all here for you!! :doubleup:


Senior Flea Coller Tester
My heart is so heavy right now with this news. Of course Charles and his family will be in my prayers, as they will be in my thoughts all day.

Mary Ann, blessings to you for letting us know about this unfortunate event. I hope that the person who hit Charles is doing ok emotionally, I'm sure this isn't easy on him, either.

Donna, you came to my mind also. I hope your family is doing a bit better. Time helps.


So sorry to hear this -sending out prayers for a speedy recovery--Charles I can't give all the pets as much as they want in Open House-Hurry bac k to us.


Forever Remembered
Tuesday morning's report:

From Charles' son - dad made it through the night with no complications. They took the breathing tube out and he is breathing on his own.

He is heavily medicated but stirred when he heard mom's voice - they asked if he knew where he was and he said No, they said you're in the hospital then he was out (the pain meds).

If he stays the same or improves over the next day or two they will move him to a regular room.

Mary Ann