Prayer Request for Charles (Captain Weather)


Forever Remembered
Thank you to all for your prayers and concern. The family prefers not to be contacted for now, but I'll keep posting updates as I receive them.

Mary Ann


Staff Captain
I can certainly understand the family's wishes. They have a lot on their plate. Thank you for the continued updates Mary Ann, and please tell the family that prayers will continue for all of them.


Staff Captain
Shipmaven - it is good to read that Charles is doing so well. Thank you for the updates and for sending along all of our well wishes. :doubleup:

connie seabee

Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
It is good news that Charles is out of ICU, that means he is showing signs of improvement. I can certainly understand the family not wanting any phone calls or visitors at this time. prayers and good wishes continued for Him and His family.


Forever Remembered

Charles is reportedly looking good today, more like himself. He still isn’t eating much but the food they are offering doesn’t sound like food he would have eaten anyway (Fried Chicken dark meat, collard greens, etc). Charles' family will know later today if he will have the surgery on his leg tomorrow.

Thank you for your continuing prayers.

Mary Ann

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
I hate hospital food.

Fried chicken? That's unhealthy for certain.

Thanks for the update.


Forever Remembered
Charles update:

Charles had a good day yesterday. He sat up a couple of times yesterday and ate some food. Mrs. Charles and his son say his color is much better and he seemed more like himself. We don’t know if he is having surgery today or not today. If not today then the surgery will be tomorrow. No phone yet and he isn’t in a room where he can receive anything yet.

It's encouraging to learn that he has begun eating again!

Mary Ann


Forever Remembered

Surgery has been postponed until Monday right now (hospital is overfull and the surgeries were behind schedule). So far today seems to be like yesterday, Charles is awake and lucid and eating. He is probably bored out of his mind though J

Mary Ann


Senior Flea Coller Tester
Bored is a good sign! It means he's awake, knows what's going on, wants to not be bored, and isn't all drugged up! Now he needs a nook. Or a kindle. Or an iPad.... :whistle:

Krazy Kruizers

Holland America Specialist
Sorry to hear that Charle's surgery has been postponed.

Prayers all will go well on Monday.


Awaiting results of mental evaluation

Surgery has been postponed until Monday right now (hospital is overfull and the surgeries were behind schedule). So far today seems to be like yesterday, Charles is awake and lucid and eating. He is probably bored out of his mind though J

Mary Ann

Good that hwe=s doing better. Someone needs to smuggle him a laptop w/wifi air card.

connie seabee

Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
I'm so thankful to hear that he is awake and lucid. Good sign for recovery. Prayers on the way for a successful surgery Monday.


Staff Captain
Glad to hear he is doing so well now and I send my continued good wishes for an uneventful surgery and healing!!