Pucci Update


Safety Officer
WONDERFUL news Mary Ann! So glad to hear the good news! Thanks so much for letting us know. And prayers and hugs for your friend.


Forever Remembered
Thank you again. Pucci enjoyed his turkey for lunch, and I think he's really enjoying his new canned food! Contrary to the usual, Pucci's Vet AND the Specialist would rather see him back on canned food for its fluid content for him.

Thank you for your prayers for my friend. She's not very emotional but it was hard for her - and for all of us in her situation - to make the decision to let her beloved kitty pass over Rainbow Bridge. Very unusual for her but she asked for her sister (my friend, Jean) to be there with her when Punky took his journey.


Senior Flea Coller Tester
The circle of life starts with so much joy and ends with so much sorrow, but the life in between is so wonderful and rewarding. I'm sorry your friend had to say goodbye to her kitty.


1st Officer - Navigation
Community Sponsor
Glad to hear that a diet change may be all that is needed for Pucci for a while. Sounds like turkey is his favorite.


Forever Remembered
Glo - thank you so much. How true.

Karin - my thanks to you, also. Pucci enjoys his little bit of turkey at lunchtime. Fortunately, he seems to like his new food to which I'm gradually transitioning.


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
So sorry to hear you had another scare with Pucci....glad the reports are good and I hope the new food does the trick....sounds like he is enjoying it! Louie and Georgie send their woofs.


Forever Remembered
Thank you, Denise and Patty. This morning, he scarfed down some bagel for breakfast with me, reminded me in no uncertain terms that it was turkey-time at lunch (drop everything, Mommy, I want my turkey NOW!)...and seems to have more vim and vigor today. He seems to love his new food and, so far, I've seen no adverse effects (those with furbabies will know what I mean!) while transitioning from his old food to the new.


Senior Flea Coller Tester
I'm glad to see that Pucci is feeling better and has that feistiness back. Turkey huh? And he doesn't bother you at breakfast for it? I'm impressed. Kiefer would certainly give it a try!


Forever Remembered
Pucci's energy is like a roller-coaster, but as for the turkey, it's as if he has an internal time clock that makes him beg for it around lunchtime hours. When it was bed time last night, he went right into his bed (atop my bed) and wasn't playful with his "chewies" (rawhide chews). I got him a new one, and it was like a shot of adrenaline - playing with it, playing with me. :boogie:


Captain Weather
And I, like everyone else hope the same.



Forever Remembered
Aren't you kind! {{{HUGS}}}

Pucci went through some downs - refused to eat some of the new foods. He doesn't follow the rule books that if he's hungry enough he'll eat. Too stubborn for that. He refused to eat - except for his little bit of turkey at lunchtime. So I knew it wasn't a matter of not having an appetite. During this "rebellious" time, his personality became very sullen as well. We finally found two prescription foods that I mix together that he seems to enjoy (for however long it lasts). His urine-protein labs haven't improved much - hopefully they will in time.

While he has spurts of energy, I can tell he tires much more easily now and sleeps most of the time. Please God, he'll be 13 in February (for a small dog, that's 68 in human years).

Thank you for asking about my little sweetie.


Staff Captain
Gosh, I'm 66 and I don't have ANY spurts of energy! Wonder if some of Pucci's might rub off on me????? Does His Highness require that his supper be microwaved???????


Awaiting results of mental evaluation
Good to hear that Pucci's doing well. I thoroughly understand about the "tires more easily" thing. Between GloBug and SunFlower Star, I'm always worn out! Sir Cody says that if Pucci wants to come out for a visit, he'll show him where the deer and bear hang out. Says chasing them around the mountain is almost as much fun as cats and squirrels!


Staff Captain
Frasier and I send our good wishes to Pucci. I'm glad to hear he's eating again. When I told Frasier that his cousin Pucci has been sleeping a lot, my little feline said, "Doesn't everybody?" Yes, he who gets 18 hours of sleep per day, and is at his most rambunctious in those few hours when I'm trying to sleep. Keeping fingers crossed that Pucci's lab results will improve measurably soon.


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
Thanks for the update and we hope Pucci sees improvements in those testing levels. Georgie and Louie send their woofs!


Staff Captain
Good to hear he is doing well these days... They do have a mind of their when it come to food..