Return of the Cruising Bunny's....


Wacky Wabbit
Good Morning Hello GIF by ÈS.B Studio
You all have a wonderful SATURDAY. Enjoy a cup of coffee on me!

As Lee said.......Thinking about our Dave & Kathi too. :sign missu:

Karen, Mike, something exciting to tell us about later! :smiley24:


Wacky Wabbit
Got a call from Art’s long time bike buddy, RICK, asking for a favor. He wanted a ride to emergency to get a Catheter put back in! The visiting nurse at the Sr Home he is currently at couldn’t get it done. Ouch!
So, Art & I are sitting in the waiting area (with MASKS on) waiting for Rick to get done.
Always something!
Glad to help out when asked, but it’s a big responsibility doing this in case something happened while transporting him. When I asked Rick if he had a Drivers License with him for ID, he said I’ve been in and out so much they have my records. OKAY!! Amazingly he didn’t have trouble getting in. Seems strange to me.

We had to go through a medal detector and they looked in my purse just like at an airport. I think that’s a good thing. They should do that in the main hospital area too.

We can see why he asked us to take him since the cost of an ambulance is crazy even with insurance. Fortunately the hospital is only 15-20 mins, at the most, from Rick’s Sr place.

Okay, thanks for reading! Back to doing Solitaire! o_O


2nd Officer
Good afternoon!

Kathie, it was good of you & Art to take Rick to the hospital. This is the one who had the bad bike accident right? How is he doing other than needing a catheter?

Lee, bummer about the white stuff, it's cool & grey here today. Looked like rain earlier but so far nothing.

Today was a Vestry training workshop in Winter Garden, Fl, near Orlando. We left church at 6:45 am this morning & arrived at the church where the workshop was being held a little before 8 am, workshop didn't start till 9 so we had to hang out in the parking lot for a while before we could go in. We had workshops on 3 different topics, 2 of which were pretty interesting & 1 was definitely NOT. Lunch was a $20 turkey sandwich from Panera Bread, a cookie & a bag of chips I couldn't eat. Next year I will take my own lunch since they give us that option.
Now I need to figure out something for dinner & then set my clocks ahead for tomorrow.


Wacky Wabbit
Still here!!
I walked a LONG walk to the room Rick was in and a Dr was just coming out and told me he got the procedure done. They’re going to give him a dose of Antibiotics for infection precaution. He should be released within the HOUR!

Karen Rick is doing better, but still a long way from being on his own. He is the bike accident guy!

WOW … Karen that was a REALLY EARLY START. Can’t blame you for bringing your lunch next time! Long day for you.

Still have our DAVE/KATHI in my thoughts.

Later gang.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
That says a lot about you and Art that Rick feels comfortable enough to reach out to you for a lift to hospital. While it is good that they have so much security to get in it’s also a shame that they need it.
Ah, Winter Garden. That’s where the Beall’s that Lu-Ann likes is. Quite a drive from Bellevue Karen. Panera makes pretty nice food but it’s not all inexpensive.
How’s tricks in your neck of the woods Mike.
Like you all, I bet I’ve popped by 3 or 4 times to see if we have a good news update on Dave and Kathi.
Have a good evening my friends.

Mike Elias

Chief Security Officer
lee, The clocks may spring forward but I'm not going to do any springing. How about a slow crawl????Speaking of haircuts;, Fay said I needed one, why, the dogcatchers aren't chasing me. I have no idea what that white stuff is but you can keep it or send it to frump.
K2, have you tried shutting down your computer and waiting at least 10 minutes before restarting. It's a long shot but it may work. I hope you can get it worked out soon. I showed Fay the picture, but she went to Costco a few days ago so it will be a while before she can get the melatonin.
Kathi, I hope the Dr. can come up with something that works. Hopefully you are taking good care of yourself.
Michael came over last night and spent t he night. The 3 of us went to Firstwatch thismorning for breakfast, I ate way too much.
I hope everyone sleeps well tonight since most have to get up an hour earlier.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
It’s the “new” 6:45 am, formerly known as 5:45 am, as I start my note this morning.
In the text to Betty who cuts my hair Mike, I said I’d be the one who walks in looking like a shaggy dog. How times have changed even going for a haircut. I don’t know of any “barber shops” around here where you walk in, pick up a months old magazine while you sit on an old “kitchen chair” and wait your turn.
With the Florida traffic Karen, I don’t blame you for leaving lots of extra time to get to Winter Garden. Especially this weekend which is the start of many Spring Break weeks. At least there was only one workshop that was a little less than interesting.
Did you and Art get Rick all settled back in Kathie? As you said, all of the security precautions and Rick gets admitted with no id!
Hopefully you do get a chance to pop on Kathi and know that we’re all asking about both of you and wishing you both nothing but good thoughts and prayers.
Maybe a coffee will help these eyes open up a bit. Even Ava hasn’t bothered to get out of bed. Yet.
Have a peaceful, easy Sunday everyone.


Wacky Wabbit
Hi gang. Hope your Sunday is as Sunny as ours. 59F here in our area.

Losing power so this should be short.
Mike: The issue with iPhone, iPad is that I’m LOCKED OUT of THEIR system because I can’t remember my PASSWORD . When I went to change it they had me answering a lot of questions and said I didn’t identify myself enough to UNLOCK the acct and to keep trying. You can only try 2 times every 24 hours! So it’s frustrating. Mike I will look into that DuckDuck- Go you mentioned. Thanks.

Art got a memo from Rick today and he said everything (his plumbing) is working. A blessing!

Karen sure hope you went to church today and said a few prayers
in-between singing songs.

Gotta go….getting warning signs that I’m running out of power. Later gang.

Mike Elias

Chief Security Officer
Lee, the barber shop I go to is the old fashion type, but no kitchen chair. My barber is a female that is fairly young. She does a good job, somethimes a person like her is as hard to find as a good doctor.
Okay ladies where are you,
I'm getting a cup of coffee, joing me Lee
Hope you are feeling better Dave.

Indian Love Call Jeannette MacDonald & Nelson Eddy

click on the red arrow below cl the arrow pointing upward.

K2, Fay found out she can get t he meds free with her insurance. good luck getting your emails.
YouTube · Shop Steward
149.8K+ views · 8 years ago

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I shouldn’t have a coffee this late in the afternoon Mike but to join you I’ll make an exception. It was the waiting area chairs at the barber’scthat always reminded me of kitchen chairs. Chrome frame and shiny red backs and seats. I’ve never heard of DuckDuckGo. I wonder why those two kids, Jeanette and Nelson, never got married?
Getting locked out of your devices is so frustrating Kathie. And where do most people keep their log in stuff? In a file on their devices! Good to hear Rick’s waterworks are working.
Were any of your sessions yesterday pertinent to church today Karen?
Hoping everything is headed in the right direction for Dave and Kathi.
It may be bright, sunny and 54F but there’s a cold wind blowing that makes being outdoors a tad on the chilly side!
Have a good evening everyone.


2nd Officer
Good evening!

Sending more good thoughts & prayers for Dave & Kathi! Lit a candle & said a special prayer for healing for Dave & strength for Kathi.

Lee, yes 2 of the sessions were very relevant to St. Mary's and at our vestry meeting next week we will be talking over some ways to implement the new ideas we've learned. Your haircut looks dashing btw!

Kathie, nothing more aggravating than getting locked out of a computer, phone or ipad. Hope you can get it figured out soon! Great news about Rick! And yep, remembered each of you in my prayers today.

Mike, those free meds thru the insurance company come in handy! They are wildly overpriced compared to buying at Walmart or someone, but if you are going to lose the money in the account if you don't spend it you might as well get something you need. I'll have a decaf please, I saved my choc chip cookie from my lunch yesterday so that will be a nice treat.

Found out today that we will most likely be losing one of our male choir members, he's been struggling with memory issues for quite some time & apparently had a pretty bad episode yesterday calling the choir director & one of his choir friends and really just rambling & hallucinating about things. It's possible there is a medical reason for his rambling as my Dad would get that way when he had a UTI but based on past history probably not. Dementia is a cruel disease.


Wacky Wabbit
LEE/ MIKE: ART goes to a BARBER that has 2 older leather couches and some straight back chairs by the window area. Absolutely NOTHING FANCY about this place. He just cuts hair in those old fashion huge Barber chairs that swing around and tilt. There are 2 barbers. One on one side of the long room and the other on the opposite side. Mirrors all along the length of the shop. I was there one time when Art needed a haircut after one of his BACK OPERATIONS. I drove and sat and waited.
It's in a strip mall close to where we lived before moving here. Jill actually worked at the Deli counter next door at the Meat Store.

Thank you for the lighting of the candles and prayers. Never can get enough of them these days! Take care. Good to know the Vestry instruction is going to be useful at St Mary's.

I have Art using a Nettie gizmo w/some type of saline pkg that I put into the bottle. He did it one time. I need to remind him to do it again. He also gargled with salt water a little while ago. I've read up on head colds and they are a Virus and just have to work their way out of your system. They gave a list of over-the-counter things to use, and we have them.

Art will NOT be traveling to Chicago area with us on Tuesday. That's a GOOD MOVE.

Have a good evening folks. 6:19 pm , but yesterday it was 5:19 pm at this time. :oops:

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
Both Lu-Ann and I use the NielMed sinus rinse Kathie. We get them at Costco. I boil the kettle when I get up and the water is usually ready when she gets up. Likely a good call by Art to stay put on Tuesday.
I’m happy to hear that a couple of the sessions will be applicable to St. Mary’s Karen. Nothing worse than coming away from those sessions with nothing to use. Sad for your choir member who is stepping away. All of the medical progress and break throughs yet some things defy the medical community.

A’Burg Guy

Environmental Compliance Officer
I really don’t have much this morning. Didn’t sleep all that well. Could it have been that late coffee with Mike? ;) I still would have been on our board early hoping for some Dave news.
This afternoon Lu-Ann and I resume our “Dance With Parkinson’s” sessions. I hope “Parkinson” is there and I can tell him what I think of his damned disease. Good timing because we see her neurologist / movement disorder specialist on Thursday.
I’ll be back later to check on everyone.


Wacky Wabbit
I too am checking in for a DAVE REPORT. :sign missu:
Hoping as the saying goes: "No news is good news".
Thinking of you Kathi big time during these times.

Lee: Sorry about you not sleeping well. Let's hope it's just temporary.
Like the idea of "Dance with Parkinson's" for you two. Just wish it was
more an Arthur Murray dance lesson for an invitation to visit with King Charles
and an attend a Formal Ball to show off your dancing skills.
Like that will ever happen! :emoticon 0102 bigsmile:

I'm busy this morning getting a few items together for our Tuesday trip to Chicago.
Always Something!

Art said he is feeling a TAD better with his head and throat congestion. He's actual doing all the things I read up on for this issue. Letting me rub on Vicks at night without as much of a complaint. Slow but sure. All the articles on Virus's said it could take up to or longer than
10 days to get it out of your system. He has to start wearing a MASK when going into the Sr Living place to see Rick. I feel those places are like a Petry Dish of germs. :eek: Especially during Flu Season.

Karen, Mike, Lee you all have an EXCELLENT DAY. It's SUNNY and 55F already here. That sounds WARM compared to 30F, but it's still chilly when going outside.

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