Sea Princess Ducks and DITs!!!


Senior Flea Coller Tester
Looks like this is going to be a totally different cruise than I have ever gone on before!:banana: QUACK!


Captain Weather
To All You Ducks, Have a GREAT cruise!



Forever Remembered
Thank you, Charles. This has gotten off to a very festive start. Duckies are doing their own thing in San Francisco, but I'll venture a good guess that little can top the heartwarming lunch we had with Mariposa today.


Staff Captain
Well, well, well . . . . . I am sorry we missed the lunch event with Mariposa. Cyber hugs to my hero.

We had a FANTABULOUS family day at the water park. Wonderful, HOT sunny day. Relatively easy drive over and back. Might have to visit another one of those parks. We will be busy this evening repacking everything for the short ride to the pier tomorrow. have some things for the porters to deliver to the room.

I am thinking this is going to be quite the entertaining cruise . . . .

Yes, even MORE unannounced guests arrived . . . . .

WOOT ! ! ! er . . . . ah . . . .. QUACK ! ! ! ! !
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Senior Flea Coller Tester
Walking into that cafe for the luncheon today made me feel like I was 5 yrs old and I was walking into a candy store. So many friends I haven't met yet, right there in front of me. And I recognized almost everyone! Happy Happy Joy Joy!!! The board will seem different now that I have had all those arms around me (and I mean that in a good way). LOL!

But I do have to share the funniest (to me) part of the luncheon. Toward the end this couple walks in, and I did not recognize either of them. The woman came up to me and gave me a big HI GLOBUG. I just stared at her, trying to figure out who she was, and finally asked her. She says SUER and my first thought was SHE'S NOT BLONDE!!! LOL, honest, I was expecting a blonde!

Hmmm.. might have to use a new avatar...



Environmental Compliance Officer
Glo, we ran into them on the way back to the hotel. I told her if they "hustled" their buns, they could make it to Cafe Pescatore before the end.....obviously, they did! :D


Staff Captain
Well the morning we have been looking for has finally arrived! ! ! Looks like a great time is going to be had by all these quacked up people. Looks like there is going to be some flock flying to the ship in their hats . . . . .pictures will be provided! STAND BY!


Forever Remembered
This long-anticipated cruise has now come and gone. And it would appear that a wonderful time was had by all.

My thanks to the Duck Crew for making this the success that it was! :clap:


Awaiting results of mental evaluation
Well, the flock is back in "the World". What a WONDERFUL cruise!!! I can honestly say that, even though a flea infested bug was on-board, this has to have been the best cruise we have ever taken!

Many, many tales to tell and lies to swear to... Pictures? Gee, ya think? With 53 (?) Ducks, DUcklings and DITs on board, literally thousands of photos were taken. Once we all get home (I'm posting this from the HIE-FW), I hope you'll start posting them.

More to follow in a couple days. Check back at Maw's Ramble for updates....


Staff Captain
Welcome home, Ducks! (At this point, there are no more D.I.T.s. :) ) It was a pleasure meeting many of you in San Francisco...wish we could have joined you for the cruise, also.

I look forward to the stories and the photos.


Staff Captain
We made it home safe and sound right on schedule. The furbabies were MORE than happy to have us back home.

Thank you for a FANTABULOUS experience Mama Duck. I am now proud to say QUACK ! ! ! ! ! And mean it! ! ! !


Environmental Compliance Officer
I Evie (gram) Joe and family made it all home about an hour ago.

What an fantastic cruise!!!!!Thanks to you Mary Ann for all your work and caring that made it so special.

Have lots of stories to tell later. Now have to spend time with my furbabies.


Bosun (Boatswain)
Arrived home yesterday around 4:00 PM very tired and hungry. Wonderful meeting so many new and old friends.

Thank you to everyone for making this such a great cruise. Mary Ann special thanks for your help and putting together such a fun filled cruise.

Virginia :)


Forever Remembered
Thanks, all of you, for checking in. I'm glad you're home safely, and glad you enjoyed your first Duck Crew cruise.

We'll be happy to welcome you aboard our next one, planned for late Spring 2011 to Bermuda. :dance:


2nd Officer
Hi all,
We had a wonderful time too and made it home safe and sound yesterday afternoon. We picked up the rest of the family at the airport and they are home too. Cruise Cutie and Cruise Hubby have had a somewhat eventful journey from Reno to Vermont today and last time they checked in they were finally on the last leg of their journey home from Boston.

It was great seeing many again and really enjoyed meeting several others for the first time from the board. Have many pics to share but won't be for a week or so because of all the things that need to be done here first. Glad to see everyone is making it home ok.....probably like us I bet everyone is going through duck and buffet widthdrawal's!!!


2nd Officer

Just got off the phone with Cruise Cutie and Cruise Hubby. The both made it home safe and sound. They are dead tired and Cruise Cutie will post sometime tomorrow. Take care all...