The Duck Crew - 18 Apr 2013 - We Take on Hawai'i - QUACK!

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Senior Flea Coller Tester
71 weeks! Hurrah!


Awaiting results of mental evaluation
Should have posted this on Sunday -

What do the following have in common - Garfield, Ghandi, Goya, Gabril and Adulyadej ?

They're each on the 500 bill for their countries currency ...

Garfield 500 Dollar (United States)
Ghandi 500 Rupee (India)
Goya 500 Pesetas (Spain)
Gabril 500 Quinientios Initis (Peru)
Adulyadej 500 Baht (Thailand)

And, last Sunday, we hit 500 days till "SAIL AWAY" !!!



Senior Flea Coller Tester
:duh: I forgot you mentioned 3 months ago you were going to do a countdown on the 00's days. Ok, I'll be prepared in 93 days...


Awaiting results of mental evaluation
In addition to an invasion of Ducks (Ka-ka's), there are a lot of events going on in Hawai'i during April. Although exact dates are not yet set for many of these, some we may want to keep our eye on include:



Awaiting results of mental evaluation
And, just to help everyone get ready for the KaKa Kruise, here's a little food for thought:
[SIZE=+1]Huli Huli Chicken [/SIZE]

This popular Hawaiian barbequed chicken is often sold at fundraisers in Hawaii. Locals in Hawaii scan the newspaper on weekends looking for Huli Huli benefits. The barbeque sauce for this dish is flavored with pineapple juice, soy sauce, sherry, ginger, and garlic.

3 chickens, cut into quarters
1/4 cup catsup
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup chicken broth
1/3 cup sherry or white wine
1/4 cup frozen pineapple juice concentrate.
1 garlic clove, minced
1/2 inch piece of ginger root, finely minced Two drops of worcestershire sauce


Mix all ingredients except chicken, and brush over chicken pieces. Cook chicken on an grill undil done, will will typically take about 40 minutes. Brush chicken with sauce repeatedly during the cooking period.


In 1955, Ernest Morgado of Pacific Poultry was feeding a group of farmers at a promotional meeting. He barbecued a batch of chicken using his mother's marinade recipe, and the result was so popular that he began making the chicken to sell at fund-raisers. Morgado barbecued mass quantities of chickens between two grills. When one side of the chicken halves was cooked, someone would shout, "huli," Hawaiian for "turn," and the workers would flip the grills over. Morgado liked the name "huli- huli" so much that he registered the trademark with the Territory of Hawai'i in 1958 and the federal government in 1965. Later, he began bottling the marinade, now an Island staple.



Senior Flea Coller Tester
John, it looks like your Madame Pele is a little upset with you, using her name in a threat against me ONE DAY TOO LATE! She doesn't sit well with using her name in vain...


Forever Remembered
Mele Kalikimaka. Mele Kalikimaka - Jimmy Buffet - YouTube

Thursday is rolling around again, which means...

70 Weeks
until we sail for
Paradise in the Pacific,
our Circle Hawai'i
cruise aboard HAL Zaandam.





Big Island



Welcome aboard HAL Zaandam's
17-night Circle Hawai'i cruise
departing Vancouver 18 April 2013.

Aloha nui loa,
Mele Ana
(Mary Ann in Hawai'ian)​


Awaiting results of mental evaluation
[SIZE=+1]Well, since it's the start of another week, it's time for another Hawai'ian recipe ...
Haupia Coconut Pudding
[SIZE=-1]Haupia is a simple Hawaiian pudding made with coconut milk, a sweetener, and a thickener. Some versions also include evaporated or condensed milk, and some recipes include instructions for making your own coconut milk.

Ingredients: 1 3/4 cups of coconut milk
5 tablespoons of sugar
5 tablespoons of cornstarch 3/4 cup of water

[SIZE=-1]Instructions: [/SIZE]
Mix sugar and cornstarch, and stir in water. Stir that mixture into the coconut milk, and cook over low heat until it thickens. Pour into an 8 inch square pan and cook until firm. Cut into six squares to serve.



Awaiting results of mental evaluation
And ... The "Attraction of the Week" -

[SIZE=+1]Planning a Day in Pearl Harbor [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Oahu, Hawaii


[SIZE=-1]The USS Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor is the #1 most popular visitor attraction in Hawaii. The information on this page will help you plan an Oahu day trip that includes visiting the USS Arizona Memorial and three of the next most popular attractions in Pearl Harbor: the USS Bowfin Submarine, the USS Missouri Battleship, and the Pacific Aviation Museum.


Introduction to Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor is located on the south coast of the island of Oahu and it is the largest harbor in Hawaii. It is also a United States National Historic Landmark. Pearl Harbor is most famous for being the target of a surprise attack by Japanese fighter planes on December 7, 1941. On December 8, 1941 the United States declared war on Japan and on December 11, 1941 Germany and Italy declared war on the United States. On September 2, 1945 the Japanese officially surrendered to the United States in a formal ceremony on the deck of the USS Missouri Battleship which, at the time, was anchored in Tokyo Bay.

[SIZE=-1]Most Popular Attractions in Pearl Harbor [/SIZE]
There are four main visitor attractions in Pearl Harbor, the USS Arizona Memorial, the USS Bowfin Submarine, the USS Missouri Battleship, and the Pacific Aviation Museum. The visitor centers and museums for the Arizona Memorial and the Bowfin Submarine are located next to each other, on the shore of Pearl Harbor, not far from the Aloha Stadium. A shuttle bus transports visitors from the Arizona/Bowfin area to Ford Island so they can tour the Missouri Battleship and visit the Pacific Aviation Museum. The bus stop for the Ford Island shuttle is located between the USS Arizona Museum and the USS Bowfin Submarine Museum. There is no extra charge for the shuttle if you have purchased a ticket for the USS Missouri Battleship Tour or the Pacific Aviation Museum.

[SIZE=-1]The Cost of Visiting Pearl Harbor [/SIZE]
If you want to visit all four of Pearl Harbor's main attractions the admission fees will total about $40. The cost will be a bit more if you rent the self-guided headset tours at the USS Arizona, USS Bowfin, and USS Missouri. They typically rent for about $2-$5 each. The audio tours are optional, but I rented them for all three attractions. I enjoyed all of the audio tours but I especially appreciated having the self-guided audio tour of the USS Missouri Battleship. Interesting features and historic spots on the battleship are marked with numbers. When you see a number you can key it into your handset to learn all about it. In some cases, you will hear actual historic radio news coverage of historic events. USS Arizona Memorial, Boat Transfer, and Museum (free)
Bowfin Park Outdoor Exhibits and Submarine Memorial (free)
USS Bowfin Submarine Tour and Indoor Museum ($ 7 Military/Seniors -$10 Adults)
USS Missouri Battleship Tour ($ 20-65 depending on package)
Pacific Aviation Museum ($15-30 depending on package)
City Bus ($2.50 each way, about 1-1/4 hour each way)
TIP: 4-day $25 city bus passes are available at Waikiki's ABC stores

[SIZE=-1]Logistics of Visiting Pearl Harbor [/SIZE]
Most Pearl Harbor visitors see the USS Arizona Memorial and the Bowfin Submarine first, because they are located next each other on the Oahu mainland. Next they typically take the shuttle to Ford Island to visit the USS Missouri Battleship and the Pacific Aviation Museum. The USS Arizona Memorial and the USS Missouri Battleship are actually located right next to each other, in the water just off of Ford Island, but you travel to the Arizona Memorial by boat, and you travel to the USS Missouri via a shuttle bus that takes you across the Admiral Clarey Bridge to Ford Island.

[SIZE=-1]Where to Eat at the Pearl Harbor Historic Sites [/SIZE]Between the USS Arizona Museum and the USS Bowfin Museum there is a 1940's canteen style open-air cafe with several food stalls.
Inside the Pacific Aviation Museum on Ford Island there is a nice little cafe that sells things like stir-fry dishes, salads, hamburgers, and other sandwiches Inside the USS Arizona Museum there is a self-serve, automat-style vending machine area. I think there might be another one near the USS Bowfin Museum.

[SIZE=-1]Shopping at the Pearl Harbor Historic Sites [/SIZE]
There are interesting museum shops at all four spots: the USS Arizona Museum, the USS Bowfin Museum, the USS Missouri Battleship, and the Pacific Aviation Museum.

[SIZE=-1]Security Measures At All Pearl Harbor Attractions [/SIZE][SIZE=-2]<-- IMPORTANT! [/SIZE]
Strict security measures prohibit purses, handbags, fanny packs, backpacks, camera bags, diaper bags, luggage and any other items that offer concealment. Visitors may bring a camera and cam-recorder. A storage facility, operated by a private vendor, is available for visitors coming to the USS Arizona Memorial, USS Bowfin Submarine Museum & Park, the Battleship Missouri and the Pacific Aviation Museum. The facility can be found at the entrance to the USS Bowfin Submarine Park. There is a nominal storage fee. The storage facility is in operation daily 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Visitors may use the same bag storage and parking stall for all three tours. Security measures are strictly enforced at all visitor destinations on Pearl Harbor. Federal law enforcement officers and security bike patrols monitor the parking lots. However it is not recommended to secure items of value in your car. Be safe: do not travel with valuables and use the storage locker.

[SIZE=-1]USS Arizona Memorial and USS Bowfin Submarine [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1](Oahu Mainland) [/SIZE]

The visitor's center for memorial to the sunken USS Arizona Battleship and the USS Bowfin Submarine, Museum and Park are located next to each other on the shore of Pearl Harbor, near the Aloha Stadium.

[SIZE=-1]USS Arizona Memorial[/SIZE]
This memorial is the final resting place for many of the USS Arizona Battleship's 1177 crew members who lost their lives when their ship was sunk by the Japanese on December 7, 1941. The Arizona Memorial commemorates the site where World War II began for the United States. It is open from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm and I highly recommend arriving early to avoid a long wait. Visiting the memorial is free, and since it is the most popular visitor attraction in Hawaii, the lines can be very long during peak periods. Sometimes all of the tours are sold out by noon. When you arrive at the museum you will have an opportunity to rent a headset audio tour for about $5. The Arizona Museum audio tour is interesting, because it is narrated by actor Ernest Bourgnine and real-life survivors of the attack on Pearl Harbor, but if you don't want to spend the money you can enjoy the museum without it. You will be invited to tour the USS Arizona indoor museum while you are waiting for the tour you have been assigned to. If you will have an exceptionally long wait you can also visit the Bowfin Submarine Museum while you are waiting for your Arizona tour time slot. When your tour begins, you will first watch a very moving 25 minute film about the attack on Pearl Harbor and the sinking of the USS Arizona. Then you will board a boat for a short, scenic cruise across Pearl Harbor. When you arrive at the memorial you will be given 10 or 15 minutes to walk around on the memorial before you are transported back to the visitors center.

[SIZE=-1]USS Bowfin Submarine[/SIZE]
The USS Bowfin Submarine was launched for the first time on December 7, 1942, exactly one year after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. It was nicknamed the "Pearl Harbor Avenger". The USS Bowfin Submarine Museum and Park is located right next door to the USS Arizona Memorial Visitors Center. There are three different attractions in Bowfin Park. There is a free outdoor museum on both sides of the indoor museum with missiles, memorials, and gunnery exhibits. The 10,000 square foot indoor museum is filled with interesting submarine-related exhibits. Visitors can also walk through the actual USS Bowfin Submarine, which is docked in the water just outside the museum. The outdoor museum is free but there is a $10 admission charge that covers both the indoor museum and walking around inside the submarine. You can also rent a headset audio tour of the submarine for about $2. See also USS Bowfin Introduction and USS Bowfin Photos.


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Forever Remembered
Mama Duck has a request/suggestion please.

Since this cruise is still quite far in the distance and we'll probably have a number of pages here before we get close, may I suggest that you hold off specific threads such as Calgon's "Planning a Day in Pearl Harbor" until somewhat closer in. These great info pages tend to get lost in the shuffle. This is the reason that I, myself, don't post any such info this early.



Senior Flea Coller Tester
Maybe under PORT INFORMATION we can get a Hawaii section added. I enjoyed the Pearl Harbor info, and it was fun to be able to get excited more about this upcoming but still far away cruise. That way we could read about it now and still have it saved for later reference.
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