Well, I would never want to deprive anyone of the right to smoke if they want to. However, we just returned from a wonderful Western Caribbean cruise on the Liberty of the Seas and could not ONE TIME use our very expensive balcony as the smell of smoke was so pervasive, even when we were underway. We could not even keep the door open to get a little of the balmy air in the room due to the smell. A person's right to smoke ends where my lungs begin. Oh, and by the way, it is never your own stateroom. You are allowed to use it for your designated number of days, and then someone else who may have asthma, allergies, or good taste, has to move on in with the reeking furniture, mattresses, and carpeting. This balcony situation, well, this was the second cruise we were deprived the use of the balcony by someone else's habit.