
[quote NiteStar]Tell me what you really think about me TampaMike! I guess because I smoke, I'm a dirty, disgusting person????? Sorry, but this is one subject that causes the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up! It must be hard standing up there all by yourself on that pedestal and being so perfect.[/quote]

I am truly surprised that someone with such brilliant quotes as their signature would be so close minded
as to believe that what I said was directed personally at anyone OR that I am "ALONE" on this pedestal,
OR that I pretend to be anything close to perfect!!! Simply amazing.

You can like smoking all you want that doesn't for one second change the fact that
it's DEADLY to yourself and those around you. Would you offer cigarettes to your
children or grandchildren if they weren't already smoking? You're only fooling yourself.

Hell, when I was smoking I never deluded myself into thinking it was okay.
It IS a dirty disgusting and DEADLY habit and none of your spin will change that.
I'm quite sure you are a lovely person.. as I said, I admire the quotes you chose for your signature.

Take a close look at of some COPD patients sometime, and then have another look at that cigarette in your hand.
We will all die eventually... but how you get there is within your control.
Do you know how it feels to not be able to breath? You will....
Getting one person to stop smoking is worth standing on a pedestal for a week.


To smoke or not to smoke(is that a question?) All I know is that from a teenager to the age of 50 plus I worked my way up to 3 packs of cigarettes a day. Suddenly a severe coughing spell awakened me to how bad my health was getting.On that day I threw away my pack of smokes and cold turkeyed my nicotine habit. I was the toughest thing I ever had to do. I became a surly miserable person to be around for a period of about 10 weeks. I survived only to find I no longer had coughing spells, food tasted betteer, my breath was no longer offensive to others and I generally felt better physically.I even had my family doctor comment of how clear my lungs sounded when he check them. It has been over 30 years ago that I quit. Sorry, as reformed smoker I can no longer tolerate being around cigar and cigarette smoke. I just move away from those who smoke in my vicinity. If they want to risk an early death, that's their privilege.As for a ships policy on stateroom and balcony smoking, I have seem people flip their cigarette butts overboard. The wind could very easily carry that burning butt back on board on a lower deck with undesirable results,


I wish RCCL would have the gumption to ban smoking entirely on their ships. Now we have people from Celebrity coming over to RCCL so they can smoke on their balconies. That's just what we need....more smoking on balconies and spoiling the experience for non smokers. I have no sympathy for any smoker and believe they should have no right to smoke anywhere near non smokers. About 50 feet off the stern would be OK though.


not to mention that smoking in ones cabin an or balcony is a fire hazard... Come on I donlt know a single smoker who has been in my presence at some point and then forgot , got busy talking etc and put a lit ciogerette down somewhere they should not have and said those fanouos 2 words o$ S%%t!!!
And i agree smoling is a dirty disgusting habit it leaves a nasty smell your clothes and hair stink and your teeth turn yellow and have you seen the walls of a house of a smoker ahter theyu have moved out Yikes my gramma was the cleanest little ol jewish lady who always had a houskeeoer, cooks, etc.... but her walls once the house was emprty were grossness,,,,,
However we all know that smoking is a havit that is hard to stop so if you are over say 30 I am slightly sympathetci to your plight and usually smokers if asked politely will stop at least when they know someone else on the balcony next to them has politely mentioned they have kids are allergic have asthma etc,,, anyone who is younger than 25 and smokes i am just gonna say it thats just plne stupid we know smoking kills and not only does it kill the smoker it kills the people around them.....
have a great day......


you talking to me kid:cool: HA! Ok if you really wnt me to tell you how i feel........ :angel


....are you a smoker, young lady? ......you're starting to sound like a frustrated one:D


[quote PH8]Many bad habits,but smoking is not one of them... :clown[/quote]

I sure like the sound of that !!!!! :)P)


[quote TampaMike][quote PH8]Many bad habits,but smoking is not one of them... :clown[/quote]

I sure like the sound of that !!!!! :)P)[/quote](tu)(tu)


Mike, why don't you ask her what bad habits she has.......if I do, I'll just get into trouble once again.....but you're new and can get away with it.:D


[large]Okay, I found you!!

On the Smoking Subject on Ships or anywhere for that matter..........BAH HUMBUG!! And goodness it costs so much money for a pack or carton of cigarettes!! You could buy a nice blouse or sandels with that money!! :daisy[/large]


[quote sanjoseca]Mike, why don't you ask her what bad habits she has.......if I do, I'll just get into trouble once again.....but you're new and can get away with it.:D[/quote]

It's my guess that whatever bad habits she has are better left to my imagination :angel


[quote TampaMike][quote sanjoseca]Mike, why don't you ask her what bad habits she has.......if I do, I'll just get into trouble once again.....but you're new and can get away with it.:D[/quote]

It's my guess that whatever bad habits she has are better left to my imagination :angel[/quote]

Unless you have a very very vivid imagination, Mike , I think her telling you about them would really outdo what you may be thinking.

Smoking, blouse and sandals are all three a waste of good money K2.


uhuh K2....wrong thread(td).......try again..........

I think Mike should just think what he wants.........I'll probably be a lot more exciting in his mind, than I really am..


Well, this is a lively thread. I'm a non-smoker, by the way but have nothing at all against those who choose to except those who toss smoking material over the side of the ship....VERY dangerous.

sanjoseca mentioned banning smoking on ships entirely. Don't look for that to happen. Carnival tried it with Paradise a while back. She was a completely non-smoking ship and lots of people loved that. It was stated in the contract that if you were caught smoking on board you would be required to disembark at the next port of call. It also priced the lowest of any ship sailing seven night itineraries because they had trouble filling her cabins with non smokers. Also Paradise was the ship that generated the least on board revenue of any ship in the fleet. Simply stated, it was determined that smokers tend to drink and gamble more. Ironically they didn't add ash trays to Paradise until they moved her to California which seems to have some of the strictist non-smoking regulations.


[quote PH8]uhuh K2....wrong thread(td).......try again..........

I think Mike should just think what he wants.........I'll probably be a lot more exciting in his mind, than I really am..[/quote]

But you never REALLY know until you find out from the source!
You got stories to tell????? I'm all ears ... errr ... eyes!