Zuiderdam Oct 30



Hi Zuiders, Spent the whole day shopping at the outlets in Kittery Maine and just got home. No, Joe, no clothing other than socks for Ed. Did get some Mikasa Xmas gifts at good deals with a20% couon to boot.Toys for the kids and 2 Maisto die cast for my DH.

Erin to answer your Questions. Carolyn and I have that if you put a plastic cleaner bag over your outfits they really don't wrinkle much. The shower running in the bathroom seems to be enough steam to make the wrinkles fall out. I have also used Downy Wrinkle Release spray. Sprayed, straightened and hung in the closet. They dried good. I don't bring my steamer anymore. You probably will find one between Walgreens and Publix, though. There are three restaurants across the street, so they say, a Chinese take out, an Italian and an American fare one. All are supposed to be good. Publix also does food, like chicken, sandwiches etc. Carolyn and I have dined, do you love it, on rotisserie chicken, potato salad and such when we have just gotten in and are to tired to do anything. Ed and I have done the same. This works, especially if we can eat it by the pool.

Have to go back to the game. GO RED SOX!
Till we sail Barb :wave


Thanks for the info Barb! :grin Joe and I LOVE Publix!=adore We even used them for most of our catering for our wedding last year. We were married in Gainesville, FL. I wish they had Publix in TN. As for the steamer, I am a little OCD so I strive for perfection!:lol. We are still trying to decide the best route for standby to FLL. I would much rather fly direct into FLL or MIA from MEM than to have to go to DTW and then to FLL or MIA. The whole flying north to go south thing seems a little more stressful than I want to be. I am trying to end all Ebay sales and get my items shipped to my buyers before or by Wed, pack and get the house in shape for our cat children's :kitten:kitten:kitten sitters as well as still being sick. =sick ! It will take any strength that I have left not to go :dizzy=cuckoo! I just have to keep reminding myself of the payoff.:party=gulp=twobeer:dance=lolgang:cheersB) There's something to be said for perseverance. Off to bed. =sleep



Erin, I totally understand catsitters. We have to get them when Ed and I go away, too. Just a quick update. Todays Walgreen ad has a steamer on sale for $19.99. There you go. I think I am passes the everything perfect stage. I'm just too old. Fun is better than worrying. Don't get yourself stressed. We want you healthy for the sailing. They can press anything on the ship for you for a price. I promise if we see a wrinkle we won't point fingers and say "Here comes wrinkle Annie" Maybe just a loud titter =lolgang

Have to run to Sears with DH

Back later Barb :wave


My sister hates to iron and we always use to tease her that she ran through a wrinkle forest...but now I hate to iron, too. My remedy of choice is to spray the hell out of something with Downey Wrinkle Release and toss it in the dryer...since I can't do that on the cruise I broke down and bought a steamer. But my big plan is to have enough Vodka in me at any given time that I won't care if I'm wrinkly or not...feel free to use that as your backup plan if need be! =twobeer


Elaine, Now that sounds like a plan. Just remember, water bottles have been known to hold more than water. Clear is clear in any container. Just thought I'd help out. =lolgang

Getting down to the knitty gritty time. Haircut today. Back later

GO SOX Barb :wave


I like the way you think, Barb....we have a saying here at work...

Vodka - The Other Clear Liguid!


Hi gang. Just looked at the docking schedule for St Thomas. It shows the Zuiderdam going into Crown Bay instead of Havensite with its big shopping area. As far as I can see there is nothing at CBand it is farther away, a substation for extra ships. Not thrilled with this news, but what can you do. Take a cab.



Hi Zuiders, Well it is 6:15PM Tues and I am packed. Now this is truly a record :party :party Except for the fact that my manicure is totally destroyed, the big job is done. Luggage closed and I will not edit anything one more time. If I forgot it, i will buy it or do without :lol :grin I just can't get over myself=cheerleader. I think this calls for a glass of wine and a long hot shower. :cheers.

Till we sail Barb GO SOX =bigwave


hi allllll....=docdance =docdance =docdance =docdance......not packed but things all over bed and hung over doors....have to whittle down........go bills........=docdance =docdance =docdance....


Wow, Barb, I'm impressed that you are packed already...Like Smiles, I've started compiling, but have yet to get anything inside a suitcase...In fact, tonight I have to stop at the cleaners and get the rest of my stuff!

See you all in a few days!


Hi gang, Don't be too impressed. I changed the clothes so many times that I gave up and said, "self, get a grip" What was hanging downstairs is what is going. If I don't have something, oh well. I know there are 2 dressy and a semi. Also have 4 (re, white, black and white) pairs of shorts. Probably too many tees, 4 bathing suits and a couple of cover ups. Did remember to pack undies and basic shoes. I thought it looked like I was doing really good until I still needed 2 24 inch suitcases and the carry on. I don't know how people pack in just a carry on.

C and I get to FL about 10:30 am Friday. I can't wait.

Till I stick my toesys in the ocean Barb :wave


We won't be getting into FL until 7PM or so...just in time for a late dinner and try to unwind from the drive and get some rest...although I doubt I'll be able to sleep much...If we have any energy left we may scope out the city a bit, but I doubt that will happen.

Are you guys getting to the pier early? We are shooting for late morning.


Elaine, we will probably head over to the pier about 11ish. Just in time to embark, check carry on luggage and go eat lunch. You just have to start somewhere :pig You will recognize me just listen for the little oink oinks. Actually look for a Nana type with a buzz cut, that will be me. Looking forward to seeing all

DON't forget 3pm IN THE PIANO BAR


Nana type...buzz cut...got it! If I miss you at the buffett, I'll see you at the piano bar.


hey u are u doing well....i am 3/4 packed....feel better it is mostly done.....cant wait to feel the heat and sunshine....wooooooohooooooooooooo 3pm in the piano bar.......we should b e getting there about 1pm.....or sooner.....woooooohooooooooooooo=docdance =docdance =docdance =docdance....


we will be :pig :pig at the buffet as soon as possible after embarking too !
I will be wearing a beige animal-print top and beige crop pants... grrrrrr !!!! :kitten
SEE ya'll then !!!! =adore =adore =adore =adore =adore


GoodMorning Zuiders We are Number 1 Yeah Red Sox =cheerleader =cheerleader =cheerleader

One more day and C and I leave for Ft L Is it buffet or :pig heaven? Animal print and beige, okay got it I think I will have on white crops with royal blue tee. Can add white top for dinner. See you guys at the ship before, the buffet or the Piano Bar at three.

Yeah Sox Till we sail Barb :wave


I can 't believe you guys know what you will be wearing already...I'm further behind than I think!!!! I'm not even packed yet!!! I still have one massive pile in my room patiently waiting...I need to get it in gear because we leave early tomorrow morning...Yeah!


hey girls and guys.....its almost time for our special vacation.....cant wait......=bigwave =bigwave =bigwave =handshake =handshake...=docdance =docdance -=sleep =sleep =sleep =sleep


ready or not.....here comes the zuiderdam....wooooo hoooooooooo.......=handinhand =handshake =headscratch =troll =notme =docdance

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