Zuiderdam Oct 30



Hi gang Joe, you are really a pussycat :kitten in big dog :dog clothing !
we :girly :girly 's can't help ourselves. We mostly just love clothes after you of course.

Speaking of, I think I am making progress. Have the tees and shorts out, and stuff hanging downstairs. Of course, I have too many out, but I'm working on it.

Esther, have you and your sister decided on Godfrey yet? I read on one of the boards that there are also cabs at the dock that will basically do the same for the same money.

Back to work on the house. 2 weeks and really counting. :dance :jump :bounce :dance :jump :bounce

Till we sail =bigwave Barb


Elaine: Chris & I =dunno probably won't decide until the day before ! =yeah
we usually don't plan too much in advance .... something tells me 9am =sleep might be too early (?)
we'll probably get our bearings and then just take it a day at a time, without too much excursion planning aheah....=lolgang


butttttttt,,,,, it's good to know what the different options ARE !!!! =clap =clap =clap.....thanks for all the great information !!! I have YET to even look at the ship's excursions.... i'm moving pretty s-l-o-w wwww!:girly


That's okay, Cinderella...we haven't planned any excursion yet either. My husband and I want this to be a truly relaxing vacation...completely free from deadlines and schedules so we are playing it by ear. If an excursion we really wanted to do is sold out...well, then so be it...we'd be okay with that. I'm content to sit on a beach...any beach...for hours!


hi: =bigwave

only two weeks to go....woooooo hooooooo.=docdance.......no packing yet.....=tempted............does holland have the horse races....=yogini........i enjoy those....and will bid on one if they have....my first cruise on holland.... =gallery.... will need a jockey.......:lol.........anyone one bringing a halloween costume....=coolsign.....are we all voting before we leave......=coolsign......flying into florida on oct. 30....=whiteflag....seeeee you sooooooon....=bye......... =bigwave =bigwave =bigwave....=bigwave......=bigwave......=bigwave......
=bye =bye =bigwave =bigwave =bigwave=bye


Good Morning Zuiders, Chris, I don't know if they do horse races on HAL We did on RCCL. Last May about 36 (18 cabins) got together (we all met on the cc boards) and bid on a horse. We just missed winning the horse owners race, but we did win best dressed horse, from her false eyelashes down to her garter. We brought stuff from home and they gave us some. She was just a little tart filly :kisses from New Orleans, but definitly a comer. =blush

Don't know about Halloween either. :jester I will try to get an answer from Hal when I call :phone

Time to make the coffee Have a good Sunday Barb :wave


gooooood morning.....=goodmorning.....

i have been a horse owner on many cruises...=soapbox.....maybe we all can get together and decorate if they have and i get one.... =docdance.....=handshake................

where is home =homesign.... for everyone....i will start........=looking.......

chris (smiles196) BUFFALO,N.Y.........................................

=bigwave =bigwave =bigwave =bigwave =bigwave =bigwave =bigwave =bigwave


Chris, here goes the new list. Elaine since you are our computer savvy person maybe you can again make a new list as we go. I don't know the cut and paste stuff. I'm lucky I can do mail. Well, here goes to add to Chris

Chris Buffalo, NY (smile196
Barb (62 going on 12 1/2 ) Boston (beej)
Carolyn (59) Chicago

That's a start. Only 13 more days until we are on the briny Barb


=coolsign......alll cold weather people so far......where are u?????=shrug....stand up and be counted....=helpsign =homesign do i have a volunteer for jockey?????? =peace.....


=bigwave =bigwave =bigwave =bigwave =bigwave....


Hey, Barb...here is the latest roll call...am I missing anyone? If so, please let me know.

Carol & Nelson
Linda & John
Elaine & Roy
Barb & Carolyn
Ed & Nancy
Joe & Erin
Sandy & Steve
Chris & Ester
Paul & Karl

Tell me more about the horse race and jokey....


Hello fellow Zuiders! :wave I am a little confused =confuse about this horse race business. Please explain this to me. =helpsign I can assume you are not actually referring to a real horse race i.e. Kentucky Derby. I am feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment. =crazy Time is ticking and I feel like I have so much to do. I also just realized I am posting this under Joe's sign in. :dizzy Oh well, I guess I will try to go through clothing, etc. this week to see where I stand. Any further thoughts on Halloween costumes? Also, any idea if the knock-off vendors sell anything other than purses? Shoes, sunglasees, etc??? Hope all is well. I am going to bed now. :sleep13 days to go!!!!:party =twobeer=bigwave:cheers



for roll call....i see in previous posts brian and also an allison.....the more the merrier....party time......=welcome


Good Morning Zuiders and welcome to the 12 day countdown =cheerleader =cheerleader =cheerleader
Erin, we did horsey stuff on RCCL so I only know from that. You can bid on one of six horses to become an owner of the horse you win the bid on. We won our horse with a bid in the vicinity of $400. After we got our wood and cardboard horse with a jockey on him, like a poster, we took her and decorated her so that we could compete in the best dressed horse contest. We used a hula skirt for her tial etc. We took her all over the ship so that we could elicit votes of owner's race day. The race is on the pool deck. They have a big floor cloth marked off with six lanes across and six boxes down (or close to that) They rolled 2 dice in a bingo cage. The number on the die represented a horse., so 2 horses got to move each time. They moved one box per roll. If 2 of the same number came up, the lucky horse got to move 2 spaces. First to the end wins the race :cheers Owner takes the owners pot. You also bet on the horses in all the races as you like. We had about 6 races first. That's just like a real race, you win or lose from the bet money. :cheers Now, did I really confuse =headscratch you

We got a confirm on our dinner time. No room yet, but we do eat.: 6:15 Lower.

Suitcases are out and I am down to the crunch. Trying to figure clothes .

Elaine, the rollcall looks good.

Till we sail Barb :wave


Back again with a little info. Horse races are up to the cruise director. Halloween: They will have a costume contest, so feel free to bring a costume. They said they don't know if there is a parade of some sort, but would assume there is a party in one of the clubs. Also 2 formal, 1 resort chic, 4 casual but necessarily designated as a tropical night as do other lines. We can make it tropical though! We also are definitely docking in Freeport. Don't know what to do there, even they don't list anything. Not a biggy on the list. Beach, shop, or gamble.

That's the news from the front. Barb :wave


I've got Brian on the roll call...did I miss an Allison? Calling all Zuiders...if you are sailing with us and you are brave enough to be in our group and you are not on our list, please let me know and I will add you to the roll call....

Carol & Nelson
Linda & John
Elaine & Roy
Barb & Carolyn
Ed & Nancy
Joe & Erin
Sandy & Steve
Chris & Ester
Paul & Karl

Until we sail...




Ooops...sorry for the oversight...Thanks Smiles and sorry Allison and her Mom!

Carol & Nelson
Linda & John
Elaine & Roy
Barb & Carolyn
Ed & Nancy
Joe & Erin
Sandy & Steve
Chris & Ester
Paul & Karl
Allison & Mom


Hi everyone - looking forward to meeting all of you. You can add us to the list of cruisers. I've been lurking and finally remembered how I registered. So many passwords...... Anyway, we're Richard and Carrie from Indianapolis, and this will be our first HAL cruise. We've been on most of the other lines and really like Celebrity and RCL. With all of the posts about the different lines, we decided to see for ourselves if there is a HAL difference. Bottom line is that there is no such thing as a bad cruise - some are just more memorable than others. Hope to meet at the 3:00 designated time, but our plane is due to arrive at 1:15, (the on time record is 53% and this not taking into consideration the possibility of sleet & snow!) so we may be late getting to the ship. We're booked at the Pinnacle the first evening also, but have no clue as to what time. Again, hello to all that have kept this thread alive.

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