Zuiderdam Oct 30



Welcome aboard, Rubor! I hope you make it to the 3:00 meet & greet at the Piano Bar...

Maybe we should schedule a second meeting for late arrivals? Any thoughts on that?


Welcome Richard and Carrie. Hope you can make the Piano Bar. I'm sure we will be there ntil close to muster. It seems that quite a few of us are first timers to HAL. We will have to compare our feelings and ideas. Carolyn and I have only been on RCCL, and love the line.

Again, welcome, and do come play with us if you can. Barb


welcome carrie and richard......nice to have u on board.....my first time on holland as is my sisters....will be looking for u and the piano bar at 3 till muster time.....i think we should set up a another time also for those late comers......my flight is coming into ft. l. at 11:30....thinking of doing pinnacle the first nite also....did u get a coupon with your tickets..????? started packing today.......its a job...i have toooooooo many clothes.......:lol..=bigwave....=bigwave =bigwave =bigwave....=bigwave........=bigwave.........



Greetings fellow Zuider's. Welcome to :newbie Richard and Carrie. I desperately need to go through my clothes and get some items to the dry cleaners tomorrow, but I am feeling quite ill this evening. :puke =sick. (sorry for the gross emoticons) Hope it's nothing serious. Luckily I go to the Dr on Thursday. While I am at the office, is it worth it to ask for a Rx for the motion sickness patch or oral medication? I have been deep sea fishing in fairly rough seas and have never gotten sea sick, but I hear being on a larger vessel is an experience all it's own. Any personal experiences or advice is welcome. I am still :dizzy. I am also still posting under Joe's call sign. I also have downloaded the best packing lists, but wonder what everyone else wished they had packed on a previous cruise, or were glad that they packed? I want to have the bases covered. I have a motto that I'd rather have too much and be prepared than to not have enough and be lacking. Also, what is the opinion on purchasing photos taken by onboard photographers? Rip off or worth the money? A later meeting for those who don't arrive in time for 3pm would also work for us. We have the late seating for the Pinnacle on the first night. Must take some meds and go to bed so that I can be productive in the am.=sleep=sleep=sleep=sleep=sleepSleep is good......



Thanks for the warm welcomes. Our first priority when we board will be to find something to eat........we're on vacation!!! And we'll be leaving at six in the morning so we should be good and hungry by the time we board. Those airplane peanuts just don't do the trick when you have breakfast or lunch in mind, do they? We will make it to meet everyone as it's just a nice way to start a cruise - making new friends!

No, we didn't get coupons for the Pinnacle dinning room. Just signed up for the first night because it was half price. That way, I can have the extra money for the little drinks with the umbrellas in them, or get one of those all you can drink pineapples I've been reading about. One should probably be my limit, but with unlimited refills I will have to get my money's worth. (If I knew how, there would be a smiley face here!)

I've gotten so good at packing for a cruise. Have narrowed it down to a small suitcase and a carry-on. When we first started cruising I took everything - in case - that I could think of. Even had 9 pair of shoes once. Now I try to limit what I bring so I'll have room for those little "extras" I want to take home like the heavy booze bottles I get in St. Thomas. This time of year it's great to buy the flavored chocolate rum drinks for unique gifts. Each time we go, my DH tells me he's not carrying alcohol home, and each time there is just something we have to have. We really aren't big drinkers, but it's nice to have all of the exotic liqueurs on hand.


Good Morning Zuiders...

Erin, I hope you feel better today. I got very seasick on our first cruise and I talked with my Dr. about the patch and she said they usually have more side effects then benefits and after doing a little research I decided against it. Among c@, Bonine is the drug of choice...I got two boxes of chewable tablets. If you fear you may get sick, start taking it a day before you sail. Apparently, seasickness is easy to prevent but very difficult to cure.

I am getting very antsy about the cruise and can barely contain myself. My mom flies in (to watch the kids) on Tuesday...I have some free time this morning, so I am going to start my packing pile.

I'm trying not to overpack, but it's difficult...7 dinners....4 islands...2 sea days...English Teas...coffee bars...piano bars...exercise room....and no self serve laundry....I'll let you know how it turns out!


Good morning Zuiders, Erin feel better. Ask the Dr about an Rx for meclazine, which is Bonine by any other name, and cheaper for 30 pills than 1 box over the counter. C and I take the night before about 10PM and for a couple of nights thereafter. We had rough seas in May and had no problems, thank you God.

Everyone should be able to get to the Piano Bar since we have to be on board by 3 I think. Of course, other get togethers are still a good idea and fun. I have diligently been trying to cut down the clothes. We are staying in Ft L for an extra week so I have to add some extras. The shorts and tees are aleady out. It is the evening I have trouble with. Erin you will find on sea days you are basically in a bathing suit all day. It is hot on shore so shorts work the best, of a bathing suit and coverup. By the way, a small bottle of dish liquid is the choice for washing out bathing suits because of the salt. Don't worry, you have Publix and Walgreens at the Sleep Inn and there is always a shop on board to buy what you need. C and I pick up shampoo and that kind of stuff before we board. No need to pack heavy stuff and just carry it on in the plastic grocery bag. This also works for wine and Pepsi.

Can't wait to see everyone. Till we sail. Sail away should be awesome with frozen thingee in hand at the rail. By the way, C and I didn't book first night Pinnacle. By the time we do lunch and stuff, we are usually full and don't want to be pinned down. We also want to meet our tablemates. There is so much food I am gaining already
Till we sail Barb


Good Morning All: Erin, I just saw your posting and would love to know where you get all of the emoticons. They are just too cute. Hope you are feeling better this morning. If you had to get sick, this week is good. Chances are it won't happen again when we are crusing. We agree that meclazine is the way to go. DH gets very seasick in small boats, and when he takes meclazine he can go on anything. He's found out that it's best to take in advance also. Does anyone know if you can still get it free at the pursers desk?

It's difficult enough trying to pack for a week's cruise - I can't imaging packing for a week on land also. Guess I'd have to haul out the really big suitcase. We've always been lucky with the airlines and the weight limits, but I've seen people giving away things at the counters because the airline refused to let them have a few extra pounds. If they start weightin the carry-on bag, I'm a gonner. We've had our luggage lost before so I take as much on with me as I can stuff, wedge, and cram.

Have a great day. Carrie


Carrie, I hear you about the luggage. I still can't figure out carry on can weigh 40lbs while checked can only weigh 50lbs. Go figure. Packing for the land week isn't that bad except for the night when jeans are too warm but the dressy is too dressy. You're right, this is a project, but one that I will face for the sake of a week at the beach ;)wink Life's a beach =lolgang

Erin get over the sickees =sick We need you healthy.

Till we sail =twobeer :cheers :dance:dance:dance:dance:dance

Barb :wave


Carrie, I hear you about the luggage. I still can't figure out carry on can weigh 40lbs while checked can only weigh 50lbs. Go figure. Packing for the land week isn't that bad except for the night when jeans are too warm but the dressy is too dressy. You're right, this is a project, but one that I will face for the sake of a week at the beach ;)wink Life's a beach =lolgang

Erin get over the sickees =sick We need you healthy.

Till we sail =twobeer :cheers :dance:dance:dance:dance:dance

Barb :wave


Hope this finds everyone feeling great and counting the days. I have a question, and not just because inquiring minds want to know.... What day are we in Tortola? My documents book itinerary shows us being in Tortola on Tuesday, and then one page over it talks about what to do in Tortola on Wednesday. The description page has us going to St. Thomas on Tuesday.????????? Ordinarily I wouldn't care, but we want to make arrangements with Patouche for a water sail and they go different places, different days. What do your docs say? Thanks, Carrie


Carrie, Took a look at my docs and they are the same as yours, so I called. According to the phone conversation, St Thomas first on Tues then Tortola. Hope this is right.

Till we sail Barb :wave


Unlimited drinks in the pineapple??? I've never heard of this before...I can't wait to find out the answer to this question!


Hello Zuiders!:wave I have finally begun the arduous task of packing. I have found all of the "necessaries" and put them in the case. Now I have the fun task of compiling outfits with interchangeables to cut down on bulk. Have any of you used the laundry service?=huh I have read that it costs $12.00 for a small bag. Does anyone know what a small bag will hold? 8 more days and counting. :party :cheers=bigwave=bigwave=bigwave I need this vacation more that I have ever needed a vacation in my life to this point. Barb, do you know if we will be able to buy a steamer at the Walgreens in FLL? That would be one less thing to pack. I thought I remembered you saying there was a Walgreens? and a Publix? across from the Sleep Inn? Any ideas about dining opportunites nearby? Hope all is well. Still trying to get over the yucky sinus thing.=sick I actually believe the meds the Doc gave me have made it worse! Hope everyone else is well. Also, quick temp question....Is there any need to bring a light jacket or sweater for evening? Til we sail.



Well,lllll I'm practically all packed.... =clap=clap=clap !!!!!!!!!!!!

Erin - I doubt you will need a jacket or a sweater - I never have.....:girly


Good morning everyone ! If things are still the same this is what I know about the unlimited drinks in a pineapple. Usually on the day the ship is in port the longest ( ST. Thomas ) there is a deck party where they have ribs, steaks & all the side dishes. Have read on message boards pros & cons on the food but, most have been very positive. The unlimited drinks are Pina Coladas in a pineapple, not to sure of the price maybe ( $10-$13 ). This is for 2-3 hours for the drinks. Check your daily newspaper, it should have the info in it .Hope this helps. I AM READY TO CRUISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sandy


thanks sandy....never heard of this but will check newspaper........not packed but getting there...cant wait.......wooooo hooooooooo=docdance.....=docdance =docdance =docdance =docdance =docdance =docdance =docdance =docdance =docdance


Ahoy! all you HAL newbies!!! =cheerleader
Just one more week from tonight and we will be hoisting anchor and setting sail to the deep blue caribbean !!! =cheerleader
They were still advertising our ship and departure date as of last week, so I bet we won't have a full ship.
I guess that could be a good thing...
=huh ????
Pina Coladas sound G R E A T !!! bring em on !!!!!!

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