Zuiderdam Oct 30



Barb: Designer clothes in St. Thomas ???? woooohoooo! I didn't realize that !!! Where do you go to shop ? What kinds of deals to they have? Which designers?



Good Morning Gang Estherbunnie, you little devil diva you! :lol In town there are several stores both department and boutique. I haven't done real shopping in St Tom, we did Trunk Bay last year. Did check out the web, though. There is also a plaza of vendors that have alot of knock offs especially of bags from what I read. Of course, there are jewelers galore. My girlfriend swears by Ohm's in town. He is a small jeweler good prices and very reputable. She has been there several times. She has also called him and he has sent stuff. I must say the diamonds she bought are beautiful. By the way, if you and your sister haven't done the island yet, Carolyn and I are doing Godfrey. We figured this time we should see the Island, since last was St John. We are being p/u at 9 for morning shopping (3hrs), then sightsee and a couple of hours at your choice of Megan, Sapphire or Coki beach. He has also let some people off at the St Tom KMart instead. He then p/u and brings back to the ship, all for $20.00 paid when through.

Grocery shopping is calling Back later Barb :wave


Hey fellow Zuiders! Being the tech savvy person that I am, I would like to know how to insert the little animation icons to my post? I have forgotten what they are called. I have some cute ones on file, but don't know how to insert them. Any help would be appreciated.



Good Sunday Zuiders, Erin, being the tech savvy person that I'm not the only emoticoms I know are the ones for cruise addicts boards. All you have to do one these boards are put in : and not leaving any space write the word like wave, dance, bounce, jump.dizzy,party,cheers,lol,yawn.

Time is getting close and I am getting farther away from being ready. Seems like there is so much to do and so little time to do it in. Getting :dizzy just thinking about it Not to worry, I will be ready for the 3pm :party on the 30th.

Got to run, going to see Swing this after. Back later Barb :wave



Barb: is Godrey a taxi service? that sounds like a good plan / shopping / sightseeing / beach time.....

I haven't yet been able to check out the excursions yet, but the taxi does sound like a possibility too....

i'm getting out my suitcase out toooday....:bounce and starting to PACKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!! woo hooooo!!!


Estherbunnie, Godfrey uses a safari type open air bus for this tour. You can check out pics on his website: gofreytoursvi.com. I haven't read a bad review yet on any boards. I checked out the sightseeing tours on HAL and this seemed to be the best deal. We chose 9AM p/u in order to have 3 hours shopping. Godfrey stores all the goodies so that you don't have to take them on the beach. Carolyn and I would love the company if you decide to do this tour. I figure we don't have to worry about the ship sailing without us since we depart at 11PM.

Have a good Sunday evening. Back in the AM Barb :wave


Erin - The emoticons for c@ is http://addictscove.com/moticon/emoticons.htm

You can also go to smiley central (www.smileycentral.com) and input an image into anything that accepts HMTL tags. Once you download their program, you can be on the c@ website and you will have a 'smiley central' button on your toolbar. You pick your smiley (and there are MANY to choose from) and insert it. It will come up with a message that says you cannot insert the smiley on that page, but there is a 'click here' button that paste the html code and all you have to do is paste the code:

and ta-dah! You have a smiley in your post.


Been lurking for a few weeks. Please quit discussing shopping sites at the ports of call ...ok??? Anyway just trying to get through the next couple of weeks till the cruise.

Gotta try this =docdance

Take Care,



Elaine - that pic is just toooooo cute !!!!!

Ok, Joe - no more shop-talk. :dizzy...... welcome aboard!!!


I was just kidding about the shopping sites.....just hoping that my wallet will survive St Thomas.... the market is soooo close to the ships..... :grin anyway...... looking forward to it all...... :dance

sorry just having a ball with the animated icons....



Joe - are you on our roll call yet? Are you Erin's Joe or a different Joe?

It's getting closer gang ... I've started organizing outfits and realized ...I HAVE NO CLOTHES. ugh!!!!


Morning Zuiders and welcome Joe, We promise not to go too crazy with the shopping talk :wink Just remember that the whole shopping and clothes thingy is athe girly girl part of the cruise, but we will try.

Elaine, guess you will just have to go shopping, oops. :lol :jester

Just to let you all know, since we are so close to doing this cruise, Carolyn and I have booked Nov1, 2005 just to be ready for next year. Actually a deal we couldn't refuse. We are going to do the Jewel of the Seas, RCCL new ship, repositioning out of Boston ending in Ft Lauderdale. It is 12 days with stops in Bermuda, San Juan, Aruba and Curacao. The prices can't be beat because it is so early.The best deals are with Lori Cunningham at skyscrapertours.c Very reputable. Check it out if you are interested, it sounds really good and it only takes a refundable deposit until Aug 2005 :bounce

Excitment is building, and I can't wait :bounce :jump :dance Oh I'm getting :dizzy

Back later Barb :wave


Hello Zuiders. Got 5 more packages in the mail from eBay, much to Joe's dismay...=grrr He just doesn't understand the girlie =girlie


Hello Zuiders. Got 5 more packages in the mail from eBay, much to Joe's dismay...=grrr He just doesn't understand the girly :girly aspect of clothes and shoes. I am actually dreading the final wardrobe examination. :worried I have been mentally compiling outfits in my head for a while and I am afraid that I don't have all that I think I have. Oh well, better to do it now than to find out too late. Still some time to shop if need be. I am trying to recruit another :newbie to our roll call. We have a fellow shipmate who's brother-in-law posted on the HAL page asking about Halloween costumes for our sailing. :bat I referred him/her to our roll call page so we may have 2 more comming shortly. Thanks for the emoticon info. Very funny. So many cute little icons, so little time. Hope all is well. 18 days and counting!!!!! I am so ready to party:party and :cheers. So before I over do it, I'll say =goodnight!



Me again. I just realized that I had accidentally posted the first message when I was trying to preview it instead. =huh I guess that I am more :dizzy than I realize. Better log off before I do something really embarrassing. Later.



Good Morning Everyone! Our countdown in shrinking and the excitement is buidling...

Erin - I can relate to the clothing dilemia...I am in desperate need of clothes for this trip, but I'm running out of time to shop. That's okay though...I'll make due with what I have this time and maybe I'll be able to pick up a few things on our adventure.

I am so ready to get away for a little while...


Hi Zuider gang, Now ladies you know we all probably have enough clothes technically to do a seven day trip. BUT, we all understand that there is always wiggle room :roll for that one more thing that is to die for. I truly think I overwiggled tho, the closet looks full.I have been taking out and hanging what I might want to take. Oy vey, too many outfits or too few days and I haven't even thought about the following week we are staying FL. I'm sure we'll work it out, but what a job.

Joe, don't get upset we can't help ourselves, it is a girlie thing :} : kisses

Back to the drawing board :thumb

Barb :wave


Well Barb.

This is what I am worried about!!!!!

Guess I will get over it.!!!! =confuse
