So now I notice that our little quirky titles under our names have changed. Tamra, Melissa and I are Bartenders? I can't be a bartender, I don't know how to make a Melissacane.
Michelle is the Ship's Photographer...appropriate.
Ally and Cheryl are Bakers? I don't know about you, Cheryl, but Ally is a great cook and baker so that works.
As for the Gatlinburg trip. I told Ally the promotion test is important and the studying is immense so I've got about 6 months to study the Penal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure, the department's General Orders, and which ever two text books they decide on. A big task. Lots of time reading, making copius amounts of notes, digesting info, and then trying to rack your brain and remmeber all you've learned.
Make whatever plans ya'll want to make without us involved. I do not want to commit at this time. If it works out and we can come down I'll let ya'll know as soon as I know.
Tamra - As for our next cruise, we haven't decided what we are going to do or when. David has a class trip coming up next year and then college so who knows what the future holds for us.