AOS 9/12/04 Anyone out there?



Cheryl, the mariner of the seas in sept or oct still sounds good. First of the year sounds like a good time to book also. Wish you were going to be in Chicago at same time - would be fun to see you all again!! I did notice that the prices have gone up a tad on the cruises next fall-$ 10 - and up to 50 per person depending which one- will keep my eye on that and when we are ready to book will call some to get more prices- they may offer better over phone? we'll see.
Jill- hope the kids are better soon. Seems one of us has been sick on and off ever since the cruise- get to take our son to first orthodontist appt. this a.m. - he will probably get braces next year? He is okay with it so that is one less battle to worry about.
Kerri- glad you got the pics. Tahiti sounds wonderful as does the Phillipines- don't know much about either place but they sound neat.
Hope everyone is doing well. Brittany can't think of anything she wants for Christmas and Taylor is having a hard time as well. They are both considering money and a week of shopping after christmas to spend it- that will make for a bare space beneath the tree though.
Have a great Thursday!!!!!!


Hey everyone!
Sorry I have been such a slacker and not posting. Been really busy at work. Our computer at home died on us. Its getting fixed.
We are doing well. Eric is still painting and very busy. Hasn't really done any job search besides looking in the paper.
What a game last weekend when Michigan went in to overtime! I though Eric was going to have a heart attack. GO BLUE! No game tomorrow. We are going with my daughter & in-laws to President Rosevelts house in Warm Springs GA. I have been there before and its very interesting. We will also go to the place where he spent time when he had polio. Some kind of hospital. They give tours of the place and tell about when polio was a big epidemic. My daughter is more interested in the fish hatchery. BIG fish there and you can feed them.
Anyway miss you all tons! Hope all is well with everyone.


Good to hear from you , Melissa. The fish hatchery sounds neat to me too!
Everyone must be busy. I am going today to look at assisted living places with my mom. Will probably be doing that all week. My step father is having trouble getting around- has poly neuropathy- this developed over the last couple of months. He is 90 in Jan. Hope we can find a place that will be what they both need and want! Will be difficult for them to leave home but know they will feel more comfortable and safe knowing help is a "buzzer" away.
Have a great Monday all


Its getting chilly here. Don't know how I will handle the chicago cold next weekend-burrrrrrr!
Have a great wed. everyone!


Ally and I are taking an extended weekend with Veteran's Day and then Friday off. We are planning a road trip to Abilene to look at colleges. A cold front is supposed to blow in tomorrow morning...time to get the plants in the green house. Thank goodness we're not going to Chicago...bundle up.



Hello to all the AOS 9-12 Island Hoppers!!!!!! Hope everyone is doing well. Sorry I have not checked in here for some time. We have been super busy here with my new old job and getting the yard prepared for winter. It too is getting very cold here in Atlanta. Rich you and Ally have a great trip and the same goes for you too Tamra!!! Have fun and be safe. Well, two months ago tomorrow we were leavin' for our cruise. Cannot believe 8 weeks have passed since then!! Time fly's!!! Check back in later.......Michelle.


Good luck looking at the college in abilene. Sounds neat to go look around like that. It was never discussed which college i would attend- Ole Miss was the only one my family would allow me to attend-
Good to hear from you michelle- Either everyone is busy and or there 's not much going on to post about. Is eveyone planning a big Thanksgiving? Are you going to friends/relatives or are you having the big turkey day at your house? If having it in your home, what is on your menu? We are getting a cajun smoked turkey from logan farms-YUM and i get homemade cornbread dressing at the steak shoppe ( comes frozen - I then 1/2 it and do 2 types of dressing- one is regular and one is oyster dressing) We usually do the sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, green beans, spinach artichoke casserole, squash casserole, fudge pie(store bought), apple pie(store ), and pumpkin pie- low carb- seems i am missing something? So what are you all having for turkey day?????? may get some new ideas out of this!!!!!! even though we all look forward to the traditional meal- my kids are now talking about how they are looking forward to all the food we make/aquire- it s nice to try some new along with the old
happy wed. evening to you all-
check back later


Tamra, we want to come to your house for thanksgiving!!! Your menu sounds fabulous. The last few years, my mother-in-law has done the dinner and she's a good cook. She does the turkey, mashed potatoes, etc.
Things here have been crazy. My mom has reached a point where her health is not to where she can watch my boys and day-care would make us just about as financially strapped as me staying home, so we've been mulling over our options and praying for guidance.
I hope all of you traveling have a great time. We did in Chicago. Always see something new each time.
The Cheesecake Factory is my favorite.
Michelle, what is your new old job? How are you liking it?
I'll check back in later. Have a great day all, Jill


Jill, we would love to have you for Thanksgiving!!
Sorry to hear about your mom and the dilema you are facing. Will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Hope a wonderful solution presents itself soon!!
Chicago will be neat- especially seeing our friends there.
Have a great day.


Jill I agree - I want to have dinner at Tamra's. Were having dinner at my house. My sister, her husband and 1 year daughter will be in for the week. I can't wait to see them. The guys are planning on going to the Lions game on Thanksgiving - its a Detroit tradition.

I am flying to Chicago tonight with my girlfriends. I can't wait!!!! Tonight were having dinner at Geja's Fondue - excellent food!!! Saturday, were shopping, drinking and going to see Tony and Tina's Wedding.

I miss everyone!! I hope we can get our spring island hoppers reunion planned soon.



Cheryl- I always wanted to eat at Geja's- we didn't make it- don't know where we are eating fri night or if the reunion has a dinner- we are staying at the marriott on ontario near state street , i think. will be fun- if i can find my awesome leather gloves lined in rabbit fur- warmest gloves ever made!!!!!
have fun!


miss everyone! I am with Cheryl- hope we can plan something for the island hopper group for the spring- look forward to seeing you all again!


Boy have we been slacking on the posts here.
Hope everyone is doing well. We are off to Chicago for the weekend this afternoon. Should be a great time. This weekend is the kick off of all the christmas decorations downtown- will be gorgeous !!!!! Chat later.
and lucky for us- the temperature there is 50's and 60's- drizzling- but not far from what our blood has gotten use to here in Mississippi!!!!


Have fun in Chicago Tamra & Brad. Let us know about your adventure when you return. Ally & Rich are all ok with all the flooding in the Austin area and TX??? Been thinking of ya'll. Anybody made any cruise plans for next year yet? Well I am off to the store for all my Thanksgiving needs. I am sure the grocery store is going to be packed this weekend. Hope everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!!!
Miss everyone!!!



I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!! We are all doing great, busy as ever. I have checked in every now and then on you all, but haven't had the time to keep up...sorry! Take care and again Happy Holidays to y'all!! ;-) ~ Dee in MO

Carnival Holiday '92
AOS '04


Michelle - Thanks for asking, we are fine. We are far from the Colorado River and any flooding. The worst we get is some standing water on our property but the dry creek drains it off quickly now.

I had to take some time out from studying to watch a litle TV. Some type of game with an odd-shaped ball between two teams from some small midwestern colleges named Michigan and Ohio State. It probably wasn't a big deal so I'm sure no one was paying any attention.......

Sorry, couldn't resist Dave.

We are all done with grocery shopping for Thanksgiving. Just Ally, David and I since Mom went to visit my brother.

We have not made plans for cruises, just colleges. We'll see what type of monetary assistance we can get before spending any money on cruises.

See ya,



The trip to chicago was great. We had too much fun. It was not enough time to see all and do all we would have liked so we'll just have to go back. Some of our friends up there want to plan a spring vegas trip if any of you all are interested in going out there? Sometime in maybe march or april? for like 3 nights ? in the talking about it stages so nothing is concrete.
Happy Thanksgiving to all - we are grocery shopping mon and tues. Love this holiday!!!!


Happy Thanksgiving!!!
I hope everyone has a great dinner. Were having dinner at our house, my sister and family are in from Kansas City. Dave and her husband are going to the Lions game today.

Tamra, We had a great time in Chicago - next time we need to meet there.

I will check in soon.


Happy Thanksgiving everyone. So is anyone else crazy like me and going shopping today?!?


Happy Thanksgiving! Shopping on black friday? not me!!!!
Cheryl- Yes, Chicago would be a fun place to meet up for a weekend sometime.
Anyone up for a vegas trip this spring- Brad likes Feb. so its before our son's baseball season but we are still up in the air about exact dates..............................
Check in with you all later-