Hi everyone. I need your help. My mum and dad are going over to the US for holidays next year. A few questions.
They are planning May - would this time in your opinion be ideal.
Any school vacations then?
They are flexible so can change dates.
Would be flying into Los Angeles and also want to do a Caribbean cruise like we all did, so how would the weather be then?
Re the cruise - all you cruise a holics - mum & dad are 71 and 67, which cruise line would you suggest for them and any itinerary that you would think worth looking into. I think the 5 ports in a row like we did would be a bit too intensive - not given their age of course, but just the enjoyment factor - they like to relax, and we just seemed to be on the go all the time during ours.
Thanks so much and I know you'll all give me great advice.
Xmas is heating up down under - 35 celsius most days. Any of you got snow - I just can't imagine a cold Xmas - no going to the beach, water skiing, picnic lunches & dinners, etc.
Sorry ! We luv Australia.