AOS 9/12/04 Anyone out there?



I miss hearing from you guys! Has everyone started decorating for Christmas? Hope all is well with the Island Hoppers!!!!
Hope to hear from you all soon!!!


Hey Tamra and all the Island Hoppers,

Taking a break from studying to check e-mails. I'm off the next six days. I have to use some vacation time or lose it. I'll probably get our decorations out and start while I'm off.

Ally and I are taking David and a friend to a concert in Houston for his birthday present. His 18th was actually the day after Thanksgiving so the present was the tickets since the concert wasn't until this weekend. We are also planning for his Eagle ceremony on the 18th. He earned his Eagle Scout rank in September but we are having a large ceremony since 6 scouts are receiving their Eagle together. They all started scouts together in 1998 so it's a special occassion since it's rare that an entire patrol makes the rank. Only 2% of scouts make it all the way to Eagle.

Stay warm,



We haven't had to many postings - I guess everyone is busy with the holidays around the corner.

We have been busy the last few weeks. My best friends wedding was this past weekend and I was the matron of honor. We had a great time - everything was perfect.

Tonight, Dave and I fought with Taylor to get her loose tooth out. After a lot of bribing it is out. yeah!!! Now were just waiting for the right time for the tooth fairy to arrive.

Have a great week!!! I miss everyone!!


Congrats to David on the Eagle Scout accomplishment and to his entire patrol as well!!! Have fun at the concert in Houston this weekend. Getting the Christmas decor up is half the battle here at our house. Still working on lighting that silly tree. Started putting the lights on last night- got the first strand woven thru the branches and oops , 1/2 the strand goes out- pull that one off the tree and start with strand number 2- wove the lights thru the branches and oops , 1/2 the lights go out as soon as I reach for strand number 3!!! Pull strand 2 off and go get another cocktail!!! Finally strand number 3 ( new strand number 1) gets woven in there and stays lit- today, look forward to more of the will they stay lit game!!! It is a 9 1/2 foot tree- with lots of ligjhts!Good luck decorating Rich!!!!! Its such a pain but so nice to look at every night!
Chat later


Good evening Island Hoppers!!!! At this pace we might make 1000 posts sometime in the near future! LOL!!! Hope all is well with everyone. I think of ya'll often. I've got tons of pictures everywhere to remind me of our wonderful cruise together. Wishing everyone a happy and safe holiday!!!! I'll be checkin' in later......Michelle.


Only 74 more to go. I'll really be posting after the Rose Bowl...either ripping you Michigan fans...or humbly blaming it on the refs. Cheryl - Tell Dave I'll be referring my comments to him...


Hey guys, how are you all doing? Christmas is creeping up on us. Are you all ready? We are behind but will pull it out by the deadline. Wish we could all be together for a little Christmas cheer - will have to wait for our next get together ............sometime in 2005 ( fingers crossed!!!!!)
Got to go work on addressing Christmas cards- yes we are late with usual


Hi everyone. I need your help. My mum and dad are going over to the US for holidays next year. A few questions.

They are planning May - would this time in your opinion be ideal.
Any school vacations then?
They are flexible so can change dates.
Would be flying into Los Angeles and also want to do a Caribbean cruise like we all did, so how would the weather be then?

Re the cruise - all you cruise a holics - mum & dad are 71 and 67, which cruise line would you suggest for them and any itinerary that you would think worth looking into. I think the 5 ports in a row like we did would be a bit too intensive - not given their age of course, but just the enjoyment factor - they like to relax, and we just seemed to be on the go all the time during ours.

Thanks so much and I know you'll all give me great advice.

Xmas is heating up down under - 35 celsius most days. Any of you got snow - I just can't imagine a cold Xmas - no going to the beach, water skiing, picnic lunches & dinners, etc.

Sorry ! We luv Australia.


Just a few questions - what holiday do you all celebrate in May?
Do they want to sail out of California or would they want to fly to Florida to sail from there? Galveston , Texas and New Orleans, Louisianna are also options.
Weather in May should be 70's and 80's around most of the south- warmer the farther south you go-
Kids get out of school here (Ms.) in May for the summer- other states get out in June.
Yes, we have even decided that 5 ports was a bit too many . Have they cruised before? What islands have they liked? May be helpful to go to a travel agency and pick up brochures on several cruise lines. Then maybe check out what the cruisers say for each line here at cruise addicts to see age group factors. Would think Princess, Royal Caribbean, HAL, NCL off the top of my head- anyone else?
More later


Thanks Tamra.

Yes they will fly to LA and then probably to Florida to catch a cruise. They love cruising - but haven't done Caribbean before. Lots of South Pacific, done Hawaii, Malacca Straights, etc.

No school holidays in Oz during May.
We have only one public holiday being Labour Day on 2nd May.

Yeah I suppose I should start reading the posts - but really couldn't be bothered at the moment, so this is why I asked. How lazy is that!

Brochures they have are Royal Caribbean and Carnival - they seem to be favouring itineraries including Southern Caribbean islands.


Hi Island Hoppers.

Dave and I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!!

We miss you all!!



Merry Christmas to all you Island Hopper!!!!
We hope everyones holiday is wonderful! Miss you all tons!
Melissa & Eric


Stan and I wish all the 9/12/04 Island Hoppers a wonderful Merry Christmas and a Healthy Happy New Year!!!!! We were blessed to have met all of you this past summer and hope that one day we will run into you again on a fabulous island somewhere in the Caribbean. If so, the first cocktail is on us!!!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!

Michelle & Stan


To all of the Island Hoppers!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May you all have a blessed holiday as we celebrate the birth of Jesus and start a brand new year. I hope every is safe and has a great time with family and friends.

Alfio and I have been so busy and haven't been able to post much. I am getting ready to go back to work fulltime. Which has been a major decision for us. We have been interviewing Childcare providers and housekeepers. (I guess that is one of the perks of working. I will be able to afford to have someone help with household chores!!) I am going into Management with Target Stores. I wonder how much I will bring home after I pay the sitter, the housekeeper and use the generous discount over and over that I will get!! Hmm...maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all!!!! No, seriously I am really looking forward to starting my career outside the home again.

Peace and blessings to each of you. May God bless you in ways your never dreamed!!

Jodi and Alfio


Merry Christmas to you all.
Good luck with the new career Jodi. Sounds like a great job. It will be hard not to spend the money you make where you work!
Be safe and stay warm and enjoy your families


Merry Christmas and a safe Happy New Year to you all! We miss you guys and hope to join up again on another great vacation.
Jodi, I hope this new career makes you very happy.
Best wishes to all of you, Jill & Dave


Well, as we go to bed here in Central Texas, we have a slim possibility for a dusting of snow for tomorrow morning. It's been below 32 degrees yesterday and today. That's enough for us, time to warm up.

Merry Christmas to everyone...wishing ya'll a great 2005.

Rich and Ally


Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.
Tamra the card was beautiful. thanks! We have it on our fridge. We we opened it we just looked at each other and said at the same time." we miss everyone" Hopefully we can all meet together sometime again. Jodi, good luck on your new endovor.
Hope eveyone has a safe and happy New Years! We will be saying a special blessing for all our Island Hoppers friends!!!!!
Miss you all!!!
Melissa & Eric


Just droppin' in to tell everyone HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!! Party is at my house at 19:00 tomorrow. All of the Island Hoppers are invited!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be there or be square :)................later.
