AOS 9/12/04 Anyone out there?



Thanks Tamra!! I wished ALL the Island Hoppers would join us!!! We would have a blast of course!!! Come on change your mind and book Alaksa with us!!! I'll get started on our excursions! LOL :)
Hope the tour guides there are as nice as they are in the Caribbean. I still get emails from
Frank @ St. Lucia. He always say's to tell everyone "hello". How is things going with ya'lls condo in Fla? I know you'll be glad when it's finished. Have a great evening! Oh yeah and another thing, WE CAN'T LOOSE THIS THREAD. Let's keep it going. We have to at least get to 1000. Chat later........Michelle.


Michelle- money is scarce at the moment around here. They are building the condo back like it was- we went down and picked out tile, carpet, cabinets, wall color, counter tops, sinks....etc. We still have to do lighting , mirrors, faucets, and wood blinds. We are responsible for refrunishing it as we had zero contents insurance- that is the money gobbler- plus our daughter is wanting a car- her first- this summer when she turns 16. We hope to sell the condo as soon as its ready for the market- should not take long to sell from what the realtor says about orange beach real estate now adays. Hoping to be able to book a fall cruise but will have to wait til Brad gives me the go ahead- will go south to warmer climate though-- saving alaska for the senior cruise. Maybe the Island Hoppers could plan a cruise reunion in 2006- gives us all plenty of time to save up- should we do the Freedom of the Seas? ( new ultra voyager class ship)comes out in 2006 , i think
Hope we don't loose this thread either. Had to do a search again to find it. Geez , the other threads must be getting a lot of action for this one to be slipping past page 2 so quickly!!!!!
Chat later


Hey guys!
Just wanted to drop in & say hello. My parents are leaving next week for the Grandeur towards Cozumel, Grand Cayman...I'm so darn jealous. I like Tamra's idea of the new ultra voyager liner. Maybe I should go pick up a lottery ticket...Michelle & Stan your cruise sounds great too. Although with all of this 10 to 20 degree weather we're getting here, I am trying to remember the warm tropical breezes from our balcony room...
Have a great night everyone, Jill


Hey Jill. Tell your parents to have wonderful time on the Granduer of the Seas. We miss our balcony room as well- hope one of these days we can all sail together again. In Feb. they are starting to take reservations for the Freedom of the Seas for 2006 for Crown and Anchor members only if anyone is ready to book for 2006- dreaming of the next cruise may have to get me by for a while longer............sniff, sniff...............................................................


I hear ya Tamra! I would love to go again on that new ship. We would have a blast. I'll have to go visit the website and dream...


Wouldn't it be great to do a reunion on the Freedom is 2006? Bet it will be sold out pretty quick since it is the newest and largest ship out there- prices will be higher to until the "newness" wears off some-
will be dreaming about it too, Jill. Something to look forward to , right?


Hi everyone. AUSTRALIA DAY tomorrow (26th) - a public holiday for all. Shame it is a Wednesday!

Snags on the Barbie with tomato sauce & damper. Meat pies and tomato sauce too. And plenty of STUBBIES !!!!!

Here's an extract from our national anthem -

Australians all let us bludge work
For we get paid for free
We've golden soil and Wednesday off
So you'll find us by the sea
...Um, anyone know the second verse?



Kerri - you mean two days from now. It's only Monday the 24th in the States.

Snags on the barbie....hmmmmmm


Hello Everyone...

Tamara and Jill....LOVE the idea of the Freedom in 2006!!! Have you checked out any of the prices? I think we are going to do a big Disney Trip this fall with our entire family!!

Michelle...Alaska is tempting too!! My mom has always wanted to do Alaska. I told her all about you and Stan and I told I could hook her up!! She is pretty wild!!

Jill did you get a lot of snow with this last storm? We didn't. We have been very lucky so far this winter.

I have been traveling a lot with my new job. Alfio has been doing awesome with all of his new responsibilities at home with me gone so much. It has really helped him and my oldest daughter to grow a lot closer. They have to talk now!! Things will calm down for me in about two weeks. I will be home more then. Just a lot of training and years of catching up to do since I have been out of the professional work world for 10 years.

How was your Holiday Kerri?

Chat again soon...


Hi Everyone.

I think the Freedom sounds great!! I read that Royal Caribbean is starting to book for 2006 cruises next month for Freedom.

It has been cold in Michigan - last Saturday we ended up with 12 inches of snow. I can't wait until Summer!

I miss everyone!! Have a great night!!


12 inches of snow! Oh my gosh!!!!!!!! We wouldn't know how to act here in Atlanta. Good morning to everyone. It's Friday and I sure am glad. Speaking of bad weather, we are suppose to get some ice and snow starting tonite here in North Ga. Guess I will be stuck indoors surfing the net. The Freedom in 2006 sounds great to us, of course that is if we ever re-coop from our Alaskan cruise this cummer!. Very expensive but I have heard it is well worth it. It better be!!!! Miss everyone and hope all is well with everyone!! Melissa & Eric.....haven't heard from you in a while. Will we ever make it to 1000 posts?


Where are Melissa and eric?
Will see if we can check prices for the Freedom in Feb. - for sailings 2006- think it comes out mid year?
Have a great Friday everyone- and great weekend too ! Expecting a rainy cold weekend here (40's) yuck.
ps- maybe this weekend is the 1000th post weekend- hmmmmmmmmmmmwhat could the prize for that be?


It's already starting to sleet here in Atlanta. Weather is going to be bad for us this weekend.........will have lots of time for surfing the net on Alaska "must do" things. I sure wished ya'll would come along..........I booked a "flightseeing" trip today over Mt. McKinnley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited about that. Come on guys.....come along!!!!!!!!!!! Let's try and make it to 1000 soon.....check back in later.


Sounds like this Alaska cruise is going to be really wonderful. You will have to email us some pics when you guys get back. From all that I have heard, Alaska is a very beautiful place.
Sorry to hear about the bad weather over there. Nothing worse than sleet and icy road conditions. Hope you are stocked up on your groceries. Have you guys heard from Melissa and Eric? Hope all is well with them-- wish they would check in to let us know how things are going.
The 1000th post is gettting closer.
Check back later!


Hello- post 975 here- Its overcast , damp, and in the 40's here. Glad I got some shrubs planted last week when the weather was nice- 44 shrubs- looking better back there- Am thinking of making some soup - The Soup Nazi 's recipe for Mexican Chicken Chili soup- supposed to be great. Will let you all know how it turns out. Found the recipe at top secret recipes .com
more later
they also have the recipe for kentucky fried chickens cole slaw- have made it and its very good slaw!


976 - getting closer.

I sent Melissa an e-mail to her work account so hopefully she'll get it on Monday and respond. Ally is making a roasted chicken and finishing up our taxes while I'm in here supposedly studying, but taking a break to talk at ya'll....shhhh, don't tell Ally.

Weather is cold and damp here also. 40% chance of rain today and tomorrow. yuck. Of course, when I go back to work on Tuesday it will be nice and sunny.

44shrubs???? That's alot of holes. Better you than me.

Alaska sounds wonderful. I hope the plans go through and ya'll make it. Drink a foo-foo drink for Ally and I.



Hey Rich- tell Ally hello when its okay that you were not studying!!!
Thanks for emailing Melissa. Should have thought of that by now myself.
44 shrubs- was not as bad as I was thinking it would be- did 22 one day in about 4 hours and 22 the next day in about same time. The dirt was"new" - Brad and I got some "good" dirt delivered last weekend and he was able to dump piles of it into the flower beds using his tractor bucket so the digging was pretty easy in most places. Still have work to do on those 2 beds plus figuring out what is what in 5 more beds but they are only like 1/3 the size of the 1st two so once i figure out what to put in them it should be a breeze.
Good luck studying. Hope you ace the test!
Is raining here this a.m. House work has my name on it. YUCK.
check back with you all later


Good morning Island Hoppers!!!! Wow, 44 holes sounds like alot of work. My post hole digger wouldn't last that long!!! LOL!!! Hi Rich!! Tell Ally "hello" for me. Weather here this past weekend was horrible. Couldn't even get out of the house til Sunday afternoon. Ice everywhere. No snow. Hope everyone is doing fine. Jodi, it was good ot hear from you too!! Tell Alfio "hello" for me too!!! Chat soon..........


Michelle- hope your weather gets better over there. We are having rain here thru Thursday - off and on- don't know if you 'll get it next or not- totally messy out there and damp cold-
yuk yuk yuk
going to warm up some soup to knock the chill out of these bones............................
check back later
getting ever closer to 1000


Hey all,
Stayed home with my boys. They've got the typical cold, luckily at the same time. Can't wait until spring. I am starting to remember the good parts of living in south florida especially when it's 14 degrees out...
I heard from a coworker about the ice storm GA was supposed to get. Hope it hasn't caused too much trouble for ya Michelle & Stan. The snow here wasn't too bad. We got 12 inches like Cheryl & Dave but I guess we're used to it now. My older son loves rolling in it...
My parents are having a good time on the Grandeur. Got an email from them that they are sunburned, drinking like fishes and going on great excursions. Can't wait to see thier pics. I'm also very envious...
Is there a way to get info on the new Freedom ship? I tried the website but got nothing.
Good luck studying Rich. When is the exam?
Tamra, I forgot to tell you thanks for the great pictures and the Christmas card. What a great holiday gift. It was nice to see your faces again.
I got a new computer recently so I should try posting our cruise pics again. My old clunker couldn't handle the prior attempts.
Better go. Bad diaper awaits. Chat with you all soon, Jill