AOS 9/12/04 Anyone out there?



We made 1000!!!! I got an invitation to book the Freedom of the Seas from icruise-- it is a pre public past guest type invite - asked them to send some prices for sept /oct of 2006- who is in on this idea? we have over a year to save up for the trip- anyone ready to talk island hopper reunion cruise for fall 2006?
will let you know what the prices look like-- have asked icruise for 3 different quotes on 3 different cruises and have gotten zero response- must be busy over there-
chat soon


Tamra, we may be interested if we don't do Hawaii next summer. After our Alaskan cruise this summer I am sure we will be ready for a Caribbean cruise next!!!! Hope everyone is doing well. Glad to see we finally made it to 1000. Boy, Celebrity has some good deals out right now. Saw a few 14 day Caribbean cruises out of Jacksonville for like $650 inside!!!!!!! 14 days!!!!! What a deal!!!! It's tempting.............


Michelle- you and stan are thinking of Hawaii next summer? cruise or land deal?
Princess looked like they had some decent prices for the fall also- but this was several months ago- they are probably higher now. pricing shot up pretty quick for fall 05- we may just go to the beach this summer and las vegas next fall but wiil see.
it is dreary here- still a little chilly too- can not wait for summer!!!!


Hi Island Hoppers.

Michelle & Stan we would love to cruise Hawaii islands also. Next year is probably when we plan to do it. Keep us posted if you decide to go ahead.

My parents unfortunately have had to cancel their AOS cruise due to Dad having an unexpected triple bypass last Friday. Never been sick or unwell in his life - had a dull ache in his chest and went off to the Dr. Put him straight in hospital for tests and decided to do bypass as a preventative. All went well and he is home already (6 days in hospital). Getting around ok but it sure has aged him. He looks 10 years older and very drawn - we all hope that in a few weeks he will look as young as ever because for a 71 year old to look 60 is great!!! He'll be fighting fit in no time, but definately no 4 week holiday in May/June.

Maybe next year they can do it.

Todd myself and the girls are good still enjoying our summer (it seems to be like this year round these days though). Each day about 28 celsius! Jealous. We'll have to come over one winter to experience the snow!!!


Kerri- glad to hear your dad is doing well- my brother had a triple by-pass a few yrs ago at age 57. he is doing well but needs to remember his heart smart diet !! The AOS will be there for them next yr as will the islands.
Do you not get snow there in winter? we rarely get any down south in mississippi but got plenty when we lived in chicago- i personally don't miss it -
have a great day


Kerri - Thankfully your dad is doing great. I lost my dad to a massive heart attack at age 56. My uncle, his brother, died two years later, also at age 56. I'm watching the cholestorol and trying to eat heart smart also.

Your dad will be able to get his strength back and go on the AOS soon. We'll keep him in our prayers.



Kerri, sorry to hear about your dad. I hope all goes well and that he will recover quickly!!! Your family is in our prayers. There is nothing more important than your health. I just went for my Leukemia check up this past Thursday. I am now 4 years in remission!!!! Yipee!!!!! One more year to go and I am supposedly in the clear after that. Yes Kerri, we have been talking about doing Hawaii next summer. Would love for ya'll to meet us on board!!!! Anyone else wanna' go???????? Chat later...........Michelle.


michelle- are you talking a cruise to /around hawaii?
that sounds pretty neat- would love to cruise anywhere warm- you are wanting to go in summer?
just looked at prices again for fall 05- in hopes brad lets us book something before they sell out-


its raining here again- Mississippi is going to be an island if this doesnt stop sometime soon!
hope all has a great day! spring break is around the corner!!!!! yippee!!!! that means summmer is almost here


Hi everyone!! I am so sick of this cold weather in Michigan - I want summer so bad!! I wish we were cruising this year - but it looks like were only able to do 2 trips. Outer Banks in June and Vegas in October. Next year, we will cruise - hopefully with the Island Hoppers.

I will check in soon.


Cheryl- I am with you on the winter situation! Will it ever be over? At least we are having a day here and there that resembles spring/summer- it is raining and chilly here most of this week.
Your 2 trips for 05 sound really great. Hope we can meet up with you in Vegas in Oct.
Our cruise plans are still waiting on the cruise fairy to activate them- hope she comes this year!
When prices for next fall are out- anyone want to plan to cruise fall 06? prices have just continued to rise for fall 05 since i started looking at prices back in sept- so, if fall 06 sounds good, then we may want to get the price jump by looking /deciding early rather than later? what do you think?


We haven't had much posts since we hit the 1000 mark. Everything is the same in Michigan, still cold and the snow is still falling. Where is Spring???

Tamra - I want to book early for Fall 06 - I am still upset were not cruising this year.

Have a great week!


Hi Everyone, Congratulations on such a large message thread with over 1K messages. I hope you have a great time planning on your AOS cruise. HOT!


Cheryl- I am bummed we probably wont be cruising this yr either-- have not totally given up on it as anything can happen in Brads work that could allow us to go- will for sure want to book for fall 06 as soon as we can find out schedules of ships, prices, and pick one- want to try a hawaiian cruise? looks like we may have michelle , stan, todd, and kerri looking at hawaii for next yr.......? I'll go anywhere that is warm/hot and has warm water to swim in-- will save alaska for when we are in our 70's or 80's and not in the sun/swim mode
its sunny here today- may be 72 fri and sunny!!!!!YIPPEEEEEEE- gotta have some sun!


Tamra - I am up for cruising anywhere warm in 06!! Someone from work just got back from a Hawaiian cruise last week and my sister-in law is cursing on the Caribbean Princess on Saturday. I want to cruise!!!

Were still planning on Vegas in October. Island Hoppers Reunion in Vegas this October??


TGIF Island Hoppers!!!! Hope everyone is doing great. A cruise to Hawaii next summer would be fabulous!! Stan and I are in! Holland America is tempting right now as they have some cabins available for a 4-16-05 sailing from Pt. Canaveral to the Caribbean for $475 including everything!!!!! Of course that is for inside cabin but at that price I having a hard time passing it up. Prices available on CVC site. Anybody wanna' go????????


You don't have to ask me if i want to go- the answer is always YES YES YES I"M READY TO CRUISE CRUISE CRUISE- can't go right now- Brads work has him very busy- which will hopefully turn into a cruise thumbs up ( fingers crossed)
Cheryl- let us know how your sister in law likes Caribbean Princess- would like to go on that ship one of these days.
Will keep eyes open for fall 06 prices- you all do the same-
Michelle- you and stan want to go summer of 06 not fall, correct? prices will be more then, does that matter? on the positive side- we have time to save up for it , right? on neg. side- its a loooonnnnng way away!


We are prettty much "IN" on the Vegas trip in Oct.- what dates look good for you Cheryl and Dave? anyone else want to join in? what dates are good for you?
we can have a blast there!


Tamra - We were talking about the 3rd weekend in October. I will keep you posted - Did you get your football schedule yet?? I hope other Island Hoppers will join us!!!!

Taylor and I are going on our second Brownie camping trip this weekend. We had so much fun last year - were really looking forward to going again. Please, give us good weather!!!

Have a great week.


Good morning Island Hoppers!!!! Las Vegas in October sounds great but Stan and I will not be able to make it. Our Alaskan cruise will dry up all extra funds as we are going ALL OUT on this cruise to Alaska. We also have a trip planned to NYC first weekend in Nov for Stan's 50th B/D!!!! Wished we could fit in Las Vegas as we love it there. We got married there!!! Anyway, a cruise for next summer is a definite. Cheryl, have fun on your Brownie camping later.