AOS 9/12/04 Anyone out there?



I am not ready to say goodbye to our thread. I like checking in to see how everyone is doing.

Michelle - Please, keep in touch. The Island Hoppers need to sail again together - we have such a great group!!!

Were hoping the rain holds off until tomorrow - were taking Taylor and her friend to the carnival today.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.



michelle- are you serious about saying good bye to our thread? we are not the island hoppers without all our group members- hope you will reconsider- i am home today and the last several days with a lovely absessed tooth- had to go in today for an emergency partial root canal- he drilled the hole and got the stuffing out but will fill in hole next friday after the infection drains out- my face is swollen up like a Who from Whoville (how the grinch stole christmas with jim carrey) am on pain killers and anitibiotics and ice packs-- great way to spend the weekend but as long as the pain is gone, i am fine!!!!
Will try to check in and post more often- michelle, don't leave us girl!
Have a great weekend- f yi - if your tooth aches for no reason, go see the dentist right away as you may be having an absess- better to go see early as the pain only gets worse
chat later


Hi everyone...

Way to go Rich...Have you hear anything yet?

We leave for Disney is 3 days....we are so excited...Izabella is just thrilled. She about jumps through the tv every time a Disney commercial comes on the tube!!

Are we officially saying goodbye? Kinda sad, but we have been slowly drifting for some time....can we get one last update on email addresses to stay in touch?



Well, I don't mind checkin' in here but I am thinking people are probably gettin' tired of seeing this old thread. If ya'll keep it going.....yep I will tune in, but maybe we can get something else going on a private chat somewhere I just don't know how or where. Any suggestions? Tamra, gosh girl......I sure hope you feel better. I do know what you mean about going straight to the dentist if a tooth is bothering you. Don't put it off.....just go, it will make life easier in the long run. Keep takin' the ole' pain killers!!! Jodi & Alfio, ya'll have a wonderful trip to Disney!!!! Have fun and be safe. Cheryl, ya'll too have a great time at the Carnival!!!!! We've had rain here today. Kinda' gloomy so we went to the movies since our power went out this morning. Thank goodness it is back on now. My email address is case anyone wants it for future is........... Sure hope we all cruise again one day together as we did have a JAM UP TIME together!!!!! All my pic's say so!!!! Don't think I will ever book in advance ever again though. This past cruise on 4/23 on the Glory was well under $500 pp and that spoiled me!!!! Late bookings are the way to go if you can do it that way. Miss ya'll..........and will continue to think of ya'll often!!!!!!!!!!



Jodi- you guys have a great trip to disney. Will be a wonderful time. As far as I am concerned we can continue posting here- not very technologically inclined to find another place to visit?
Michelle- wow - sounds like you got a great deal on the glory- what kind of room did you get for that super price? just curious for future reference- even though we all know the pricing thing can be a crap shoot at best when looking for that great deal during a certain time and arranging air fare plus other travel arrangements- then add trying to get a group together for the trip etc....... Do hope we can cruise again in near future with our island hopping buddies- what a great time - has to rank up there as one of our best trips - Vegas this fall will surely be another- you all still have time to get in on a FUN trip to vegas this october-
pain killers still working- thank goodness-
chat later, ice pack with my name on it ready to go!


Tamra, glad the med's are doing the trick for you. Yes, we got a great deal on the Glory! We booked a 1A inside guarantee cabin (cheapest you can book) and when we arrived at the port and got our cabin assignment we realized that we had been upgraded to the 7th floor and was thrilled with just that. But then when we arrived at our cabin, opended the I was so happy!!! We ended up with the first cabin in the very front of the ship!!! It had a big window overlooking the front view and also was a "handicapped" room which was much bigger than a normal cabin. I mean the bathroom itself was as big as my kitchen here at home!!!!!! We were thrilled!!!!! Yep, booked it online for $449 each on Booked it 3 weeks out. Best deal I've ever gotten and it makes me want to do all the rest of our cruises that way. I choose this cruise so we did not have to take a plane anywhere. We drove which was no biggy to us. Pt. Canaveral is not that far for us. Anyway, we can keep this thread going if ya'll want to............unless someone had a better idea. Hope everyone has a great day!!!!


Wow- the upgrade fairy was NICE to you guys!!! Will look at cruise value center as well. Still have to book with icruise as thats who our points are with.
Since this thread is working for now, we may as well stay with it. Everyone knows where it is and all that .
Have a good day and we'll chat more later


Hey everyone,

I've been in Washington DC with the Honor Guard. May 15th is National Peace Officer's Memorial Day and the week of the 15th is National Peace Officer's Memorial Week. We got there last Thursday and just got back today. We had a candle light vigil on Friday, a parade on Saturday, and a reading of the names of the fallen officers at the Capitol on May 15th. President Bush was there and shook the hands of the survivors as over 200 names were read, including Officer Amy Donovan with the Austin Police Department.

While in DC I got great news from Ally concerning the results of the asessment center. I originally was #50 on the list after the writen exam, but becasue I did so well in the assessment, I jumped up to #22. I should be promoted around May 2006. I know it's a long way away, but I'm on the list and just have to wait.

Michelle, Hope you come back at least once to read this, But I'll send an e-mail to make sure you know.


(soon to be) Sgt Rich


CONGRATULATIONS to our soon to be fav-o-rite Sgt. Rich!!!!!!! That is wonderful news. Stan and I wish you all the best. You deserve it after all you've been through to get there. Congrats again!! Don't ya' think that promotion should qualify for a cruise to let's say HAWAII next summer?!?!?!? Let's start planning now...................Michelle.


Congrats to Rich!!!!!!!! Knew you would do well- all that studying had to pay off, right? The pics of David and his date were very nice- they make a really cute couple.
Who is up for Hawaii next summer/ fall? Michelle, will you only go in summer? Prices may be higher then but would have to look to see- and which ship? norwegian? song of america? or pride of aloha? have you looked into it yet?
lets hear from anyone interested- we have over a year to plan- how exciting!!


Hawaii sounds great!! First I gotta' get our Alaskan cruise finalized and over with before I can even think about Hawaii but it definetly sounds good to us. Tamra, I haven't looked into anything yet. Still doing my research for our Alaska cruise coming up in August. You can count us in for Hawaii though. Anyone else interested?


Hawaii- 2006- who 's in for this? we should do a pre- night and post night stay if possible just for the fun of it? may as well if we are going all the way over there.....................right?


also, should we look at summer or fall or whenever prices are most conducive?
i am up for a cruise next yr to a warm place- doesn't have to be hawaii for me to be IN!!!!Lets hear from the group! Hope all is going well for all- miss you all and hope to see you soon!


Mornin'. Let's look at prices for let's say Sept, Oct, Nov or even dec maybe. Whada' ya' think?


okay, will do- sept , oct nov dec - both pride of aloha and the other one- something america - both norwegian cruise lines- any others ?


checked prices on pride of america for sept 9 2006- all closed. checked then for sept 2 2006 - cheapest room on ship about 959 p.p. (don't know if this includes port/taxes) , then for outside room it is 1359 p.p. and for balcony it is 1689 p.p. again don'' know if includes port/taxes- looks like pride of aloha may be 100- 200 p.p. less as i looked there for 1 sailing- sept 2 and 9 are only 2 sailings i could pull up prices for in fall 2006-
don't know about you all but i had rather pay 900 for a balcony and do caribbean again? I have been to Hawaii once - will go again if majority chooses- prices for later in season could be better also- will have to wait to see when can pull them up-
happy memorial day to all- we have 3 baseball games sat.! whooopppeeeee ( not)


Hi there Island Hoppers,
Rich CONGRATS! Knew you would do great. You must be thrilled.
Hope everyone is doing well. If you guys want to just do email, ours is
I'm not very good at posting like the rest of you, so I understand not keeping the thread, but I would really miss checking in when I get free time.
We are starting to look forward to the warmer days here in alaska, oops I mean michigan...
We got a frog named Climber last weekend. My 6 yr old is fascinated with him. We've held off on pets for so long because of our kids (the youngest has constant allergy issues) so we thought this would be an animal that could put up with us...
Tamra & Michelle, good luck with your trip planning. I wish we could join you!


Yeah, its a holiday weekend. I am looking forward to the long weekend.

Dave and I would like to cruise again with everyone next year - but I don't think were going to be able to do the cruise to Hawaii (I would love to) but we still need to take Taylor on a cruise 1st. Were planning on taking Taylor in April or May next year and back to the Caribbean (new islands) in the fall.

We will be in Outer Banks in 2 weeks - I can't wait!!!

Have a great weekend!!


Jill- wish you could join us too- maybe in 07?
Cheryl, the caribbean in the fall sounds good- the prices are better to the caribbean than hawaii- and you don't have to fly so far to get to port destination- Outter Banks will be fun! Taylor is a lucky girl!!!
Hope all have a great weekend-
off to baseball game #1


Hello everyone.....

We just got back from our Disney trip. We had a great time!! The weather was great, there were no crowds whatsoever..the kids were great. We really enjoyed it!!

Now we are planning our missions trip to Georgia in July. We are going to be in Blairsville.

We are considering a cruise for 2006. We want to take our oldest (15) and my mom. It would probably have to be either May or Sept for us. Can't go much past Sept. with the holidays and working in retail now.

Congrats Rich!! May 2006 will be here before you know it!!!

Everyone have a great holiday!!!
