AOS 9/12/04 Anyone out there?



Will talk to Brad about the 3rd weekend in oct.- have fun on brownie trip - Vegas will be great!!!!!
michelle- your 2 trips sound really wonderful- hope we can all get together sometime in the future be it on a cruise or on land-
as far as next year- 2006- looked at hawaii cruises- 2 ships do depart honolulu for a 7 day return to honolulu- others are longer and leave from several different ports including ensenada, cal. It will depend on what we are all looking for in that next cruise- May be able to talk brad into a 10 day but would have to see- panama canal might be nice to try too?
Chat soon


Happy Spring Island Hoppers!!!

Sounds like everyone is making some fun plans!! We have been busy planning our summer vacations!!

We are going to Disney in June and Georgia in July. Our missions trip this year is in Georgia. Maybe we can squeeze in seeing Michelle and Stan and Melissa and Eric while there. That would be awesome.

We want to cruise in 2006. We want to bring the kids this time. Although, we will have to do one during Spring break or Summer break. Our oldest will be starting High school and she is involved in so many activities it will be impossible to take her out of school for a week and our younges will be in Kindergarted by then. Wow...all of my kids in school!! Yippee....

Michelle...Four years!! I am so happy for you!! Are you going to have a five year celebration?

Today it was 75 degrees here...We had a picnic at the park and went on a long hike!! It was great!! Especially since it was my day off!! I don't want to work tomorrow it is supposed to be even nicer!! I hope that it stays this way since I am off this weekend. Time to think about Spring cleaning!! YUCK!!

Kerri...I loved the family picture!! Your girls are adorable!!

Everyone have a great week!!

Jodi and Alfio.....


hey Jodie- your vacations sound nice too! glad you are having nice weather- spring is a wonderful time of year. Understand about not taking kids out of school- we are debating that issue too but will stil cruise fall 06- our kids have done 3 cruises ( which is 3 more than either brad or i had done by that age) may or may not take them out of school will depend on how bad they want to go , i guess- our kids are actually thinking they may not want to miss school for a week? wow , wonders never cease!
Cheryl- Brad checked the ole miss schedule- the only weekends he would consider are oct 1st, oct 08, or oct 29th --- oct 15 we play alabama at home and oct 22 we play kentucky at home so they are out as far as he goes- that is unless we get totally beat like a drum the games leading up to those, then he may would opt for vegas but waiting to see could be a problem if you need to plan in advance ? let us know what you think so i can work on changing his mind if that is the only time you all can go.
congrats michelle on 4 yrs- a 5th year blowout sounds like an idea?


Good Saturday morning to all the Island Hoppers!!! Hope everyone is doing well. Thanks for everyone's comments on my 4 year's in remission......only one more to go and I am in the clear. YES Tamra, a 5 year celebration would be fabulous. Let's start planning!!! Well, I booked a cruise last night for 4/23/05 on the Carnival Glory for my mother and I. Stan cannot take off to go so it will be us girls. Got it for UNDER $500 each!! I thought that was a steal so we grabbed a cabin. Can anyone else go? Come on!! I am jet setting this afternoon for Puerto Vallarta for spring break week. The only thing is is that I have to fly by myself (an you guys know how I am about flying!!!) so I packed tons of bloody mary stuff in my carry on bag!!! Hopefully I will make it there and back safely. I'll check in with you Island Hoppers when I return next weekend.................later!!!!!!


Michelle you are living right going on all these fantastic trips!!!! Puerto Vallarta sounds really great and the april cruise too. Would love to go but too much going on here- I have a pat parelli horse clinic april 16 weekend and many shrubs and flats of flowers to get planted - plus 3 tomato plants and 3 rasberry vines? is what the box says- cross my fingers i'll get what i have planted over the next week- then back for more- have not even started backyard beds --
more later- off to Taylor's baseball game


Hi Everyone!! Taylor and I had a great weekend camping - the weather was good.

Michelle - I wish I could go with you - we have to much going on this year. I really want to cruise.....

Tamra - I will keep you posted when we get the exact dates for Vegas. Were waiting to see if any of Dave's family is going before we book. I think it will end up just Dave and I - so, we should be able to pick a weekend that you guys can go.

Dee - Tell Mike that Dave is cheering for Illinois tonight - even though Mike wouldn't for Michigan...... Go Big 10!!!

Talk to everyone soon.


Hope we are able to get to vegas on same time frame as you guys, Cheryl! Anyone else up for Vegas in October?
Have a great night!


Hey ya'll. Just checkin' in with all the Island Hoppers! Was looking at our pic's today from last September. Hope everyone is doing well. Puerto Vallarta was wonderful but the beaches are nothing compared to the Eastern Caribbean. Had a horrible experience at the airport when arriving last Saturday night 4/2. My girlfriends connecting plane had NO flight cew (can you imagine) which caused her to have to spend the night in Houston. Well, I don't know a thing about what's happend and I wait at the airport til almost midnight for her to pick me up. I'm in a foreign country, it's midnight, I don't speak ANY spanish except for uno, dos, tres (SP?). Thank goodness I had the name of the resort we were staying!!!! I finally took a cab there. They speak NO english when I arrive. They were having problems with there phone so I could not call home! From what I thought I understood, they were telling me "my family will arrive at 2am". I couldn't understand where my friend was and was praying that she was ok. I get into the condo, starving, thirsty and afraid to drink the water. I'm sick from too many bloody mary's on the plane with a mix of margaritta's during my layover in Dallas. I'm feeling like Melissa did that day on the AOS playing BINGO!!! By now it's 4am, 5am 6am then 7am comes. So dehydrated by now I'm pitiful. My friend still no show!!! 8am....I march down to the office demanding to use the phone to call home. FINALLY I hear Stans voice on the other end who then proceeds to tell me about my girlfriends flight problems and that she'll be there around 11am!! Wow, talking about relief. I guess you had to be there. It was a horrible first 12 hours. After that..........everything was wonderful. Gained 5 lbs from drinking too many pina colada's!!! Made it home safe and was glad to be in a english speaking place. There's no place like home.


Michelle- what a nightmare!!!!! So sorry you had to start your vacation off like that! I'd be in the same boat as far as the speaking spanish goes- uno , dos, tres, and No habla el espanol ( no, i don't speak spanish) , cervesa =beer aqua= water pekita? = little That is the extent of my vocabulary in spanish
Did you like puerto vallarta otherwise? Glad you made it home safe - will know to take water if we ever travel there.


Good morning! Yep, I liked Puerto Vallarta but again it wasn't like St. Thomas, St. Lucia, Antigua, etc..... Eastern Caribbean is my kinda' place I guess. I would go back there again if staying at my friends timeshare. Most beautiful sunsets I have every seen. Hope everyone is having a good week. The Vegas trip sounds like a great plan, wished we could go. Hopefully next year we will all cruise together. Hawaii!!!! Check back in later..........Michelle


Good Morning everyone....

I miss talking to each of you. Some of us have been chatting for over a year now. We need to start planning a reunion so we can get some serious chatting going again here. a way to start a trip. It does sound like things turned around for you.

Did anyone else get snow in April? We got six inches on Sunday...then it was in the mid 60's on Monday. The kids even got a snow day!! How crazy is that!!

Just checking in and seeing what is going on...

22 days until we leave for Disney!! Yippee..I am looking forward to having lunch with the Princesses!!



Jodi- I know your family will have a great time at disney. My best friend and her family will be driving down there in june. She wanted to cruise this year but hubby and son voted disney! My kids are opposite- they vote cruise every time.
Snow in april is hard to believe- we had some chilly weather here but no where near snow- did not get any this year- had a one minute hail storm last week though- came in with some stormy weather but thankfully did not last long.
A reunion would be great- we just need a good location that the majority would be up for -
We get out of school may 25 ! kids are getting so excited about that- Taylor has about 4 more baseball games regular season to go and then starts tournement league which lasts through june.
Our condo may not be ready until november- major bummer- may put on market before its complete.
How did Rich's test go? Rich , are you out there? Know you will have good news for us soon on that
chat later
hope all are well
miss everyone


Well, what can I say. The good news is I passed the test and am on the promotion list. The bad news is I didn't do as well as I had planned. I go to an assessment center next week. It will test all candidates that passed the written exam. It will be practical skills ranging from tactical situations to community meetings with citizens to subordinate problems. There will be four exercises, three oral and one written. After they evaluate all candidates, they have a formula that takes into account the written exam and the assessment center and then a final promotion list comes out which ranks us in order of promotion. I'll let ya'll know where I am on the list when the final comes out...sometime around second week of May.



Glad to hear you passed! You will do so well on the next phase that it will make up to you not doing as well as planned on last one. Good luck on next phase of your testing. Let us know how it works out.


Hey Island Hoppers,
Sorry it's been forever since I've posted. Just not much free time lately.
Rich congrats on the test. You'll do great on the rest of it.
I am wishing we were able to join you guys on all the great cruises you're planning. Tamra, did you ever get any prices back for the Freedom ship?
We'll be visiting the big mouse either fall 06 or jan. 07 with the little squirts.
Right now I'd just be happy getting over to the lakeshore with 80 degree weather(still 50-60 here).
Hey Michelle, hope you enjoyed your carnival trip this past week and congrats on 4 yrs. That's wonderful.
Well, better run. Have a great night you guys. -Jill


Jill, I did get some prices on Freedom of the Seas- they were higher than a cruise to same destinations, same weeks, on the Voyager class ships- like maybe 200 more per person? for 1st and 2nd pax - freedom is maybe around 10,000 tons larger than voyager class- when the newness wears off, prices may come down- freedoms sister ship will come out in next yr or two which should help some with prices? we did destiny class on carnival - around 100,000 tons - then did conquest (forget what they call the class of ship) at 110,000 tons- not a huge difference between the two- there was a difference but it was not HUGE so I can wait on freedom's prices to fall some- since RCI has new pricing policy's , it may be harder to get deals there- will have to watch that to see what is what. Have not priced anything lately as we are not able to do anything - We'll keep fingers crossed that we can all cruise again together one of these days!!!!!!
Your trip to Disney will be great! That is something nice to look forward to!


Hi Island Hoppers!! We have had crazy weather in Michigan - within 1 week it was 80 degrees and at the end of the week it was cold and snowing. I want the 80 degrees to stay!! Were leaving for our trip to Outer Banxs in 6 weeks - I can't wait to spend my days at the ocean.

Rich, Congratulates on the first part of your test - good luck on the rest.

Tamra, I am still waiting on dates for Vegas - I will keep you posted.

I will check in soon.



Thanks everyone, The assessment is scheduled for tomorrow, but the actual results won't be out until next week. I'm just waiting for tomorrow to be finally over.


Cheryl , you guys will have a blast in outer banks- the ocean wil be a nice refreshing scene after a long and snowy winter!
Rich , keep us posted with the results of your assessment. Know it will be good news.
Hope all the island hoppers are doing well wherever you may be-


TGIF Hoppers!!! I hope everyone has a great Friday the 13th!! Well, I think it's time I say good bye to our thread here as it has been almost 10 days without a post. I will keep contact with you guys via email and hope that we will ALL sail together soon!! We had a wonderful group and I think of ya'll often. With all the pic's throughout my house I see you guys everyday! Will never forget ya'll!!!!!! :) :) :)
