AOS 9/12/04 Anyone out there?



Hey everyone,

I told Ally ya'll said 'hey'. She really wants to book another cruise and likes the idea of the Freedom but we have to be realists and deal with college first. I can see us in another 4 years with no kids, no college tuition...we'll be cruising twice a year.

Hey Jill, The test is April only 2 months to go. I know that sounds like a lot of time, but I have three textbooks to study, plus the Texas Penal Code, Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Texas Family Code and the department General Orders. All to get 100 questions...that's a lot of material. After the written test there is an assessment center (oral exam). They ask you questions and put you through some practical situations and score you based on what you do and say. Everyone that passes the written goes on to the assessment center and then you get ranked based on written test score and assessment center score.

Thanks for the good luck wishes from everyone. I'll do my best.

I haven't heard from Eric or Melissa..I hope they're doing good.

See ya, Rich


Jill- you may have to call to get info on the Freedom of the Seas. They were letting crown and anchor members book in Feb. then the rest of the public can start booking in March from what i read somewhere.
Rich- sounds like mega material to study- you can do it!!!!! What a great accomplishment after said and done! Cruising twice a year sounds like a dream come true to me................................................someday .
At present once a year would be nice as well! Until then, will keep enjoying the pics we have. Can't wait til the warmth of summer arrives. This damp cold we are having lately will NOT be missed!!!!!
Hope we hear from Melissa and Eric soon- hope all is well with them.


Have a Good Day Island Hoppers!!!
Supposed to rain here on and off all week- bummer
we ordered a gazelle Freestyle Evolution last week- can't wait for it to get here so we can get on an exercise program- night tennis starts this week and day league starts in 2 weeks- should help with the program


Hello everyone!!!!!!

So much going on here for us. Sorry I have been so distant but you are ALL always in our thoughts.
My daughter has finally moved in with Eric and I and changed schools to do so. I am so blessed that she has made this big girl move. Eric and I are so thrilled but it has been stressful getting it all worked out. My battle still will continue as I take her Dad to court for support as right now I am still paying him even though she lives with us. I am dealing with a very greedy EX. Yuk.
So in short when things get back to normal I will be more chatty.
Everything else is going well. Eric is still in search of a new job and continues to paint until something betters comes along. Its only a matter of time and great things will happen ; ) Still no plans as of yet to cruise in the near future. I am afraid my laywer fees will put a dent in any cruise fund at the moment. Its all 100% worth it though.
Miss you all bunches!!!!!!
Melissa & Eric


Melissa, it's good to hear from you and hear the great news about your daughter. Hope the legal details get worked out quickly for you all.
Rich, it sounds like my head would nearly explode from all of that studying but I'm sure you'll do great.
Tamra, we think in '08 we'll cruise again (since we're doing the big family trip to disney in '06). It would be excellent if the Island Hoppers could all go on that trip!


Melissa- so great to hear from you guys. Glad your daughter is with you and Eric!!! That is wonderful.
Jill- a cruise in 08 sounds so far away but should give everyone a chance to get saved up and ready to go. Hope we can all get some kind of reunion trip up before 08 though- will have to put our heads together to work that out.
More later
Hope you are all having a nice weekend- Happy Valentines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hello Island Hoppers....

Melissa...I am so happy for you. Alfio and I can certainly relate to what you are dealing with. Stay strong.

Did I tell you all about the idenity theft situation we are currently involved in with Alfio's ex. It is pretty yucky. She has used his name and social security number to get a lot of credit cards and utilities turned on. She hasn't paid any of it. It goes back about two years. It is going to take a while to untangle this mess, she might be looking at some jail time. We don't know. If that happens we will probably get custody of the kids...which I am not sure is a good or bad thing. Another whole can of worms to deal with. We are doing a lot of praying and just want do the right thing, but we have to get our good credit back.

On the work front..My Target stores grand opening is in 10 days. I am so excited. I can't wait. We have been working really hard getting everyone hired and trained. I think we are going to a high volume store. I really enjoy working for Target. They have some awesome programs for team members. We have a Starbucks coffee cafe in our store. I have been trainig for the last week to become a "Certified Coffee Barista" for Starbucks. I now know more about coffee and its orgin than cared too!! Although, I have really, really enjoyed all of the taste testing!!

Despite the idenity theft situation we are still taking the kids to Disney this fall. I will not let that get ruined. We also finally got the dates for our missions trip this summer. I guess that will be our vacations for '05.

Everyone have a great weekend....

Alfio and Jodi....


Jodi I think your words to Melissa are just as appropriate for you and Alfio. Stay Strong. You are a smart lady! You guys are in our thoughts and prayers. I'm so jealous of the Starbucks! The closest one to us is about 30 miles...They are a little bit of heaven here on earth.


Good to hear from you Jodi and Alfio. Keep the faith and stay strong. You will come through this .
Our thoughts are with you all!!!


This is #990...only ten more to go. Who gets the honor? I'll leave it up to ya'll....

Jodie - Sorry to hear about the identity theft. That is one of the hardest crimes to prosecute and the victim ends up paying a lot and know all that by now.

Melissa - Good news on your daughter. Tell Eric to hang in there, something will come along...tell him we are always hiring.

We had a couple days of sunshine but back to the rain. Some of the trees are budding out...great news...Ally and I ran a 5K this morning (in the drizzle) and have another scheduled for next Saturday. Our time was 36min, a min over our projected time of 35. Oh well, we still have the winter fat to burn off. My best time is 26 Min for a 5K, and that's with 44 year old creaky knees.

Jill - I don't think Ally could live without a Starbucks near by. I don't drink cofee so I don't know what the big deal is. She has me try the stuff she gets, I think its called a Grande Latte Cafe Mocha Vente Chocolate Mousse Whip with a Twist. (I still don't care for it) I think it's easier and faster to say "Shot of Tequila".

I was looking at our cruise pics the other day. Miss ya'll

OK, I know, back to the studying


Ditto on the island hopper pics- they sit right here on a shelf next to the computer so i can look at them all the time- MISS YOU ALL TOO sniff sniff- wish we were still playing in the surf at st. martin- were those not the best waves?!!!! or riding the big banana in the ocean at______? forget where we did that
St lucia? or antigua? or? was so much fun!!!! we will do it again one of these days................................
raining here too, rich. better than snow, imo.
chat later


Well, hey everyone!!!!!!!! Hope all you Island Hoppers are doing great. Sound like everyone is staying busy. Melissa, so good to hera from you! Hope all works out and tell Eric hello from Stan and I. We have got to get together again really soon. Rich and Ally, good deal on the 5K run! Wow, ya'll are amazing. I do still do my walking daily. Makes me feel better. Jodi, also good to hear things are going fine for you at your job. My pic's are also all over the house! I see ya'll pretty much every day. Miss you guys........... :( Well, we are so close to the big milemarker of 1000. Will we ever make it? Chat with you wonder people later................Michelle.


Hey guys! Just trying to help get us to 1000- by the time we do our next island hopper trip we may be at 2000 at this rate.
hope you all have a great day!


Just checking in..........
Jodi, My thoughts and prayers are with you. Stay strong!!!!!
So good to read everyones posts. We miss you all!!! My parents are flying in next week for 2 weeks. We haven't seen them since last year so we are looking forward to spending time with them. I think they are getting sick or the cold snowy weather and are retreating south. We plan on taking 2 days with them and Eric's parents & Jenny and going to Gatlinburg for the weekend. My parents have never been there and we are all chipping in on the expense. It will be a much needed get away.
Jenny has completed her 2nd week of school and has made some new friends and seems to like the school & teachers. Eric went to his first parent teacher night. It was kinda special. He is the best step dad ever!!!
I need to get off my butt and send some pics out to you all. Now that we have a new Dell I can burn them TON's faster. My father in law still hasn't made me a master one to music so I am on my own. I am sure you'll still like them anyway without tunes to them. Just pop in a Jimmy Buffet Cd and you'll be right back there on an island. : )


Hi everyone. I remember the waves in St. Martin - they knocked me over that one time and I was all done for the day. I miss everyone!! We have been so busy the last couple weeks with work, Taylors activities and everything else. Dave and I went to Toledo, Ohio this weekend for a bowling tournament. Its 40 frames of bowling - each frame is something different. We had 40 of us in our group - it was a lot of fun. I need to get back into my Tae Bo tape in the morning - to much beer and food this weekend!!

I will check in later. 5 more to go to 1000 post!!

Have a great night!!



Hey Michelle - I did 8 miles today (total) I walked three with the dogs, ran one with Ally then walked 2 with Ally, then walked 2 after dinner. We are starting a lunch walking group at work - tomorrow is day one. I'm still trying to lose the cruise/birthday/anniversary/Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Years/super bowl weight.


Hello Island Hoppers...

It was great to see some activity on the thread. We all must be missing each other. We got the pictures out the other night and our video. We got laughing so hard at Alfio dancing and the video we took at the phone on our at sea day.

Everyone thanks for the words of encouragement. We really appreciate it.

I got my Starbucks Barista Certification today.....Woo Hoo! I graduated from Starbucks and Target University both in the last month!!
I have become addicted to Vanilla Hazelnut Latte's and Coffee Double Shot Expresso Frappucino's!!

I am looking forward to having this weekend off. We got about 6 inches of snow yesterday. We are going to have a girls day out in the morning for manicures and pedicures..just Megan and I..and then we are going sledding in the afternoon!!

I can't wait for warm weather!! We are trying to decide where to stay for our Disney trip....either the French Quarters Resort or Caribbean Resort or Coranado Resort. Has anyone stayed at any of these or have any other suggestions?

Have a great weekend.....


Jodi - We stayed at the Caribbean Resort 4 years ago after our disney cruise. We were very happy with the resort. The whole vacation was great - I wish we were going with you.

Have a great weekend Island Hoppers!!



Good morning Island Hoppers!!!!! OK, we've made it finally to the 1000 post!! Yipee!!!! Glad to see it! It only took us almost 6 months AFTER the cruise to get there. Jodi, all of your choices for Disney sound wonderful. I am sure all of these resorts are great! Everyone have a super weekend!