Big Cats Prowl the Mariner...the Sequel 9/14/08



Things were looking good here.....we thought we could start thinking of planting soon here. But....this morning it's 40 and rainy and I don't think it's getting any warmer today. I am finishing taxes (we owe - no need to do them any earlier!) and we are running out to Best Buy so that Greg can drool over the TV's and I can get a new DVR/VCR and a bluetooth. That's our Sunday. We're an exciting couple!



Bought more plants today. Took Tom's mom to the plant show so she could buy some and I bought more.



Noy much going on here the 90's and hanging out by the pool and drinking fish beer.


Hey, what about Maho Beach in St. Marten.....



Well, George, my first thought was that I don't like beaches that are so close to the street, then I realized that cars and jeeps aren't the only problem with this beach!

And my plans for St Marten include shopping and beautiful as the beaches are there, the shopping is more beautiful! :) I need a good 3 or 4 hours to shop there.

I know we were talking about St John when we are in St Thomas, but I wonder if there is an all-inclusive beach or resort at that port that might interest us?




Are you sure you and Anne weren't seperated at birth :D Shopping is her priority and a beach stop is not. She over heats to fast, so an all day beach thing is not to her liking. Still though, it would be neat to stop off and see a big plain come in. Looking at the boards, everyone seems to rave about Bernards for tours, reasonable and you see all the sites and best shopping areas. Remember the tour we did several years ago in St. Marten, after the sites he took us to a great shooping area with little bar huts on every corner, with very reasonable drinks. The women got their fill of shopping and the guys got drunk :D



Sheree, Being that Anne is expecting me to clean the office up today, I figured I would meet her 1/2 way...I'm in the office exploring St. Thomas :D The only resort that allows use of the premises seems to be Bongo Bay... but it's not all-inclusive and quite spendy. Being that St. Thomas is the longest day, maybe booking a group tour here would be a good idea. Any good tour operator is bound to know the best eating / drinking / entertaining spots to go to. Looking at St. John, between taxis and ferry rides, we are looking at 1 1/2 hour trip each way. Not sure if everyone wants to take up 3 hours of day commuting back and forth. The first time we went to St. Thomas, we went to Saphire Beach...but that was all day; nice place, but too long at a beach. We are figuring Cococay to be the all-day lounge island, but not sure if we will consider long beach stays on the other islands. The only bar/club/restaurant w/pool setting that I could find was the Paradise Gate,,,but even that looks more like a Furr's cafeteria than a club/restaurant setting.


Ok....this sounds like a good assignment....find a day long tour in St Thomas. I'll do a little research on that one too. I wonder if there is an all you can drink party boat????

And regarding your previous post - maybe Anne and I were separated at birth and our triplet is Regina! But I'd like to do what we talked about on a previous page of this thread. Remember? You get the picture. No fair that the guys get all the drinks!



Jim....interesting... I'd like to go shopping on the French side, that would be new to me. I'd really like something like this in St Thomas though - a tour of the islands plus drinking, beach time, a little shopping too.


Thinking about it now, Sheree, you weren't with us when we used Godfrey tours...they were great and they did all of above for $25.00 a head...Jim was there I think?


St Martin rent a bus. If all of us want to do it we can make it "The big Cat Tour". Shopping on the french side, shopping on the Dutch side, coctails along the beach. Planes,Trains and Automobiles. It isn't a large island. Head count...12 +. The world is ours!!!!

St Thomas....if you haven't been to St John's YOU HAVE TO GO...beautiful beaches. We have taken a cab to the water taxis (the ones that are very close to St John I forgot the name) get a little bit of a island tour and then the water taxis aren't that long. At that point we get adventurous and negotiate a tour.

Coco Cay enjoy the Day.

Just my $.02.


wow Tom wrote more than 2 words. Must be the beer. :)o


Shopping on the french side is not any different than on the Dutch side except it's in Euros.(if I rememebr correctly) We do not get a good rate so avoid french shopping.
Oh yes, and "BUY" the way I can drink while I shop. I just can not walk and chew gum at the same time.


Regina, I was wondering about that....I love the shopping on the Dutch side. I've never shopped on the French side. If there aren't any deals, I can keep to the Dutch side. Do you remember anything good, shopping-wise, on the French side?

Tommy, does that mean you'd volunteer to be our tour negotiator?? Also, I think it was George who mentioned the long commute time to get to St John. Is it an interesting trip to get there?



Good morning all,

Actually it was St. Marten we used Godrey tours. I remember going over to the French side and how arrogant the vendors were towards us. May God help you if you try to pick something up and look at it. It got so bad we went back to the Dutch side and did all of our shopping there...which was great! And I prefer to sit and drink as the ladies are shopping :D Plenty of straw hut bar setups all along the shopping venues.

Tommy, we elect you (or Jim) to be the official Big Cat barters for the St. John get away...assuming thats what everyone wants to do.


Wow, here I was expecting to come home and see all kinds of post on St. Thomas and St. Marten...just to find NONE...ZILCH...NADA! Way to make my day ;D

Jim for some reason I thought you were with us on the St. Maten tour...I stand corrected! Here is a photo of all present during this tour...
