Hi guys - went out for a little retail therapy this morning. Quiet George. Found a beautiful Bullova watch, so I had to indulge. It was 50% off + 20%off at Macy's, so I couldn't resist. Regina, no flamingo sheets at my Macy's though, so I am going to take a look online and probably order them from there.
I walked the whole mall, two stories, after.......breaking my toe last night. Yep, we're pretty sure it's broken. I took a tumble down the steps. I can't even explain what happened, but basically I was just walking down the steps, my knee buckled somehow and down I went. My foot slipped to the side and jammed against the wall along the steps. Of course I was home alone, but I popped right up and I was more concerned about my knee, but it was fine after walking it off. My toe, on the other hand, is multiple shades of blue. Greg looked at it when he got home this AM, and we taped it to the other toe, and off I went to the mall. I've broken a toe once before, and basically all they do is x-ray it , tell you that you broke it, and then they tape it to the other toe, before charging you an ER co-pay. So, I am self-diagnosing and saving some money! It doesn't hurt when I walk or anything, but it does hurt if I play around with it at all. So of course, I am not playing around with it anymore.
What is everyone else up to this weekend? I talked to my parents earlier today in Louisville and they are staying in and watching the Derby. My mom said that there are tons of tourists in town and she's been running out early to the grocery store and stuff each day this week because there are just so many people around. There have been races on for a couple of days, and she and my dad are basically betting on the races (on paper) and watching them all day yesterday and today. Hey, at least they're not betting real money! Though I wouldn't be surprised if my dad had a little side bet going on at the VFW.....
How long til we cruise???