Big Cats Prowl the Mariner...the Sequel 9/14/08




Is this close by...

Marriott Orlando Airport
Orlando Airport (MCO)
7499 Augusta Natl Drive
Orlando, Florida 32822


Sheree, where in Vegas are you staying at??? How long are you gonna be there???


Good morning all,

Only three more weeks until we pull out of the drive way to go on our cruise X( X( X(

Dan, hows the baby, are you getting any sleep? I can honestly say I don't miss those days. You and Courtney live right there in CA, and yet you don't cruise anymore...why not? I have to think last minute state rates are available there, just like Florida?


Yes, George, we are in California! Northern Calif doesn't have that many cruises going out of San Fransisco as Los Angeles and San Diego! Courtney doesn't like cruising that much! I do though!!! Courtney likes to be at a port or destination for longer that the cruise ships stay at a port!

Zoey is getting bigger(taller), heavier(eating more) and CUTER everyday!!!! On nights that I don't have to work the following day, I wake up a few times to feed Zoey! On nights that I do work Courtney does it all!!! She is off work until September!!!

I am SOOOOOO TIRED!!!! I worked over 10 & 1/2 hours today!!!!!


Hi guys - went out for a little retail therapy this morning. Quiet George. Found a beautiful Bullova watch, so I had to indulge. It was 50% off + 20%off at Macy's, so I couldn't resist. Regina, no flamingo sheets at my Macy's though, so I am going to take a look online and probably order them from there.

I walked the whole mall, two stories, after.......breaking my toe last night. Yep, we're pretty sure it's broken. I took a tumble down the steps. I can't even explain what happened, but basically I was just walking down the steps, my knee buckled somehow and down I went. My foot slipped to the side and jammed against the wall along the steps. Of course I was home alone, but I popped right up and I was more concerned about my knee, but it was fine after walking it off. My toe, on the other hand, is multiple shades of blue. Greg looked at it when he got home this AM, and we taped it to the other toe, and off I went to the mall. I've broken a toe once before, and basically all they do is x-ray it , tell you that you broke it, and then they tape it to the other toe, before charging you an ER co-pay. So, I am self-diagnosing and saving some money! It doesn't hurt when I walk or anything, but it does hurt if I play around with it at all. So of course, I am not playing around with it anymore.

What is everyone else up to this weekend? I talked to my parents earlier today in Louisville and they are staying in and watching the Derby. My mom said that there are tons of tourists in town and she's been running out early to the grocery store and stuff each day this week because there are just so many people around. There have been races on for a couple of days, and she and my dad are basically betting on the races (on paper) and watching them all day yesterday and today. Hey, at least they're not betting real money! Though I wouldn't be surprised if my dad had a little side bet going on at the VFW.....

How long til we cruise???


Sheree, sorry about your toe!!!! Did you see my last post about you and Vegas???

I am off SUNDAY!!!! I worked 10 & 1/2 hours on Friday and over 9 hours today(Saturday)!!!


Sorry Dan - we're staying at the Venetian. I thought I mentioned that earlier, but maybe I didn't. We're really looking forward to staying here. We've always wanted to stay there and were so lucky to get a few nights comped there. It's such a gorgeous casino - it's become one of our favorites and I am hoping that the rooms are as gorgeous as they appear on the website. We are just looking forward to spending a few days alone since work has been so stressful and it'll be nice to have time to just the two of us. (And a few million other tourists....but we'll be blocking them out!)

Greg just took off for the hospital. His aunt, who is the sweetest woman in the world and also his godmother, went to the hospital early Saturday morning after chest pains. His cousin called this morning and asked him to meet her at the hospital to help them understand what exactly was going on. She'll be having angioplasty tomorrow morning. Unfortunately Greg will be at work tomorrow. Since Greg's a paramedic, they always want him there to "translate" for the rest of the family. This woman is the strongest, most alert 91 year old you could run into. But still, keep her in your prayers for us, if you would.

Not much else going on here this's gorgeous outside, but only 60. If it was just a couple degrees warmer I'd be out on the aft deck reading a book. I need to get a little sunshine before our little vacation or I'll fry in the Las Vegas sun!



Hello Cats,

Hope everyone is having a great weekend! My MIL is flying in tonight for a week long visit. Been having fun cleaning. As of right now, my other 2 sisters from the west coast will be staying in Mom's room. Serena and her husband decided not to go this year. Remember, this is subject to change again. We have requested early seating for dinner.

Our Grandaughter will be performing at the King's Center on May 10th. She will be in 2 dances this time. I can't wait to see this performance because all the ballerinas have practiced countless hours. I saw a sneak preview and it should be great!

I am glad to hear Zoey is doing well. Keep up the good work!

Sorry to hear about your accident. Can't keep a lady down from shopping. Is it Greg's aunt or Godmother who is ill? I will add her to my prayer list.

I am sooo jealous about your upcoming cruise. I wish we had one planned. I hope you have a wonderful, safe trip. We are looking forward to Vegas in July if all goes well with Mom's health.

Have you finished repairing the buses yet?

How's business? Hope you are in great health and all is well.

Tommy and Regina,
What have you been doing lately?


baby love Jim

Hi All,


I am almost finished with my Bus just minor details ( some interior panels) But I have been driving it. We have 3 more I am working on.1 is running and is driveable the other 2 will need to be combined to make 1 good bus and we will have a parts bus :)

I have been way busy st work...we have a new administrator... he is the person the TV show the "Commish" was made after. :( He told all employees there is only 2 ways to do anything " his way and his way" this is going to be intresting. I have to meet hin tomorrow morning at 9:00am. I know already he has no clue on how county government works and I am keeping an open mind. He might be just what this county needs so we will see.

I hope all is well with everyone


The Venetian has the Canyon Ranch Spa!!!! Get a massage there!!!! How long are you gonna be there??? My fingers are crossed that Greg's aunt is doing good!!!!

Barb, Zoey is doing good!!! TOO good! Staying or waking up every 2 hours at night wanting food!!!! She is SPOILED, but getting cuter everyday!!!!

Have a good week all!!!!


Jim....good luck with the meeting with the new administrator. My new director starts a week from today. :cool:

Dan...yep, that's the place with the Canyon Ranch Spa. We are there 5 nights. I've been looking at the different services, but the spa prices are out of this world. We can get discounts because of a relationship between my employer and the Canyon Ranch Spa, and I still think the prices are insane. Maybe if we hit something big in the casinos we'll do a few treatments, but right now there's not money in the budget for the prices that we are seeing. I have a wonderful place close to home where I can get a manicure, pedicure, and hour massage for 1/3 the price of a massage there, so it's hard to thing of paying their prices!

Barb...glad you posted with an update. It's Greg's aunt who is also his godmother. She's having the angioplasty this morning, so we're hoping to get good news by late morning. I hope your mother is doing better so that she enjoys her vacations this year! I'll scout out any new stores in Las Vegas and give you a report. I am looking forward to going to an outlet mall just off the strip but on the bus line, and I'll let you know how that is. I know there is a Coach outlet and a Burberry outlet, so I am looking forward to them. I told Greg that I just need about 90 minutes at the mall and I'll be happy.

George, Regina, Tommy....where are you guys hiding???



Good afternoon all,

Had to go into work today on day off...staff reviews I had to get done.

Barb, when we first started cruising, I would never envisioned being able to go on two 7-day cruises in one year...can't wait!!

Sounds like everything is coming along pretty good. I'm sure your mom is really looking forward to this cruise.

Sheree, you're not fooling assured you were equating a trip to ER, with the cost of a Coach purse :D Hope all is better today.


George - you've got me figured out. No need to spend valuable shopping money on medical expertise!


Dan - the Canyon Ranch people are working on a Wellness Program with our hospital system and there was even talk of one of our facilities turning into a Canyon Ranch Spa, but I don't know if that is still going forward.

Off to work, Cats.....ooooh, I so need a vacation!


Hey everyone. Not to much to say. Busy busy busy at work. Work for 8 to 9 some times 10 hours then bring it home and work some more. UGH!

Hope you are all doing fine.



I CAN'T WAIT until Thursday!!!!! I am OFF Friday-Tuesday!!!! 5 DAYS OFF!!! I get paid for Friday though!!!! I LIKE IT!!!! This will be Courtney's 1st Mother's Day that she is actually a MOTHER!!!


Good morning all,

Unfortunately I'm working 7 days straight and to top that off, I got called in for 4 hours last night on an I need a cruise!!!

Jim, how's it going with the new boss? I'm seeing an ear surgeon on Monday...hopefully I get some good news for diving.

Sheree...T - 3 days...hope all goes well. At least you have Vegas and the cruise to day dream about ;D