Big Cats Prowl the Mariner...the Sequel 9/14/08



Yes, George, I am sure it's all her fault. See, these days that you have off not only cost the taxpayers money, but you personally as well!

I am in need of a break from my work. I swear, people are getting on my last nerve. This is how my day started....I walked into the auditorium to start my class on performance management, and one of the training department employees who sets it up says to me "oh, my gosh, what's wrong?" I told her nothing. She then says "are you sure?" with this concerned look on her face. I assured her I was fine, walked to the front of the room, and thought "do I look like crap today or something???" Why would someone who is a professional trainer ask this question before someone is about to speak in front of a large group? Then I remembered that last week when I was doing New Manager Orientation she did the same thing. I am starting to get a complex. Way to zap someone's self confidence before presenting something in a large auditorium. Then I got back to my office and this annoying former employee was in my voicemail implying that I'm not returning her phone calls and she's been calling me for two weeks. Well, actually, she's been calling me since Tuesday, and I've noted 6 times that I've returned her call (8 as of the end of the day today) where she hasn't been available for my call. And then we had the former employee who flat out refused to leave our office because we wouldn't do a letter for her to take to Social Services and couldn't understand that we couldn't verify her termination of employment if her manager hasn't forwarded termination paperwork to us. Sure lady, I'll swear to the government that you don't work here without any back-up.....and face a fine or impisonment. Not a problem. DUH! Yes, I need a break because I am feeling burnt out!

I have 7 more work days until I head to my parents on Thanksgiving. I think I can make it. I think I can, I think I can....

And about those Browns, we were so disappointed! Things were looking so good, and then they blew it. I can't wait to watch the local Browns show in a couple of minutes to hear why we burnt a time out before throwing the challenge flag with little time on the clock. We could've managed the clock and won.

Ok Cats, I've thoroughly vented!

:loveya Sheree

baby love Jim

Hi All,
Now I don`t feel so bad about taking heat at my job. I just thought it was me.I have to deal with the County admin. and the public and it is getting to me!!
I do need a break too... maybe we should all join George on his up comming cruise..that would help I am sure. I have been looking for a cruise out of florida for like January or Febuary. I just don`t know if I can swing it right now with Christmas and all.


I know what you mean, Jim. I am hoping we can at least take a long weekend sometime after Christmas, but I don't think we can swing a second cruise. Maybe I can talk Greg into going to Las Vegas a little earlier next year.



Hey as you all know I work at Costco! As you all are slowing down for the Holidays, I am getting busier and dealing with crazy/stupid and disrespectful people! I cashier at work and when I am done ringing up the people's items, the person paying puts or sometimes drops the $$ on the counter underneath my waiting hands. I do the same back to the paying person and they complain to the management and say that I am rude and that I need to grow up! I get the feeling that Costco members pay to shop so it is their right to be rude to the employees!!!

Sorry for the venting!!!!



George not being a partent I would just tell Arrielle, if your grades do not get better then you will be STAYING HOME while we are on the cruise next year and there will be no IPOD or cell phone until you do get the grades up. But then again as I said, I am not a parent. I can tell you though as a child that would have been what my mom told me......

Hey everyone. I did get a email from Barb and her mom is home but not doing so well. Keep themin your prayers. MY om told me over the weekend she has COPD. Guess I now know what is in store for us. Maybe that is why she decided to get a place in Winter Garden this past summer.

Hey Randy and MArgret. Nice to hear from you.

Sheree I did the first bit of Christmas shopping last night. Found something for Tom and one of the dogs.

Hey Jim tell everyone hello.

Orlando ladies are you out there anywhere? How was Lake Eola? We were at the Gaylord Palms that weekend with an event that my employer has for its employees so that is why you did not see us. I stayed ther, Fri, Sat and Sun nights.

Hey Dan. Tell Courtney hi.

Okay I think that is it for now. Have a great week.


Why are some of my word underlined in Green? What does that mean?

Oh and you know until you all deal with pain in the rear Beauty advisors then you have not had to deal with anything. They are little prima donnas who think their you know what does not stink. They do as little as possible, get paid better than our lower level managers and are the most forgetfull (or stupid) incompetent, useless employees. You really have not had to deal with BAd employees until you deal with about 20 of these. They have no common sense and think that they are special and should not have to do the task that all other employees have to do, They think it is their GOD given right to have as many little coffe breaks as they can sneak in a day. They make over $14 an hour and a big commission so they make at least 30K a year or more to come in and do just about nothing. To top it off most of them are not even attractive. They are just the only ugly ole bats that will work in the airport enviroment.

Now do I sound stressed? nah.

Have agreat day.


I feel so comforted by you all!

Dan - what do you mean slowing down for the holidays? Doesn't happen in my field!

Regina - sorry to hear about your mom's condition. This hasn't been a good year for Big Cat families. I hope we hear from Barb soon and that she realizes that we are all concerned for her.

But the best thing in recent posts was Regina's "ugly ole bats" comment. That cheered me up!



Hey cats

Let's try this again

That should be the link to webshots for my pictures from the Valor....

Mindy.. go ahead and send me the info about the Mariner(we've only cruised on Carnival so far)
...but I've been getting a good rate from Carnival w/my military discount

Dan... I also work retail as some the the cats know i work for Dollar Tree...and some of the customers can be total **************jerks:)...

Talk to u cats later,

Make it a great day @ whatever U chose to do!!!!!



Hello Everyone,

Thanks for all your prayers. Mom is home from the hospital. She has severe emphasema and is being treated for a blood clot in her lungs. She has a terrible cough. I am giving her nebulizer treatments every 2 hours as needed. She was on breathing treatments 2X a day. She requires oxygen 24 hrs a day. Mom was only using it at night before the hospital. Please continue praying for her.

I caught a virus in ICU. I don't have time to be sick.

At ballet yesterday, the instructor said that Mattea would be in another spring performance. More work for me. At least the child just had her ears pierced. One can find pierced earrings 7mm in diameter. I can order the other things online.

Guys with jeeps,
Ask yourself this question: Do I really want a vehicle that causes me lots of problems? Maybe try a Honda?

You must come to see my Haitian lizards. They look great! Greg finally hung them in the lanai.

My Mother is a shopaholic. She has managed to fill all 3 spare closets. I called a closet solution company to help me find a place for her stuff. As I do her laundry, I have been piling it on a sofa until we can find a solution. My sister is suppose to come over today to help weed out some of it. (Don't think Mom will allow any of it to go).

Randy and Marge,
We would love to cruise with you again. We had so much fun with you guys on the last cruise. Anxiously awaiting for your confirmation. RCCL is better than Carnival IMHO.

Hope everyone has a great hump day!



Hey All! Randy, cool pics!!!! I wish I can cruise again!

Barb, we own a Jeep Grand Cherokee!!!!


Jeep broke. Tail light out. Cop says fix. Jeep fixed.

As for me, I love my Toyota. Now there's a perfect little car!

Barb, we will continue to keep your mom in our prayers. I don't like to see a fellow shopaholic down and unable to shop! Seriously, I'll be thinking about you all. And you are right- you need to fight off any sicknesses so you can be strong to help your mother. Which reminds me, I need to get my flu shot at the hospital soon so I can avoid all the germies too.

Greg just went into work for Overtime. I gave him the smile that said, "more gifts for me!"

Did everyone get a thank you from RCCL and a coupon to be used on their next cruise? I don't know if we can use it on this one or not.

Ok, off to look at my teaching materials for my class tomorrow. Yippee. Hopefully I won't fall face down in my binder I am so sleepy!



Prayers are with your Mom..Barb

Sheree...question the Browns smoke a "Big Fat One" at half time and forget to keep playing.

Barb nothing wrong with the Original Jeep... just my Redneck...rock crawling mods.


Yes Tommy - I think they are indulging in some wacky tobacky. But we still love them. :)P)


Hi Cats!!

Barb, i am sorry to hear your mom is suffering, my mom passed 6 years ago from COPD. Treeausre each moment you have together, time seems to pass very quickly.

We had a good show at Lake Eola, the weather was incredible and people were out and about so all in all we had a great two days.

I went to Greensboro to see my Goddaughters for a few days, we took a beautiful ride to Ashville, up in the mountains, the drive was incredible, they were having a late fall and the leaves were still on the trees, everything was red, orange,yello and vibrant. The weather was FABULOUS 50's in the day and 30's at night...loved it. We went to the Grove Park Inn which is a hotel built in 1913 and they were hosting the Gingerbread competition and we got to see all the things built out of gingerbread some of the creations were absolutely breathtaking. Best of all I got to see Collette Peters, she is only one of the best cake artisit in the country, so that was exciting.

We are super busy at the store filling orders likes elves for christmas delivery so we have not had much time to post.

I am glad to see everyone is doing good. If we don't get a chance get post agagin, have a wonderful Thanksgiving....Enjoy your families!!!!


baby love Jim

Hi All.

Good to see you post. I hope yall are doing well.

I have been way busy...I will try and make this as short as possable.
My Bosses mother passes away on monday and I have been running the shop. I am so glad it is the weekend. Bobbie got engaged. I bought a VW van for myself, it will be deliverd a week from this sunday. Hope, Sara and Calum have had the flu all week. The windsheild in Hopes new car was broke by something falling off a truck in front of her, I called the glass co. and she has a new windsheild, oh the Ins. paid for it. Bubba if driving his jeep and it is running well.
I hope everyone is doing well :)


Ohhhhh.....I am so frustrated!

Last evening I had a beautiful, long post ready, and when I hit "preview" I lost my post. I was so mad that I couldn't sit here and do another one, but now I've calmed down! I hope I can remember everything I wanted to post.

First, continued good thoughts and prayers to Barb and family. It sounds like many others have family members with this same illness, and I certainly hope she is as comforatable as possible as she fights this illness.

Cris - I am so glad you posted. I was beginning to get a little worried, but then when I saw your post I remembered that you said you were headed north for a little trip. I am glad you got to see the beautiful leaves. This year we thought they'd never turn, and once they did, they have been gorgeous. Most of the leaves have fallen now, but the ones that remain on the trees are beautiful, deep shades of rusts, reds and golds, and it's beautiful. This is by far my favorite time of the year! I am also glad to hear that business is good. It's time for me to bring out my Christmas flamingo bag. Yippee!! Please tell all the girls hello and happy Thanksgiving.

Jim, sounds like it's been busy. I am glad Hope wasn't hurt when the windshield was damaged. And congrats to Bobbie. What are your plans for your VW Van?

Hope everyone else is doing well. I'm hoping the Browns win tomorrow since I probably won't get to see them next week at my parents.

Oh, and I meant to ask, did you all see the news about the cruiselines adding fuel charges to the price? Looks like we'll be paying another $70 per couple for this cruise! That stinks!




Hello Cats,
Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. We kept 2 of our grandchildren today. Those wee ones can be exhausting. Now we have a chance to relax and destress.

Thanks to all for the prayers and well wishes for Mom. She wants to travel to NC for Christmas, but I am worried about taking her. The last time we went to NC with my parents (Dad had ALS), we were half way there and had to turn back. Dad died as soon as he arrived home. I really don't want to go thru that again, but we will take her if she insists.

Congrats to Bobbie! Glad your jeep is running again. Sorry to hear about your boss losing his Mother.

I read the article in the paper about the increase in gas. Oh well, maybe we will receive a RCCL $125 coupon to make up for it.

I need to go Christmas shopping. Don't have a clue what to buy the grandchildren this year.
