Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)
Why don't we bid on 4 rooms and try to find the best price on the 5th outright and we take the total price of them all and divide by 5. Instead on taking the chance that with the two bids we get two hotels.
Example...we win priceline for $60 We try our best to get another room at a discont price using all discont avenues be it Government employee, Fireman, Perfume buyer, Insurance angency, Medical profession, Professional Shoppers (PLURAL), Deer watcher, Browns Fans, Bucs fans, Cardinal fan, Jeep owner, AAA, AARP, etc. Hyatt......$119
Priceline $60x4.......$240
$359/5= $71.80
Inter C website.......$169 (with none of the above disconts)
Priceline $60x4.......$240
$409/5= $81.80
Just a thought being thrown out there...