Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)
CONGRATULATIONS DAN AND COURTNEY! Without my kids I wouldn`t know what to do
Ok the mechanic man screwed up again... yes me.... got Bobbies motor back in...we drove it for a few miles and it runs real nice.. I know we did everything right but it is still leaking oil
so out comes the motor again we are geting good at removing vw motors and putting them back in. I orderd a new oil pump... I put in some tech questions to a few VW people was told housing might be cracked but I didn`t see one and I scrubbed it with a tooth brush to make sure it was clean and had no cracks. we have the seat covers comming tomorrow so we can work on them at least the interior will look good LOL. we welded the new hindges on for 1 front door passengerdoor and the door fits like new
I did buy a new welder but had to take it back today something was wrong with it I had 2 expert welders look at it and they told me something was wrong with it so now I have a bigger welder that will weld regular metal, stainless steal and aluminum it is called a tig welder it uses argon gas with the wire fed welder.I am almost ready to open a shop with all the tool I have bought.I take other door off tomorrow and use the cutting tourch to cut the old hindges off and put the new hindges and new door on the drivers side than that is all the body work we are doing for now..
I hope we get this thing fixed so she can start driving it. I need to start working on Bubbas truck but that is not going to be so bad see I am a Ford man and I can fix fords with my eyes closed. We are getting a long block with a 3 Yr / 100,000 Mile Nationwide should take a day to pull motor and about 2 days to put it back in.
I need a cruise bad. my boss is still on vacation and I am way busy at work.I have 2 court dates this week and they can be a pain..contractor against a home owner and a home owner against a contractor.
now comes for the real bad news friday the insurance company sent out a soil boring co. to do borings at the house they went right through my septic drain feild and cut my internet cable got mud all over my american flag left a bunch of garbage all around the house I as pisses.
They said they would make everything right but when I called the insurance lady she wouldn`t answer her phone so I left about 10 messages. That is about all the news I have for now
I really hope everyone is having a better time than I am Lmao
I guess I need a beer and a good movie to kep from comming unglued.
Hope all is well with everyone.