Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)
Ok....definitely enough for an outlet purse....After taking out money for our ad and signs, we're up about $300-something. The deal is that we are splitting it 50/50 and it's fun money, so hopefully when we are done tomorrow we'll have about $200 each. We don't have too much left to sell. We have some old Tonka Toys, a tv, still a bunch of luggage, cassette tapes, a bed and bedframe, and other misc stuff. We are supposed to go 8-4 tomorrow, but we're planning on quitting at noon since we think everything will pretty much be gone by that time.
It was a gorgeous day to sit outside, and also the air show is this weekend so we had some really interesting planes flying over so we kept on checking out the sky to see what was going on up there. It was pretty fun, overall.
Just think guys, two weeks from now and we'll all be together!