Re: Give Me Liberty or Give Me the Big Cats 9/15/07 (or Give Me Both!)
#100 - Remember the Quest? Cris might miss out on the opportunity to smear lipstick on my lips, cheeks, chin, nose and last but not teeth! It took two days to get that stuff off my teeth (I'm not sitting on the end this year)
#99 - The romantic dinner for 2 at Chops or Portofino's, to be used when you want to get away from the Big Cats.....
#98 - Allthe Big Cats would be on the same cruise again ( I miss that)
#97- Fresh warer pools and hot tubs over the ship 9 storys up with stars at night
#96 Hammocks at the adult pool
#95 - You'll miss the chance to hear Regina say "I don't like cruising" for the 100th time as she is dancing on top of a table, chair, etc.
#94- you will miss George barfing over the side of the dive boat
#93 - You will miss Regina singing "I've got a brand new pair of coconuts" as she rolls out the grass skirt for the next cruise
#92 - You'll miss the topless beaches in St Martin
#91 - You'll miss Greg complaining about my shopping and George nodding his head in a knowing way.
#90- You'd miss myself attempting to video tape your latest "Baby Love" Rendition
89. You will miss out on Tom actually staying up past 10 pm. (On the FOS he was out past 1 am on 3 different ocassions.
#88 - You'll miss beer by the pool, the night before the cruise (a Big Cats tradition!)
#87 - You'll miss "Geekgem" kicking my a** for screwing up her name.
#86- you will miss George with pink luggage
#85 - You'll miss George with pink Speedo
#84 you`ll miss Bobbies new formal dresses
#83- you1ll will miss Sara and Calum if I can get them to come
#82-You'll miss mixing me a vodka based drink in the solarium pool. Tom
#81 - Back to the Quest theme: You'll miss me trying to skip across the ice in a pair of size 6 pumps (could someone please come forward with bigger feet)!
#80- Regina will be bringing the blender
#79- We would all miss you very much and wish you had cruised with us
#78- Jim the deal maker helping you shop and get a good deal (just ask George and Anne)
#77 - If you and Marg aren't there, Greg and I will be the only ones who will be saying "yep, it'll be snowing in another month...."
#76 - Randy, you'll miss drinking on the beach with us!
#75 you will miss Regina corrupting a certain someone by buying a bottle of Hypnotic and doing shots on the last day of the cruise and then going iceskating under the influence of Hypnotic.
#74 you will miss out on Jim coming to the table a bit tipsy from tequlia shots before dinner. Or better yet Jim drinking Jager shots in the middle of the day.
#73 oh yes and if you do not go on this cruise you will miss Jim asking the locals to marry him and one taking him up on it on "next thursday."
#72- and just think if Jim findes a wife in one of the islands you will miss the wedding
#71- you`ll miss all the fun games on sea days we have
#70 - You'll miss Greg trying to pull together "old feable white guy basketball" in the mornings. (Play the game - get a t-shirt)
#69 - You'll miss the diet challenge that proceeds each Big Cats group cruise
#68 - You'll miss Sheree and Greg complaining that the Browns are already 0-3.
#67 - You'll miss Sheree buying everything in sight with a flamingo on it, from flip flops, to earrings, to bowling balls.....
#66 I want a flamingo bowling ball. That is cool. (regina)
#65 you will miss Regina cehcking out the duty free shps on the ship and making fun of the way that the idots merchandise their perfume areas.
#64 - You'll miss Anne trying to set a new world record for Margarita "Yards" consumption.
#64 Remember the "SIGN" behind your booth at Lake Eola
#63 - You'll miss our "friendly" political debates
#62 - Hurricaine theme - You'll miss the opportunity to have "all" the guys come over and do roof repairs; now if I could just find the place
#61- and if we have a hurricane theme you will miss the nice bus ride to miami
#60- THE BIGGEST ONE YET YALL WILL MISS HOPE,SARA, and CALUM all 6 of us are going and O Girls you just can`t miss this. you will get to see why my kids are a nice as they are (they didn`t get it from dad) I am calling Lori in the morning to make it official
#59 - You'll miss George and Sheree competing to get the cheapest airfare.
#58 - You'll miss the "should we try Priceline" debate.
#57 - You'll miss the annual "what happened to Ken and Kerry?" conversation
#56 - You`ll miss the best Big Cats cruise ever We are now officialy booked and the woman are already shopping for cruise cloths.(and George you think you have it bad I have 3 woman to deal with)
#55 - Calums grandma wants to get him a tux for formal nights and you just couldn`t miss that
#54 - youll miss the big party on Jim`s balcony
#53 You`ll miss Georges pink razr to go with his pink luggage
#52 You~ll won`t miss us because the good Lord will see to it we all cruise together
#51 - Y'all, won't get to see my new "battleship grey" Razr...sorry I missed all your calls. Don't fret though, I took quite a ribbing even without them.