I'm the bearer of horrible news!


Staff Captain
Coral - I am so sorry that you had to get this news during a cruise! I am sending you hugs.


Staff Captain
Community Sponsor
I am just praying that Cruise Cutie doesn't go to the internet while on her land vacation in Aruba....


Community Manager Part Time Dinosaur
Staff member
Mike (snowblower) and Deb have been in touch with Joanne and Mark, she is aware.


Staff Captain
I thought the same thing about Joanne and Mark.


Staff Captain
Corky and Cutie have been on my mind since I heard the news. So sorry they had to experience this sadness while away.


Staff Captain
I have been thinking that too. I hope she doesn't find out until she's home - let her enjoy her time there.


Environmental Compliance Officer
I haven't been here for a couple of days. I am absolutely devastated. May G-D be with her and her family.


Community Manager Part Time Dinosaur
Staff member
Not to worry Calgon,
there is contact with Jean and Pucci's welfare is the last thing that needs to be worried about, the
King's only issue is that he is missing his Queen and doesn't know why... He is in good hands and doing well.


Senior Flea Coller Tester
We can't help but worry about the little guy, and how he's handling things. Our hearts go out to him, and Jean. Thanks for letting us know, bob.


Awaiting results of mental evaluation
Not to worry Calgon,
there is contact with Jean and Pucci's welfare is the last thing that needs to be worried about, the
King's only issue is that he is missing his Queen and doesn't know why... He is in good hands and doing well.

Thank you bOB,

As I'm sure you're aware, I'm (among other things) a Canine Handler, Cody being an air-scent, search and rescue dogger; so I have a very soft spot in my twisted little heart for the fur babies.


2nd Officer
Has anyone else but me noticed that John changed the background of the board to be black? I sent him a note asking if there was a way we could dim the lights on C@ in tribute to Shipmaven and he agreed, felt the same way so he tweaked the software and we have a black background.

Thank you John!


Community Manager Part Time Dinosaur
Staff member
That was our best way of dimming the lights, very subtle so probably not real noticeable but we don't have a flag to fly at half mast.

So many people do not realize how devoted she was to this board and more importantly, the community members that she came to
consider friends.


Staff Captain
Thank you for the update on Pucci. I have been wondering about him.

I also noticed the black background and wondered if it was changed in honor of Mary Ann. Very tasteful and much appreciated.


Community Manager Part Time Dinosaur
Staff member
Calgon, where is your head....................

Pucci is NOT a canine..

But I know where your coming from ;)


Community Manager Part Time Dinosaur
Staff member
John's idea, he beat me to it...................


Community Manager Part Time Dinosaur
Staff member
Lightening up a bit about everybody's concern about Pucci, and trust me right now it is hard to be light ................

Michael (Mal D) and I have spent a lot of time in our conversations, throwing crap back and forth............

But one thing we always agreed on was if there is such a thing as reincarnation, when we died we wanted to come back as Mary Ann's dog................


I'm on Island Time
Staff member
Hi Michelle, Your welcome and It was funny how we both had the same thought to "dim the lights" of the community in someway.