Miscellaneous(part 3....or is it 4?)

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San, actually It feels a little better, but I'm afraid to say that to loud..... We will see tomorrow.... He did add a new stretch in, maybe that helped.

So, do you want the rest of the story on Tim and Chantell leaving for the Army last week. I was so upset last week I just did not get into it.

When they were in Columbus three weeks ago, they told them the Army would pay off their total College loans, they had to contact Sallie Mae and get a copy of all loan papers faxed to them selves and to the Army office. Then they would fly out on the same day, last Tuesday, Oct. 7th...... When they got to Columbus last Tuesday, Tim's papers were all in order, loans paid, and off he went. Oops, Sallie Mae never sent Chantell's papers and so she did not leave. They brought her home with them and spent hours on the phone (3 or 4 times a day) calling..... Finally on Thursday, Vicki grabbed the phone and told them she was Chantell and she wanted a supervisor because they were all idiots. When she got the supervisor, she tried to say they could not fax the papers, they had to go out by regular mail. Vicki said that was just so much BS because they had faxed her "husbands' papers thru two weeks ago. She got silence and then, Oh..... They went out by fax in an hour.... Then with the Government holiday on Monday they called her on Tuesday and poor Vicki is on her way to Columbus again, with Chantell to spend the night and she goes out in the morning.... They say. Talk about stupid red tape. Hopefully her loans have also been paid.... and all papers in order for her to go.... Poor girl spent most of the week crying and not eating much....... And her parents are never anywhere around when needed to Vicki get to do it all...... Anyway, I hope by tomorrow, this mess will be taken care of.

San, any of those fires near you this time or all to the south?

Have to have my Jeep serviced in the morning and then go get our flu shots...

Back later....


Wow...whatta mess....................talk about bureaucratic red tape disaster!! Hope the loans get paid soon.................poor kid!


;) What...me peeking from work....just because my boss is on vacation, and I'm already in vacation mood...Can't a girl peek?

Glad to see everyone playing nice.

PH - Sorry about the tires...at least Dennis is okay.

San - Saw the fire on Angel Island...glad it's finally contained.

Marcia - Thank goodness Vickie know how to "take care of business"...must take after her mother.

Hello to everyone I missed...need to check my roll call, then put some serious thought into packing.


See PH.....I told you PQ was peeking.......don't understand why you didn't pick up on that. They got the Angel Island fire out pretty quickly PQ.

Marcia, there are fires to the north and to the south of us. Closest was Angel Island and Napa Valley......and Big Sur.....most are out or under control now, but new ones keep cropping up.

About the Army fiasco......does that still mean that the two of them can still be stationed together later. It might screw up their leave together for the holidays because they are on a different schedule?

If the government can't get chantelle's paperwork right, how in the h*ll are they going to administer the $700 + Billion bail out to financial institutions? Scarey, ain't it.


Good morning all..........

I got invited last night to go on the Solstice pre inaugural/naming of the ship cruise Nov 14th......I am so excited............I am going as a guest of someone..........I am really looking forward to seeing this ship............going Nov 14th....

Only a few hours left for you PQ till its VACATION time............so what are you going to do about wine this time(since RCCL frowns upon it).....Not that it has stopped me..........hahah



PH - How cool! Lucky you!!

Marcia - Leave it to the military to screw it all up. I too hope the kids will still be able to spend the holidays together.

San - Glad to fires are nowhere near you.

PQ - So are you all packed and ready to go?

Time for breakfast.


Now for my sad news ... We put Shamrock to sleep this morning.

Back later ...


Oh BB........I am soooooooooo sorry to hear.............I know its for the best,but I know too,how much it hurts.................Guess she told ya it was time,huh??

BIG hug for you....................


Good Morning all,

Did get the Jeep serviced, came back by the house and picked up Carl and went to Bob Evans (sure do not need any lunch), and then to the Wellness Center to get our flu shots and then home. Beautiful fall day, sun and clouds, light breeze and falling leaves and high in the 60's..... Love it.....

Breeze, so sorry, I know how hard that is. Hugs heading your way (((HUGS))).

You are all right, what a screw up by the army and the loan outfit...... But mostly by Sallie Mae..... I'm not sure how it will work out at Christmas. Tim already knows he will "graduate" from Basic on Dec. 16th. Vicki and Ed plan to go down and he may be able to leave the next day. They could bring him home with them. But I have no idea how it will effect Chantell dates. They will still be based together after their AIT, though one may get there before the other one does. Just have to wait and see.......

PH, good for you getting the cruise........

San, glad the fires are not near. I was watching the areas and did not think they were......

Back later....


Marcia, things might be different know. But when I was in the service, my basic training ended just before Christmas and the program shut down for the holidays. Those who were a week or two away from completing their training were sent home but had to return after New Year's to finish up. I was home for about two weeks at Christmas and had to report to Ft. Gordon on January 1st or 2nd. The biggest problem will probably come when their enlistments are over and Tim gets out a few days or weeks ahead of Chantell. As for their ability to serve together that should not be effected, though with the Army you can never be sure.


Marcia, things might be different now. But when I was in the service, my basic training ended just before Christmas and the program shut down for the holidays. Those who were a week or two away from completing their training were sent home but had to return after New Year's to finish up. I was home for about two weeks at Christmas and had to report to Ft. Gordon on January 1st or 2nd. The biggest problem will probably come when their enlistments are over and Tim gets out a few days or weeks ahead of Chantell. As for their ability to serve together that should not be effected, though with the Army you can never be sure.

BB - so sorry to hear about Shamrock.


Thanks for all the hugs. I really needed them. It's been a rough couple of hours and I know there will still be more tears shed today, but with such great friends to help get me through the day, it's going to be ok. Besides, my baby is now sleeping right outside the computer room window, so I'll always have her near.


I'm sorry BB. That's got to be hard for you....hang in there.

PH, good for you on the invite to Solstice. She looks like she is going to be a fine looking ship....watch out, it just might get to you.

Had to go back to the tire dealer this morning for the rear tires. The Corvette is a lot quieter on the freeway now.....the Goodyears on it since it was new are notoriously noisy......now we have Bridgestones.

Came home and changed the oil and washed the corvette.

Going to a cocktail party in a hotel tonight hosted byt Merrill Lynch.

I bet things will work out just fine for the kids, Marcia.......a week or two is really not that big a deal in the whole scheme of things......so I'm sure that they will be fine.

Bon Voyage PQ.....and Nav's is coming up fast.


San, that depends on if Chantell ever gets to Ft. Leonard Wood...... First they figured they did not have a airline seat for her, then they got her on a flight from Columbus to Chicago and then on to St. Louis where a van/shuttle would pick her up. They did figure out that there were two young men on the same flight heading for the came place which made Vicki feel a little better since she had never flown before. So Vicki headed home..... By the time Vicki got home, Chantelll sent a text that she was still in Columbus, the plane had not left which means the three will miss their connection in Chicago. So who knows when and where she will be tonight....... She is to text or call Vicki back later if she can..... Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


I know it's agravating Marcia......but things like that build character......she's going to have many things like that happen in the Army....that's why kids always come out stronger and all grown up......you'll notice it after boot camp. I bet she's not nearly as upset as you and Vicki are.

In the Navy, they have a saying...."Hurry up and wait"! ...that's what she's going to be doing in the Army. In the Coast Guard its "You have to go out, but you don't necessarily have to come back"......well, she needs to come back when her inlistment is over.

Don't know what the AirForce sayings are.....but, it's probably something like "the weather's bad, we need to stay home in front of the fireplace and drink hot chocolate".,,,,Airmen are such mamby pambies! The Marine's is "go kill somebody violently".

Women shouldn't get involved with kids going into the military.....they should leave it to a man who'll just say "don't let the door hitcha on the way out":D

....aren't you glad we had this lettle chat?:D:D


Breeze, so sorry to hear about Shamrock. Hugs for you. That is such a hard decision. I'm guessing she wasn't well, maybe suffering a bit? At least she's in peace now.


Breeze - Hugs from me too...it's never easy...at least Shamrock is nearby and looking over you.

Not packed yet, but do have Saturday to finish up. Went and bought some "treats" for our pet/house sitter. Also, had a doctor's appt today (the squishing appt), and took a little longer lunch and had my nails done. Crossing things off my list one by one.

Well, watching survivor...guess I better pay attention.


San.......:p Actually, we women do a pretty good job of running things... Behind every good man, there is a good woman helping him along....

She did finally get a flight out of Chicago and should be in St. Louis by now...... They are to get a shuttle to the base from there....... Don't know what time she will get there.....

See ya all in the morning..............
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