Miscellaneous(part 3....or is it 4?)

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Hope it wasnt Bailey,Banks and Biddle???.........they really botched a job of ours............I do like Mayors.....we bought stuff from them and really liked them..

Have to take Wed off now.............just made an eye dr appt.......we'll just have to play it day by day


That is just so cool to know a piece of our beloved Sovereign will live on! Now if they could only have found a way to use the *famous* clock!

AM - Can't help you out with the cabin crawl, but if Rita stops by, I'm sure she can.

Laurie & Ron aren't coming today after all. Andrea is coming with them and today is her day to volunteer at MRMC. They'll all be here tomorrow. So today we're taking a ride to Sam's to check out their TVs. Bert was there yesterday and now wants me to see what they have. Iwant to see how their prices compare to Best Buy.


Our last tv we bought was from Walmart..............cheaper than Sams and BB................not sure how big you're looking at though............

OOps.missed Ams post,.......looks like we posted the same time.............however,never did a cabin crawl so Im not much help either.......

washing all my summer bedding stuff today..................out with the dark winter stuff and on with the whites....................


We're looking for a 52" like we have now. Only thing I don't like about Sam's is that they use an outside company for the warranty. Plus it's another company that sets the set up, but I don't think they will deliver. They also charge an additional fee to remove the old set. BB's Geek Squad delivers, sets up and carts to old set away for $65. That's what Sam's crew charges, plus an additional fee to remove the old set. Decisions, decisions, decisions!

Have fun doing the laundry. Sounds like you have a FUN day ahead!;)



Stopping by to say hello....been very busy. Had two First Communions over the weekend, then very busy finishing up loose ends at work before we leave for Bermuda on the NCL Spirit on Friday. I feel like such a traitor, but this group has 60 people, a lot of them first timers, so I think I'll have my work cut out for me while onboard. Have to find a good hiding place;)

PH, I hadn't heard about the onboard booking thing, so thanks for the info. If I read you correctly, the only deposit, regardless of the cruise length, will be $100 per person, and you can pick either the obc or the diamond discount........do I have that right?

Tony, I don't know about the new onboard thing (as you can tell from above), but I think PH explained it well.
Certainly makes it more palatable to only have to deposit $200 instead of the usual $900 for the longer cruises. We are doing an Alaska cruisetour next year (12 nights, 5 pre, 7cruise) and the deposit was only $500 per couple. Why they only want the cruise deposit amount is beyond me, but sometimes the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing.

BB, good luck with shopping for the new TV. Sounds like Bert's done enough research and knows what he wants........so now you can approve the purchase! Sounds like your MNM left you a Tuesday morning mess!

AM, glad to see we didn't scare you away! Good luck with your plans for the future.

Are Lee & LuAnn going on the Jewel soon, or do it have them mixed up with someone else? (Frankly, i wouldn't be surprised if I am confused, LOL)

Hope everyone has a wonderful day. I'll try to check in before we go, but with working, washing, ironing and packing, time is something I don't have a lot of. At least I'm having fun!!!!!!


Yes Rita..........you're reading that right..............it was effective April 26th.....pretty good deal..............so you head out pretty soon ..lucky you./.....someday we may get to Bermuda.......wish a ship outta FL went there....have no idea about L and L........dont keep up with that group anymore except the ones that post on here.........

What a bunch of upsell charges,BB..........thats crazy............we bought a 48 inch (downsized from our 64 inch one--sold that on Craiglist)..........it was the old projection type tv...........

Ok, back outside I go.....came in to put the clean sheets and blanket on the bed........now Im washing the curtains.....................why do I keep getting sidetracked on here?? hahahah


Thanks PH and Rita for the deposit information. I'm going to book two cruises while aboard SR in June. L&L are going to be aboard JW in a couple of weeks.


So what cruises are you planning to book, San? Nice to already know what you want. I'm in a quandary as to what we might book for after FR in September. Now that J&J are doing very few cruises, we're kind of on our own, unless we go with K&G. That's not my idea of an ideal cruise. I prefer to have REAL adults to hang out with. Unfortunately, Bert doesn't want to have to fly anywhere, so that pretty well limits us these days.

Rita - If I don't catch you later, have a wonderful cruise. I am so jealous! I too have always wanted to go to Bermuda (among other places), but see my above problem. Looks like Bermuda won't happen anytime in the near future.

I would love to see RC do a 10-12 day cruise to the southern Caribbean from Florida like they used to have. Going out of San Juan isn't my favorite way to do it after doing that twice.


I plan on booking a Canada / New England 14 day on Celebrity for October 2010 For either April or May I will book a 11 to 14 day cruise from California to Alaska. I am waiting to see what the food is like on RCI in June before I make my decision on whether we will book RCI or Celebrity for that one. RCI 14 day out of San Diego is the cheapest right now, but there is an 11 day CEL leaving from San Francisco.......and a 14 day CEL from San Diego.

John is returning from a business leeting in Los Angeles today....he and a coworker took his company car down on Monday. Matthew is flying home from a meeting in Salt Lake City this afternoon......we are picking him up and taking him to Watsonville......nice day....the boys are returning.:)


Boy,if I lived in CA,I'd be booking the MA.............$700 for an inside ,a little over $1000 for a balcony next week..............and thats for 2 people,,,,,,,,,holy cow!


I'd be right behind you, PH, booking the Mariner at those rates. Lucky people in CA to be able to do it.

Getting ready for our company. Already preped peppers & onions to go with the steaks and cut up strawberries for dessert. Better get back to work, as I have no idea what time Laurie & Ron will get here. They're supposed to call when they're on the way, but more than once they've "forgotten" to call.

Have a great day!



Have nice day with the family,BB................Dennis is on his way home and for once,will be here till tomorrow afternoon..................We havent spent that much time together since the MN(one good reason to keep cruising)...hahahah

Rita and Bill--------if I dont get back on later,I want to wish you a super trip...............hope you like NCL............

San-----did you have a great time with the "boys"?? Im sure you did...................

Later all!


Good morning and happy Friday!

PH - I hope you and Dennis had a nice time together yesterday. Bet you spent part of the time at least out by the pool until it got too hot. And where did you go out for dinner last night? That's part of having Dennis home for the day, right?

It was great seeing Laurie, Ron, Addie and Andrea yesterday. I didn't realize that Andrea had not been here since shortly after we moved in. At that time 3/4 of the neighborhood was still under construction. Little Addie is growing up so fast and has become quite the chatterbox. They have to be careful what they say, as she will repeat everything! Just like the rest of the kids, she likes going out on the dock with grandpa to feed the fish.
The day flew by and before we knew it, it was after 10. They still had that 2 hour drive, so I had to throw them out!:lol
Opened a bottle of that Mango wine I bought. Served it with a strip of mango in it and that was good. What was even better was putting some strawberries in the glass with the wine. YUMMY!!! Andrea was the one who came up with that idea.

I guess I better get this day started. I've been up since before 8 and haven't done anything beyond reading the paper. This is such a rough life!!!!

Be back later -


Checking in............

No,dinner out.............we have been eating home and I prefer that...........been grilling mostly and eating outside..............didnt get a chance to lay by the pool yesterday...........Did some stuff around the house and had to keep adding calcium to the pool all day....the level was really low when we had the water tested..............

Today we did some running around......8am doctor appt for D........his cholesterol is now only 170 ,compared to close to 300 last time then he wanted an wireless thing for his laptop so he can take it on the road with him............got that at Alltel....they are the only company with unlimited air time........that is until Verizon completely takes over........then no one can get the unlimited........so we are now locked in for 2 years of it.

had lunch at Moes.......stopped at walmart and Lowes.............

Came home and paid some bills while Dennis sleeps..........he'll get up at 8pm to go to work..........

Gruesomely hot,isnt it?? think its about 96 right now.............thank goodness for a/c................


Good morning...............whats everyone up to today???

I plan on doing some yard work,laundry and chilling by the pool.................Dennis wont be home till real late,Im sure.............nice day out.....

everyone put a bag of groceries out for the mail carriers today?? I just did................


Good morning! Another scorcher headed our way again today. Definitely a day to stay in the AC.

I'm waiting to hear from Missy. She wasn't sure last night if she's coming down today and staying overnight or will come down tomorrow. I wish I knew how to plan for this!

I don't think they're doing the food at the mailbox here. We never heard anything about it, so I don't know.

Where'd we lose our man San to again? Notice how he wanders away at times? We're going to have to start watching him more closely, PH!:lol

Coffee is calling.


It is a nationwide mail carrier thing,BB........... http://www.nalc.org/commun/foodrive/

You know how it is with men his age............maybe we need to send out a Silver Alert???????????hahaah (but I know hes around--he posted on my FB page yesterday with one of his witty remarks.........) :p


I saw that remark! Just him being his usual lovable (?) self!!!

Oh well, we must have missed hearing about the food thing around here. I didn't see anyone with food out by the mailbox.


Geez, I'm not very bright, so when I see someone talking about Love Bugs I have to ask what it means. I found out though......we don't have them out here.
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