hi guys found you,.. I had to come home today Micahel is throwing up again.. I may need to take him to the dr.. it only just occured to me that it could be a form of his peanut allergy. we have had problems inthe past with the lunchroom tables if someone sits at the table before him that has had peanut butter even when they wash.. (which may alsio be teh culpret becuase of teh dirty sopay wash water) anyway hs arms break out form the exposure to the tables so he carries wipes with him and wipes the table in front of him before he sits down. he has been doing that since he was in Kindergaarten.. anyway it is possibel that he could be havibg an allergic reaction..although when i finally went to clinic to get him (i had ot wait for my break) anyway teh clinic had already sent home 21 kids for throwing up and fever. i just donlt know whatto do about this I am glad i am not getting it but the boys including richard keep swapping it.. we wash everything change sheets etc..... it is driving me crazy... I am glad i have a great parent who does not mind doing science for me.. Plus we are making snow in my room this week so it was a fun lesson for herto do...
My dad made it through surgery they were gonna decide during surgery if he was a canidate for something called an OXFORD KNEE and if so they were gonna do that iinstead of a total knee replacement,,, it is suppose to be the newestthing and less recovery they keep a portion of teh knee bone and fuse it with an artificial one??!! anyway I can;t go see him now becasue i dont want to take the chance on gettinghim sick, PLUS i am not sure i should go to a hospital with all those sick people a week before my surgery,,,,,
San i read your post about the quaesadillas LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM made me think that is what i am gonna have for dinner I buy the taco bell kit at teh gorcery store all you have to do is add the chicken, yum yum.....
So you are puppy sitting have fun... Half moon bay sounds familiar is it an all inclusive??
I priced a florida ressie rate on disney and for a balony for 3 days it was 1400 not bad.. for a couple it was only 8 somehting PH I may get you on a disney one yet..... Ooops got to go I haveto get Ale in teh car line between 2:15 and 2:30 ooopss we are late......