I think you're getting a complex, Tony! Don't take it so personally, big guy. I've got an idea ... You need to book a cruise over this way - like on the Gargantuan of the Seas when it comes out. It will be so huge, you'll never even have to leave the ship and we can all hang out in the Diamond Lounge all day. That would work, wouldn't it? Bet we could get a few more to join us too!
Christine - This board has always taken you back to the forums once you post. I'd love it to take you back to the post like CC does, but look on the bright side ... At least here you can see who's around down at the bottom of the page. On CC you have to look for the green lights. And speaking of looking at the bottom of the page, I see that I'm talking to myself. Sooo ... I'm out of here for now~