I still have not read back on there. Anyway, here goes the real story of the Jewel crossing.
O.K. Son, it is time to kiss and make up...... And tell these nice people how wonderful the cruise really was.
We flew to Boston, good flight, and were met by Rita and Bill, our hosts for the night. Bill and Rita have a lovely condo and a very nice family, at least the ones we met. Up early the next morning and pick up for trip to the Airport. Plane trip over was good till we were going in circles over London, again and again and again. Seemed it was pouring rain in London and when we finally got down, they could not find a gate for us. So out they came with a stairway to climb down in the rain and onto a bus to the terminal and no wheelchairs so we walked and walked and walked. Finally did find two chairs and that got us thru customs pretty quickly. Rita's 4 were picked up and Royal Caribbean picked us up to go to the hotel.... When we got to the hotel, we ordered a sandwich and fries and two hot chocolates and dropped into bed. Our two days in London were cold, rainy and windy.
On Saturday we got a cab to the Churchill War Cabinet Rooms. Really interesting and then walked back to the hotel. On Sunday, we decided not to even try the London Eye in the rain. So we went to Victoria Station, walked around, had Starbucks and some pasteries and got a cab back to the hotel. At 5:30 we headed down to the lobby where T & N, J & A were waiting, and soon joined by our friend and his wife from Sweden.... What a wonderful time. We went to have a drink and then to the dinning room for dinner and then back to the bar for more drinks and soon R & B and their friends came to join us.
Monday we got our transfer to Harwich and the Jewel of the Seas... E-1 cabin is smaller than a D-1, but we made it. Had a huge balcony, I could have slept out there. Got our bags pretty quick and got unpacked. And of course checked out the Concierge Lounge, had a bite in the Windjammer
for lunch and then found the McK's for dinner.
Next day we went to LeHavre and T & J went to get the rental car and off we went to Normandy.... That is such a solumn and yet peaceful place. You can not help buy remember all the lives lost there, American, British, Canadian, French resistance and also the Germans too. Many of the young men did not even know why they were fighting. They were told to and they did.
Next day we had to bypass Plymouth because of winds and waves and we would have had to tender and then the next day the same thing at Holyhead, Wales. Next day we docked at Dublin, we had a good tour to Powerscourt estate and gardens and then the next day at Cork we went to Waterford. No BB, I did break the bank, just two small bowls. One for us and one for Aunt Willy. They are shipping them.
Then three days at sea. Not bad weather at all. Few waves one day, but not bad. T. did (for the most part) behave. There was no throwing of beer or food. The night we left Cork, we all met at Chops to celebrate the date of J & A becoming engaged at Blarney Castle 4 years ago. Since we were with them then, we were honored to be asked to join them for dinner.
And then on to Newfoundland. Two Newfie's and a lab met us at the pier.... I tried to figure out how to get one into my purse. I do carry a big purse, but no way. I do love those dogs..... We got off and walked around, came back on board and then back out to get a private taxi trip. Really nice and the people there are so nice and friendly.... Went into a music store and had 4 people looking for the CD I wanted. Yea, finally found it. Then we had two more sea days before our cruise ended.
It was really a wonderful trip, (regardless of what San says). Just kidding love. They all know you.......
So yes, there was lots of good things to report. Fess up San, we had a great time.....