Miscellaneous(part 3....or is it 4?)

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yup,good guess...............I wasnt sure if I told you before you left.............

So,Im confused.........did you or did not have trouble with the cruise(as opposed to the people)?


Run it by Nancy? She sure does try, but she just can't keep you in line, nobody can. And I tried too, but, well, you all know what he is like.

PH, check out CC. San is stirring the pot again.


Good morning! I hope everyone's day is off to a good start. My day started off with a good laugh ... My silly 14 year old grandson got the bright idea to shave his head last night. Missy sent me a picture of him and I couldn't stop laughing. This is the boy who all summer had this long shaggy head of hair that looked terrible. Now he looks like a skinhead! You just never know what teenage boys are going to come up with!::eek::cool:

We had a good time at the home show yesterday afternoon. I was good and only spent $10! Last night we went to TGI Friday's. I had the Jack Daniel's baby back ribs and they were delicious. Bert was mad that I ate them all and didn't save any for him. Sorry about his luck!

The MMs are coming for dinner tonight, as usual. I'm making meatballs and sausage which I haven't made in quite a while. I'm already getting hungry for dinner, so it's going to be a long day.

Marcia - I see that San hasn't changed his evil ways. You should have sent him to time out when he misbehaved on the cruise. Got that laundry done yet? Sorry for the food you lost, but it could have been a lot worse. Glad you're getting the refrigerator all cleaned up today and you don't have to do it.



whats the matter BB?? Were the doors locked?? Thats the only reason why you would have spent only $10....hahah.........so was it a good show??

Bet Wesley looks totally different.........

Sorry,but Im done with the CC thread...........just not for me anymore.........so San,you better fess up here too...........or Marcia......


PH, you mean I wasted a post on CC. What happened? Someone removed a post on Bunny from last week.

I'm not talking to Marcia anymore.....she totally embarrassed me with the soup incident.....among a lot of other things. BB, maybe you should have done the TransAtlantic with us!


what did you say to get a post pulled?? Thought that only happened to me,:lol

Its just not the same over there anymore........here its not full of little groups.............we are one big group here.........the way our threads started out,but went downhill cuz "too many cooks spoil the broth":p

I think you're just kidding about Marcia...............you know you two love each other..:couple


San - Would a soup incident be anything like a beer incident in Vancouver? Inquiring minds want to know, so you two better fess up! You have no idea how much I would have loved to be on the transatlantic. I was bummed the whole time you were gone. Good thing we had the quicky on SOS to cheer me up.
I saw you post from last week before it got pulled. Bert got a good laugh out of it because he felt the same way too.

PH - Dang it! You mentioned Piano Man over on our roll call and now I can't get that d*mn song out of my head!!!
I have to agree with you about the thread on CC. It's just not the same. Heck, most of the posters have jumped over to the Ohio thread, even if they have no ties to Ohio. What's that all about? Now we just need to get Negc to post over here, unless San is feuding with him too!


Bill told me that K2 and paul were arguing about Palin's email, so I went on to complain about Fox News. Guess that they all got pulled.

I was lying about the soup, BB....also that I was angry at marcia.....we all had a really good time. I also have no problems with Bill....no problem at all.


sooooooooooooooooooo who do you think reported those posts that got pulled??? Had to be someone that posts on there........doubt the mods monitor that thread.....

glad you all had a good time............


I still have not read back on there. Anyway, here goes the real story of the Jewel crossing.

O.K. Son, it is time to kiss and make up...... And tell these nice people how wonderful the cruise really was.

We flew to Boston, good flight, and were met by Rita and Bill, our hosts for the night. Bill and Rita have a lovely condo and a very nice family, at least the ones we met. Up early the next morning and pick up for trip to the Airport. Plane trip over was good till we were going in circles over London, again and again and again. Seemed it was pouring rain in London and when we finally got down, they could not find a gate for us. So out they came with a stairway to climb down in the rain and onto a bus to the terminal and no wheelchairs so we walked and walked and walked. Finally did find two chairs and that got us thru customs pretty quickly. Rita's 4 were picked up and Royal Caribbean picked us up to go to the hotel.... When we got to the hotel, we ordered a sandwich and fries and two hot chocolates and dropped into bed. Our two days in London were cold, rainy and windy.
On Saturday we got a cab to the Churchill War Cabinet Rooms. Really interesting and then walked back to the hotel. On Sunday, we decided not to even try the London Eye in the rain. So we went to Victoria Station, walked around, had Starbucks and some pasteries and got a cab back to the hotel. At 5:30 we headed down to the lobby where T & N, J & A were waiting, and soon joined by our friend and his wife from Sweden.... What a wonderful time. We went to have a drink and then to the dinning room for dinner and then back to the bar for more drinks and soon R & B and their friends came to join us.
Monday we got our transfer to Harwich and the Jewel of the Seas... E-1 cabin is smaller than a D-1, but we made it. Had a huge balcony, I could have slept out there. Got our bags pretty quick and got unpacked. And of course checked out the Concierge Lounge, had a bite in the Windjammer
for lunch and then found the McK's for dinner.
Next day we went to LeHavre and T & J went to get the rental car and off we went to Normandy.... That is such a solumn and yet peaceful place. You can not help buy remember all the lives lost there, American, British, Canadian, French resistance and also the Germans too. Many of the young men did not even know why they were fighting. They were told to and they did.
Next day we had to bypass Plymouth because of winds and waves and we would have had to tender and then the next day the same thing at Holyhead, Wales. Next day we docked at Dublin, we had a good tour to Powerscourt estate and gardens and then the next day at Cork we went to Waterford. No BB, I did break the bank, just two small bowls. One for us and one for Aunt Willy. They are shipping them.
Then three days at sea. Not bad weather at all. Few waves one day, but not bad. T. did (for the most part) behave. There was no throwing of beer or food. The night we left Cork, we all met at Chops to celebrate the date of J & A becoming engaged at Blarney Castle 4 years ago. Since we were with them then, we were honored to be asked to join them for dinner.
And then on to Newfoundland. Two Newfie's and a lab met us at the pier.... I tried to figure out how to get one into my purse. I do carry a big purse, but no way. I do love those dogs..... We got off and walked around, came back on board and then back out to get a private taxi trip. Really nice and the people there are so nice and friendly.... Went into a music store and had 4 people looking for the CD I wanted. Yea, finally found it. Then we had two more sea days before our cruise ended.
It was really a wonderful trip, (regardless of what San says). Just kidding love. They all know you.......

So yes, there was lots of good things to report. Fess up San, we had a great time.....


Marcia - Knew darn well you both were putting us on. You're both too nice to get into an argument and not talk to each other. Sounds like a great trip. I'm so jealous!!! Just for fun, I checked tomorrow's happy hour cruises. If you're willing to do an inside cabin for 15 days, you can do the transatlantic on the Voyager from Barcellona for $28/day!!!!::eek: Even a balcony is about $65.! Do you think the cruiseline might be having a problem filling some of the ships. With the economy the way it is, I bet there's going to be lots of bargains out there in the future.

I'm not sure where K2 posted her comments, but I know Paul came back at her on CC like a pit bull. I bet one or the other had the posts pulled.

My spaghetti sauce smells sooo good. Stil have to wait an hour before the MMs get here. In the meantime, I think it's time for a glass of 2 Buck Chuck!!!!:)D


We had a really good time on the cruise, BB. it was all we expected and more. We enjoyed our times talking to Bill and Rita, Marcia and carl. Wish that you could have been there too.....one day....gotta drag PH along with you too.

The problem with the TransAtlantics is that the airfare costs more than the cruise.....especially to barcelona.

Bill and Rita did a really nice cocktail party in their GS one afternoon.....just a small group, so we really got to talk a lot. I got to teach Bill how to open a beer bottle without a bottle opener....Amstel Light doesn't have screw tops....now he's set for life.....we were a little desperate there for a while.


BB posted: [size=medium]
Okay, I need to put a STOP to this misconception right here and now. :cool:
[/size] It was nothing like that at all. I said something that since there was NO ONE posting on the Bunny Thread that I could post something political and get away with it. I made a comment on Sarah Palin and something she had been reported saying. And Gary said: If you want to get political I can really tell you something political and I don't even remember what the heck he posted because it was gone as fast as it showed up. Really.

Next thing I did was to have my own post pulled and the next time I got on the thread I saw that Gary must have had his comment pulled, hopefully by himself.!! That's it folks. Nothing more ....Nothing Less. Not a biggy at all.
Sorry to disappoint you all!! That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :D No further discussion necessary.....it's over.

Okay, back to your regular scheduled program.

By the way, I post only on the weather thread here and that's about it.(with this exception) Can't see repeating myself on 3 boards about Non-Cruising talk. Just isn't
fair to others. Heck.......just how many times do you all really want to hear about the WEATHER in Michigan! :)D BUT I will admit openly that I lurk from time to time! :girly

Off to a late evening walk!! Nite all. Happy Birthday Marcia for Thursday[/color!!


Sounds like a lovely time,Marcia(and San).............yea someday I wanna do one of those........

I think this is a nuce cozy place to post...........but dont forget we get onlookers here too......::eek:

A pitbull attack??? hahahahahahah Good one,BB!!


Oh,missed K2s post..........posting the same time......and Marcias too........

K2-whos Gary??=huh haha.....I know you meant Paul.

Im recording DWTS Marcia............we just got home so I'll watch it after I get off here................zip thru the commercials.....

We went to Walmart for something they didnt wind up having.....then to the inlaws so I could help him book Chops for all of us...........I could go for a BIG old steak right about now......................this dieting is for the birds.............but I really have to stick to it.........


We were up bright and early for the second day in a row, as Bert had contracted with a guy to put up gutters around the 3 sides of the house that didn't have them. Guy was to come between 8 & 9 either yesterday or today. Surprise, surprise ... He hasn't shown up!!! Must be from down south!:X

Marcia - We need the rain too. A lot of areas around us got over an inch of rain yesterday, but we didn't get a drop. We're getting ready to go into our dry season, so we need all the rain we can get right now.

Better get going - Bert's packing up stuff he sold on ebay and needs my expert help addressing the label!:)D


Good morning all. Looks like a beautiful day out......clear skies and it'll get into the low eighties today. Our sunset today is 7:03, so it cools down in the evening. Fall is starting to show up......I like this time of year.

Gotta pay bills today.....London charges almost beat us home.

Maybe Paul pulled my post on CC.
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