


Have a great trip Marcia....hope you have a relaxing time and have some fun

Tanks for the Email on Matthew...we're going to go visit him in Santa Cruz in a little bit.....I'll pass on all your well wishes.

Sad about the crew on Monarch.....three were killed this morning working on the sewage system.


Not only don't I know what a DDM is,is Cayman someone we know,San?????????With all our friends with different names,Im getting confused!! =confuse


I don't know who Cayman is, PH......sounds friendly enough, though. I thought it was Krispy.


Will probably head out early in the morning. Everyone have a good Holiday Weekend.

San, e-mail me about Matthew early next week. Prayers travel from Lake George as well as from Hamilton. I will check e-mail, even if I can't get on boards. Just not sure what the story is at the lake.

But I will try to relax.


Evening to everyone.

I've already been over on the other thread and did a long post. So this one will be short.

Marcia, I know how I felt when I first went back to work. It was very hard and tireing. Tell Mike it will get better each day. Hope the countertop when in okay. Have a great time at the lake, and take San's advice and RELAX.

I'm out of here for tonight. Hope everyone has a nice weekend. Hope to get back here tomorrow.


I am not anyone you all know, just thought I would swing in and chat with you all.

DDM is a Double Digit Migit (IIf I remeber correctly) means I am in the double digits on my countdown for my cruise!!! WOOHOOO


Hi Everyone!!

Long day.............cleaned in the morning and Jill and I went to the Bead/Jewelry Supply SHOW. Drove all the way over on the West side of town and almost had a stroke because the bldg was closed down and had a For Sale sign on it. Thankfully the organizers of the event put a sign up as to where the Convention Center was moved to. Only a mile West of the place. WOW.........it was a really nice new Center. Got some good deals on supplies. Jill and I both said we would only buy with CASH and set a limit. She used "Garage Sale" money. :)

Marcia and Carl: Have a great trip. Hope all you do out at the cottage is NOTHING!! E-mail me your phone number their and your cell# and if gas goes down next week I'll meet you for a early LUNCH!!

PH: I love Charleston, SC!! They have the best BOILED PEANUTS around. I'm glad you're going with Dennis to keep him company. He's putting in A LOT of HOURS and I'm sure he appreciates someone to keep him alert and have the company with him too. BE SAFE

SAN: If you meet up with NAV in a few days tell her we miss her on the boards already. Hope you all can still get to see each other.

To the rest of you lovely people I'm going over to the other boards and if they're working decently I'll just stay over there. This is too much work typing and checking two boards.

Anybody have any suggestions for a good vacuum cleaner. I tried out 8 of them at Lowes tonight and even the $459.00 Dyson wasn't to my liking. It made the most noise!! I think the good ole one I have is better than any new one. I just need to buy some more bags for it!! You know what they say: IF IT AIN'T BROKE ..........DON'T FIX IT!!

Tomorrow I plan on doing the WINDOWS OUTSIDE!! Then REST UP and get ready for the 50th blast.

This is my Godfather who is having this 50th Anniv blast and he fortunately is very well off, so not to sound "uppity" this should be REALLY REALLY NICE. I do know they're having a ethnic band and a Live regular band. Should be a good time. Since they have everything and NEED NOTHING but good wishes most of us going are giving a donation to our church for prayers for their health and their families health. They have a 41 year old dgtr that has CAncer and has been going through Chemo for over 2 years now to keep it from killing her. It's breast cancer, bone cancer and some other place too.
The nice thing about these people is that they give soooooo much to our church and other charities around the city. They have a home in Palm Spring and one here, but you wouldn't know that they had ten cents more than you or I. GREAT PEOPLE. He has supplied Winter Coats to one local Elementary School that one of our choir member was a Principal at until he retired this year.They did this for at least 15 years or more . They named the approach street to the front entrance of the school after him in honor of his generous dontation. Those kids never went without a Winter Coat.

Okay, enough about that.............there are many others in this big USA that are also as generious.

Have a fun weekend everyone.


Cayman....we usually don't refer to people by their cup size and height....so I am not sure about this DDM label.

Looks like the medecine for Matthew's inflamation is working....they cancelled the surgeon visit yesterday. Looks like he may be able to go home on Tuesday.


Hi Cayman,
K2, Fay has a Kirby that is between 35 and 40 years old.
All of the travelers have a safe trip and everybody have a good long weekend.


SAN: Glad to hear the GOOD NEWS about Matthew. Sure hope things STAY nice and CALMED DOWN for him when he gets home.

MIssed Marcia earlier. Hope they have a good REST.

She never really did say much about her COUNTERTOPS!! Hope everything got installed correctly and to Marcia's liking.

Mike I've been copying most of my longgggggg posts before hitting the send button, but today I didn't and things worked fine over on the other board. Maybe they actually FIXED THINGS!! Go figure!!

Still HOT and in the near 100's down South. More and more dead showing up. Prayers for everyone down there.

Later all............I'm off to rest my 'bum left leg' for the 50th blast tonight.


yoooooo whoooooooo lookie whooooo i found!!!!!! I was just browsing and saw this said "i have to sign up and say "HI" ... Hope everyone is having a good holiday.. Looks like this is teh group thats post on teh eagle class with Ph right??? thnk i know some of you.. Hi to all.. gotta run... p


I don't think CC is fixed yet...It was slow to come up when I tried.....I think that a lot of people have given up for a while. Hi Ruttie.....how you doin'?


I sent them several email informing them that if thy do not get a better server and host, that they will loose all of their members... If that happens, they will have no income to pay for everything. No response....figures.


Evening everyone. Thought I lost my post on CC, but I refreshed, and there it was!!!

San, so glad Matt is responding well on the meds. How was he tonight?

K2, hope your anniversary party is fun. Sounds like a real special guy.

Ruttie hi there, I have visited you on the Floridian thread. I so admire your spirit. I am a breast cancer survivor of 5 1/2 years, and got through it because of my good attitude and sense of humor. You cannot give up!!! You are an inspiration to all those who have to face something like this. And PH is on our thread on CC.

Cayman good for you being in double digits. KC & I have over 400 days to go until our cruise.

Everyone have a good evening and I'll see you all tomorrow.


Just stopping in to check what's on here and then hitting the SACK.

Ruttie.......small world........nice to see you over here!! How'd you find us?? Just luck or did PH tell you we were over here??? Glad you're on here with us.

Cayman.........I don't think they much care if we come or go on the other CC Board! I really think they're trying to get things fixed, but I'm sure it's a matter of getting money from the sponsors to pay for it too.

Have a FUN SUNDAY all.........I hope to sleep in since it's 2:45 in the morning right now!! :(


Thanks GM I really believe it is a positive attitude that helps alot.. I started my last round on the 1st and with lots of luck i will get through it with no major problems and not have to do it anymore! (the last round was pretty bad I was not able to hold too much in and i actually got THRUSH!!! who gets thrush!!!??? (apparently patient who are on chemo thats who!!)
SAn i am glad your friend is doing better..
K2 my mom is a huge garage sale person.. she got all my kids toys that they play with at her house from garage sales and consignment shops!
Have a great weekend to all..